Version 24.2.9039
Version 24.2.9039
All string formatters accept strings as input. For ease of use, they are categorized into the following types:
- Capitalization Formatters: Modify the case of incoming strings.
- Encoding/Decoding Formatters: Convert incoming strings into encoded or decoded strings.
- Logical Formatters: Perform checks on strings that either produce true/false results or act on true/false results.
- Searching Formatters: Search incoming strings for specific information.
- Transform Formatters: Apply transformations to incoming strings. They modify the structure, content, or presentation of the strings according to specific rules, patterns, or requirements.
- Whitespace Formatters: Manage whitespace characters in the incoming strings. Whitespace characters include spaces, tabs, newlines, and other non-printable characters that are used to format and structure text.
Note: The square brackets around the optional parameters of some formatters are not required. They are there to denote that the parameter is optional.