Current Release

Version 24.2.8980

Current Release

Version 24.2.8980

Key Features


  • Added Automatic Retry capabilities to jobs.
    • You can configure Automatic Job Retry on the Job Details page.
    • When this feature is enabled, CData Sync re-executes the job.
      • If the last run is an error, Sync re-connects and attempts to run the full job.
      • If the last run fails, Sync executes only the specific tasks that failed.
  • Improved the Email Server settings:
    • Added badges for email addresses.
    • Added the To and Error Only fields in Settings > Notifications.
    • After you configure notification settings at the application level, notifications are turned on automatically for all newly created jobs.
  • SQL transformations now support the CALL statement.
  • Exporting settings now requires a password to encrypt sensitive values.
  • Improved the performance of the initial snapshot for Change Data Capture jobs. Added the SnapshotSize job option to control how many records to retrieve incrementally with the default value is set to 100K rows.
  • Added PostgreSQL as a source for reverse ETL jobs.
  • Improved custom schema generation.
    • Deprecated the Location connection property. Now, Sync always write schema files to /<ApplicationDirectory>/connections/<ConnectionName>/.
    • Removed invalid input parameters.


  • The /api.rsc/$oas endpoint now returns the version of Sync.
  • The password for a user can now be updated using the Sync API.
  • The Logs tab for connections now refreshes automatically when the test connection fails.
  • Connecting via OAuth now generates only one log file instead of three.
  • Improved previewing connection logs.
    • Increased the size of the dialog box.
    • Added line wrapping.
  • When you import a job, the schedule is turned off. This feature should prevent jobs from starting immediately after successfully importing them.
  • Updated the Install Connector flow to include Automatically install connector and Manually install connector options.
  • Changing the Application Log Level setting no longer requires Sync to restart.


  • Fixed the location of Start Menu shortcuts that incorrectly included the current year. Shortcuts are now written to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Program\CData Sync\.
  • Fixed an issue where the Add Tasks dialog box flashed “Select Schema” for sources that do not support multiple schemas.
  • Fixed an issue where Sync incorrectly used an older version of a connector.
  • Fixed multiple profiles that did not properly render the connection settings.
  • Fixed an issue where tasks allowed the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE commands. Sync now validates that the query is a REPLICATE, CACHE or CHECKCACHE command.
  • Fixed an issue where the server logs were not always written to the httpserver folder.
  • Fixed an issue where renaming a job caused the loss of configured events.
  • Fixed an issue where the API Access and Active checkboxes did not accurately show whether a user was active or had API access.
  • Fixed an issue where some tasks incorrectly showed incremental replication as Unsupported.