XML Map Connector Overview

Version 24.2.8965

XML Map Connector Overview

Version 24.2.8965

The XML Map Connector provides a visual designer-driven way to transform XML data from one structure to another. XML is the primary format that CData Arc uses to retrieve and manipulate data. Files are often converted to XML when they enter an Arc flow, and they are generated from XML when they leave the XML flow. Therefore, transforming between XML structures is critical to many use cases.

The XML Map connector provides a flexible and intuitive interface for transforming XML structures. First, a source template file (a file containing the XML structure for all input documents) and a destination template file (a file containing the XML structure that should be output by the connector) should be uploaded to the connector. See Generating Template Files for details.

After the source and destination template files have been uploaded, the Mapping designer is populated with the source and destination XML structure. Then, elements from the source can be dragged-and-dropped onto elements in the destination to establish the mapping relationship. See Using the Designer for details.

Advanced mapping features like formatters, conditionals, and custom scripting are also available in the XML Map Connector.

The How-To Guides section of the documentation includes several guides for EDI mapping flows. These guides cover more than just the use of the XML Map Connector, but are good additional examples.

Video Resources

Watch this short video for a deep dive into many of the XML Map connections options.