Settings Page

Version 24.2.8980

Settings Page

The Settings page in the CData Sync application contains global settings and user management tools. The following sections explain the purpose of each tab on this page.

Users Tab

The Users tab contains a table of the users that are authorized to access the application. This table displays the credentials information, role, and status for each user. For more information, see User Management and Roles.

Notifications Tab

The Notifications tab enables you to configure email notifications that can be sent to you after the completion of a job run. Notification emails contain information regarding the overall job run, including the status of each query. For more information, see Notifications.

Note: By default, each job that you create automatically uses your global notification settings for that job.

To enable alert notifications for a job, you need to configure your global email server and authentication properties, as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Settings page and click the Notifications tab.

  2. Click the Edit icon () in the Email Server Settings box to open the Email Server Settings dialog box.

  3. Configure the following properties for the SMTP mail server that is used to send notifications:

    • SMTP Server - Enter the name of the SMTP mail server.

    • Port - Enter the port on which to connect to the SMTP server. The default port is 25.

    • Use CData Sync proxy Settings - Select Enable if you want SMTP to use proxy settings on the Advanced tab on the Settings page. By default, the Enable checkbox is not selected.

    • From - Enter the email address to display in the From text box. The default address is [email protected].

    • To - Enter the default email address to which notifications should be sent.

    • Errors Only - This property specifies whether Sync sends notifications for all job runs or for only job runs where errors occur. By default, Sync sends notifications for all job runs. To enable global notifications only when errors occur, select Enable under the Errors Only property.

    • SSL Mode - Select the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) mode that you want to use. The default value is STARTTLS.

    • Authentication - Select the authentication scheme that you want to use. After you select your scheme, fill out any associated properties, as shown below.

      • None - Select this scheme if you do not want to use authentication.

      • OAuth 2.0 - When you select this scheme, you also must set the following properties:

        • Username - Enter the username that you use to authenticate to the SMTP Server.

        • Auth URL - Enter the authorization URL for the OAuth service.

        • Access Token URL - Enter the URL from which to retrieve the OAuth access token.

        • Client Id - Enter the client Id that you were assigned when you registered your application with an OAuth authorization server.

        • Client Secret - Enter the client secret that you were assigned when you registered your application with an OAuth authorization server.

        • Refresh Token URL - Enter the URL from which to refresh the OAuth token.

        • Scope - Enter the scope for which to obtain the initial access and refresh token.

      After you specify these properties, click Connect.

      • Basic Auth - When you select this scheme, you also must set the following properties:

        • Username - The username that you use to authenticate to the SMTP server.

        • Password - The password that you use to authenticate to the SMTP server.

  4. Click Save to save your settings and to return to the Notifications tab on the Settings page.

To enable or disable email alert notifications globally for jobs, use the toggle switch on the global Settings page, as shown below.

Admin API Tab

The Admin API tab of the Settings page enables you to control settings that are related to the CData Sync API. This tab contains three sections:

  • Trusted IP Addresses

  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

  • Other Settings

Trusted IP Addresses

This section defines the IP addresses that are allowed to make connections to the Sync API. The following functions are available:

  • Add: Opens a dialog box where you can enter a new IP address range.

  • Edit: Opens a dialog box where you can modify the selected IP address range.

  • Delete: Deletes the selected IP address range from the list.

The following restrictions apply to this setting:

  • localhost is always allowed to access the Sync API. This behavior cannot be changed.

  • Ranges are supported. For example, the entry indicates that IP addresses between and are allowed. Any IP addresses outside of that range are rejected.

  • Wildcard patterns are supported. For example, the entry 100.10.100.* indicates that IP addresses beginning with 100.10.100 are allowed. Any IP addresses outside of that range are rejected.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

CORS enables browser-based clients to connect to the Sync application. Without CORS, browser-based scripts cannot connect to the Sync API because of the same-origin policy that is enforced by the browser. This policy restricts client-side scripts and documents from replicating resources outside of their origin. The origin of a script consists of the protocol, the host, and the port.

If you enable CORS, you can configure it with the following options:

  • Allow all domains without ‘*‘: When this option is enabled, Sync allows any origin that is passed by the client by returning that origin in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Enter the origins for which Sync will participate in CORS. Sync returns these origins in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. When this option is set to ‘*’, Sync allows any origin and passes ‘*’ in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. This behavior is suitable for public APIs.

  • Access-Control-Allow-Methods: For this option, enter a comma-separated list of allowed methods.

