January 2023

Version 24.2.8980

January 2023

Version 24.2.8980

Key Features

  • User Interface Modernization.
    • Login screen
    • Navigation bar
    • Dashboard
  • Cross-Platform Edition Windows Installer
    • Includes OpenJDK
    • Creates the CData Sync service when installation completes
  • Cross-Platform Edition Linux
    • Replaced the .zip file with .tar.gz
  • .NET Edition Sync Installer
    • Creates the CData Sync service when the installation completes
  • Job history, Application logs, and Audit logs were moved to the new Logs page.

CData Sync Application


  • History Mode is now supported for all Change Data Capture (CDC) sources.
  • The Licensing tab now includes a usage table that sums rows that are processed over different date ranges.
  • A new table was added on the Dashboard. That table lists the upcoming schedule for jobs.
  • Google Big Query is now supported as a DBT transformation.
  • Added support for running Sync behind a proxy by using the BaseURL property.
  • Added validation for certain drive paths.


  • Improved the performance of loading the connections and jobs pages.
  • Increased the duration of error alerts on Job Settings page.
  • Improved error messages when attempting to sign in via SSO.
  • Improved the Archive Logs experience and validation of user inputs.
  • Improved alerts after downloading and installing connectors.


  • Fixed an uncommon issue where importing the application settings can produce duplicate entries in the application database.
  • Fixed an issue where CDC jobs cannot find the correct status table when you use the destination schema.
  • Fixed an issue where, in certain scenarios, the Table Name Prefix is not applied to the query automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where the application log filter All does not include Debug level log messages.
  • Fixed an issue where the Last Update value disappears from some tasks after you save job settings.
  • Fixed an issue where, in rare instances, Sync incorrectly marked some connections as “not licensed.”



  • SQL Server: Added support for AzurePassword AuthScheme type.


  • NetSuite: Fixed an issue where the OAuthAccessToken and OAuthAccessTokenSecret were hidden when the Token AuthScheme was used.
  • Amazon S3: Fixed an issue where the AmazonS3 icon did not show up in the Add More list.
  • MySQL: Fixed an issue where the JSON data type triggered Alter Column statements on each run.
  • SQL Server: Fixed an issue where Sync could not replicate tables with spaces or special characters in CDC jobs.
  • Oracle: Fixed an issue where special characters in the password were not supported.