
Version 24.3.9106


Version 24.3.9106

While Formatters can handle simple data manipulation and formatting, Operations are used for more complex operations in ArcScript.

Operation Basics

Each operation specifies a set of input parameters and output parameters.

You can write scripts, triggered by events, to automate message processing. You can invoke the built-in operations to automate many common tasks when processing, from file I/O to working directly with the protocol used by the connector. The available operations are described below. You can also make calls to the API in the same way that you invoke the built-in operations. Use arc:call to invoke an operation.

オペレーション名 説明
dbBeginTransaction Executes the BEGIN TRANSACTION SQL command. Indicates the start point of an explicit SQL transaction.
dbCall Executes a stored procedure in the database.
dbEndTransaction Indicates the end of an explicit SQL transaction created using dbBeginTransaction, and provides the option to commit or roll back the transaction.
dbListColumns Lists the columns in a table or view on the database server.
dbListTables Lists the tables in the target database server.
dbListViews Lists the views in the target database server.
dbNonQuery Executes a query against the database.
dbQuery Executes a query against the database.
encDecode Decodes an encoded file or string of data.
encEncode Encodes a file or string of data in a specified encoding format.
excelClose Closes the readable Excel handle created by excelOpen.
excelGet Gets values from an Excel workbook. Commonly used in template files for the Excel connector, but can also be used in dedicated script scenarios such as the Script connector.
excelListSheets Lists the worksheets in a specified Excel workbook.
excelOpen Creates a readable handle for an existing Excel workbook.
fileCopy Copies a file or directory to the path specified.
fileCreate Creates a file at the specified path on disk, and optionally writes to it.
fileDelete Deletes a file or directory.
fileListDir Lists the files and directories in the specified path.
fileMakeDir Creates the directory specified by the path.
fileMove Moves a file or directory to the path specified.
fileRead Reads the contents of an input file and pushes the data out as an attribute on the output item.
fileReadLine Reads and enumerates over the contents of an input file on a line-by-line basis and pushes the data out as an output attribute.
fileWrite Writes encoded data to a new or existing file.
httpGet Issues an HTTP GET request for a specific web-based API resource.
httpPost Issues an HTTP POST request to an API endpoint.
httpPut Issues an HTTP PUT request to an API endpoint.
httpUpload Issues an HTTP POST request using multipart/form-data to upload files to an API endpoint compliant with RFC 1867.
jsonClose Closes the readable JSON handle created by jsonOpen.
jsonDOMGet Gets values from a JSON document.
jsonDOMSearch Loops over the elements in an input JSON document.
jsonOpen Creates a readable handle for JSON data from a URI or static text.
messageRead Reads the contents of a message item and returns the message body in a single output string.
messageReadLine Reads and enumerates over the contents of a message item on a line-by-line basis and returns one line at a time from the message.
sysExecute Executes a program or command.
threadSleep Instructs the current thread to sleep for a configured amount of time.
xmlClose Closes the readable XML handle created by xmlOpen.
xmlDOMGet Gets values from an XML document.
xmlDOMSearch Loops over the elements in an input XML document.
xmlOpen Creates a readable handle for XML data from a URI or static text.
zipCompress Compresses files or folders into an archive. (GZIP, JAR, TAR, ZIP)
zipExtract Extracts files and folders from an existing compressed archive. (GZIP, JAR, TAR, ZIP)
zipScan Scans a compressed archive for information on the files and directories it contains. (GZIP, JAR, TAR, ZIP)