  • Access-Control-Allow-Headers: For this option, enter a comma-separated list of headers that can be used in requests that are made by the script.

  • Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: Set this option to True if you want to require that clients provide credentials.

  • Access-Control-Max-Age: Enter the number of seconds that the user agent can cache preflight requests.

Other Settings

The Other Settings section contains one option: Allow Authtoken in URL. For more information about this option, see Authentication.


The single sign-on (SSO) tab contains settings that are required in order to link user authentication in Sync with identity providers (such as Microsoft Azure Active Directory) that support the OpenID standard. For more information, see Single Sign-On.

Migration Tab

The Migration tab enables you to perform a full import or export of your application, including all of the global application data and settings.

Migrating your Sync configuration enables you to export connections, jobs, and application settings from one Sync installation to another.

You export global application data here by using the Export button. Doing so exports your data in a ZIP file. This file type stores global application data such as multiple workspaces and settings as well as users, reports, and other global data.

In a similar way, you can import application data by using the Import button to import data via a ZIP file.

To migrate your Sync configuration to a new installation:

  1. Click the Settings tab on the Sync top navigation bar.

  2. Click the Migration tab on the Applications Settings screen. From this tab, you can export or import Sync settings, as follows:

    • Click Export to downloads all jobs, connections, and Sync settings into zipped CSV files.

    • Click Import to select a Sync settings file. Then, click Choose File and navigate to the correct ZIP file to import your previously saved settings.

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab provides cleanup settings, dbt Cloud connection section, proxy settings, and other settings that you might want to set for a job.

Cleanup Settings

Sync enables you to archive and cleanup logs, either in the same instance of Sync that is running (local disk) or in an Amazon S3 bucket. You can perform cleanup activities from the Cleanup Settings category on the Advanced tab.

To clean up and archive your logs:

  1. Open Sync and navigate to the Clean-up Settings category on the Advanced tab. (Settings > Advanced).

  2. Click the edit icon to set the properties that are listed below. (The edit icon is next to the documentation icon at the top right of that category.)

    • Type: Select Archive.

    • Retention Period (Days): Set the number of days that you want the log files to be held in the original directory. When this number expires, Sync archives these files.

    • Daily Clean-up Time: Specify the time that you want to run the cleanup job each day. If you want to run the cleanup job immediately, return to the Clean-up Settings category on the Advanced tab and click Run Clean-up.

    • Archive Type: Select either LocalDisk or S3, depending on where you want the archived logs to be stored.

      • If you select Local Disk, you need to specify where to store the files. In the Local Archive Folder text box, specify the path on the server where you want to place the archived files.

      • If you select S3, specify the following settings:

        • S3 Bucket: Specify the name of your S3 bucket.

        • S3 Access Key: Specify the access key for your S3 bucket.

        • S3 Secret Key: Specify the secret key for your S3 bucket.

        • S3 Region: Specify the region where Amazon stores your bucket.

    After you specify these settings, click Test Connection to verify that your S3 connection works.

  3. Click Save to save your settings and return to the Advanced tab.

dbt Cloud

dbt Cloud enables you to write, run, and test code as well as manage version control in your dbt project from your browser (no command-line use is required). For details about how to connect to dbt Cloud, see dbt Cloud Details.

Proxy Settings

The Proxy Settings category contains global outbound-proxy settings. Connectors that support an outbound proxy (such as AS3) default to these settings, but you can configure individual connectors with separate proxy settings on the Advanced tab of some other connectors (for example, FTP and SFTP).

  • Proxy Type The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall.
  • Proxy Host The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall.
  • Proxy Port The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall.
  • Proxy User The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall.
  • Proxy Password A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall.
  • Authentication Scheme Leave the default None or choose from one of the following authentication schemes: Basic, Digest, Proprietary, or NTLM.

Additional Settings

The Additional Settings category enables you to configure additional application settings, such as setting your logs folder, choosing the application log level, determining whether to use cluster mode, and setting a base URL for running Sync via proxy.

Licensing Tab

The Licensing tab provides your licensing information, connector-usage information, and the version of Sync that you are running. This tab also displays the number of connections that you are currently using, your license expiration date, and your node Id. In addition, you can access information about upgrading your license by clicking Compare licenses in the settings information box on this tab.

If you purchase a new license, you can install the license by clicking the Change License edit icon in the settings box on the License tab. This icon opens the Change License dialog box (shown below), from which you can you can add the new license.

Note: You can extend a trial license by contacting [email protected] and giving them your node Id.