
Version 24.2.8980


Version 24.2.8980

Formatters support modifying or formatting values within a script. You can use value formatters to perform string, date, and math operations on values.

Attributes (variables) are passed into formatters using vertical pipes (|):

[item.attribute | formatter(parameters)]

In this line, formatter specifies the name of the formatter and parameters is an optional set of parameters to control formatter output. You can use multiple formatters by delimiting each formatter with a vertical pipe (“|”). The list of formatters are evaluated from left to right, and the output from one formatter will be piped into the next formatter.

[item.attribute | formatter(parameters)] | formatter(parameters) | ...]


  • In the following code snippet, any asterisk character (*) in the myid attribute’s value is replaced by -. The resulting value is assigned to

      <api:set attr="" value="[myid | replace('*', '-')]"/>
  • In the following example, two value formatters are chained with the pipe (|) character. In the example, only .log files are pushed from the operation.

      <api:call op="fileListDir">
        <api:check attr="name" value="[filename| tolower | endswith('.log')]">
  • The total cost for a purchase-order line item might need to be calculated by multiplying the item quantity with the price per item, as shown below:

      <api:set attr="cost" value="[itemQuantity | multiply([itemPrice])]" />