ShipStation Create Shipment Label

Version 24.2.9039

ShipStation Create Shipment Label

The Create Shipment Label action creates a shipping label in ShipStation. This action belongs at the end of a flow.

When creating a shipment label:

XML Map Connector: Package, Ship To, Customs

You must connect an XML Map connector to the ShipStation connector to map the package specifications, “ship to” values, and customs information.

In the example below, the shipment information appears in the Source column, and the ShipStation shipping label parameters appear in the Destination column.

Shipment Label Values

The table below lists the values that you can map for shipment labels using the XML Map connector interface.

Name Data Type Required? Description
CarrierCode String Yes Shipping carrier code.
ServiceCode String Yes Shipping service code.
PackageCode String Yes Package type code.
Confirmation String No Type of delivery confirmation to use. Allowed values are none, delivery, signature, adult_signature, or direct_signature.
Note: direct_signature is available for FedEx only.
ShipDate String Yes Date the order should be shipped.
WeightValue Integer Yes Weight value for the shipment.
WeightUnits String Yes Unit for the weight value.
WeightWeightUnits Integer No Weight Weight Units for the shipment.
DimensionsLength String No Package length.
DimensionsWidth String No Package width.
DimensionsHeight String No Package height.
DimensionsUnits String No Units of measurement for the dimensions. Allowed values are inches or centimeters.
ShipToName String Yes Name of person.
ShipToCompany String Yes Name of company.
ShipToStreet1 String Yes First line of address.
ShipToStreet2 String No Second line of address, if applicable.
ShipToStreet3 String No Third line of address, if applicable.
ShipToCity String Yes Name of city.
ShipToState String Yes Name of state.
ShipToPostalCode String Yes Postal code.
ShipToCountry String Yes Two-character ISO country code.
ShipToPhone String No Telephone number for recipient.
ShipToResidential Boolean Yes Whether the ShipTo address is residential.
ShipToAddressVerified String No Whether the address has been verified by ShipStation. Allowed values are Address not yet validated, Address validated successfully, Address validation warning, or Address validation failed.
InsuranceOptionsInsureShipment String No Whether the shipment should be insured.
InsuranceOptionsProvider String No Preferred insurance provider. Allowed values are shipsurance, carrier, or provider.
Note: provider indicates that a shipment was insured by a third party other than ShipSurance or the carrier. Provider insurance is handled outside of ShipStation and does not affect the cost of processing the label.
InternationalOptionsContents String No Contents for international shipments. Allowed values are merchandise, documents, gift, returned_goods, or sample.
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsCustomsItemId String No ItemId values for customs.
If there are multiple values, separate them with commas (for example, 121221,21211,12121).
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsDescription String No A short description of the items for customs.
If you have multiple items, provide descriptions for each one by separating them with commas (for example, desc1,desc2,desc3).
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsQuantity String No Quantity of each item for customs.
If you have multiple items, provide quantities for each one by separating them with commas (for example, 5,1,4).
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsValue String No Value (in USD) of each item for customs.
If you have multiple items, provide values for each one by separating them with commas (for example, 10,50,100).
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsHarmonizedTariffCode String No Harmonized Commodity Code of each item for customs.
If you have multiple items, provide codes for each one by separating them with commas (for example, 10012,40021,30091).
InternationalOptionsCustomsItemsCountryOfOrigin String No Two-character ISO country code of each item for customs.
If you have multiple items, provide codes for each one by separating them with commas (for example, US,US,US).
InternationalOptionsNonDelivery String No Non-delivery options for international shipments. Allowed values are return_to_sender or treat_as_abandoned.
AdvancedOptionsWarehouseId Integer No The Id of the warehouse that the order will ship from. If the order is fulfilled using a fill provider, there is no warehouse attached and this value is null.
AdvancedOptionsNonMachinable Boolean No Whether the order is non-machinable.
AdvancedOptionsSaturdayDelivery Boolean No Whether the order is to be delivered on a Saturday.
AdvancedOptionsContainsAlcohol Boolean No Whether the order contains alcohol.
AdvancedOptionsStoreId Integer No Id of the store associated with the order. If this value is not specified, ShipStation defaults to the first manual store on the account.
AdvancedOptionsCustomField1 String No Field that allows for custom data to be associated with an order.
AdvancedOptionsCustomField2 String No Field that allows for custom data to be associated with an order.
AdvancedOptionsCustomField3 String No Field that allows for custom data to be associated with an order.
AdvancedOptionsSource String No Original source or marketplace for the order.
AdvancedOptionsMergedOrSplit Boolean No Whether an order has been merged with or split from another order.
AdvancedOptionsMergedIds Integer No If the order was merged, this is an array of the orderIds that were merged.
AdvancedOptionsParentId Integer No If the order was split from a parent order, this is the orderId of the parent order.
AdvancedOptionsBillToParty String No Party to bill for the shipment. Allowed values are my_account, my_other_account, recipient, or third_party.
AdvancedOptionsBillToAccount String No Account number of the party to bill for the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsBillToPostalCode String No Postal code of the party to bill for the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsBillToCountryCode String No Two-character ISO country code of the party to bill for the shipment.
AdvancedOptionsBillToMyOtherAccount String No If AdvancedOptionsBillToParty is set to my_other_account, this is the shippingProviderId value for the desired account. You can make a List Carriers call to obtain shippingProviderId values.

Connector Configuration: Ship From

The configuration pane for the Create Shipment Label connector allows you to specify the ship from information and toggle between test labels and real labels. The table below outlines these values:

Name Data Type Required? Description
Ship From Name String Yes Name of person.
Ship From Company String Yes Name of company.
Ship From Street 1 String Yes First line of address.
Ship From Street 2 String No Second line of address, if applicable.
Ship From Street 3 String No Third line of address, if applicable.
Ship From City String Yes Name of city.
Ship From State String Yes Name of state.
Ship From Postal Code String Yes Postal code.
Ship From Country String Yes Two-character ISO country code.
Ship From Phone String No Telephone number for shipper.
Ship From Residential Boolean Yes Whether the Ship From address is residential.
Ship From Address Verified String No Whether the address has been verified by ShipStation. Allowed values are Address not yet validated, Address validated successfully, Address validation warning, or Address validation failed.
Enable Test Mode Boolean No Whether the shipping label should be a test label. Disabled by default.