
Version 22.0.8473


Version 22.0.8473

Lists the views in the database.

Required Parameters

  • driver: The JDBC driver class name in the Java version or the ADO.NET provider name in the .NET version.
  • conn: The connection string or database URL.

Optional Parameters

  • user: The database username passed to initialize the JDBC connection object. This can also be set in the JDBC URL.
  • password: The database password passed to initialize the JDBC connection object. This can also be set in the JDBC URL.
  • IncludeSystemViews: Whether to include system views or not. The allowed values are ‘True, False’. The default value is ‘False’.
  • Schema: The view schema.

Output Attributes

  • db:name: The name of the table.
  • db:type: The type of the table.
  • db:schema: The schema to which the table belongs.
  • db:catalog: The catalog to which the table belongs.