
Version 22.0.8473


Version 22.0.8473

Sends an email using the server information (SMTP server hostname/IP, user, password, etc) from the Alerts section of the Advanced tab in the Profile page.

Required Parameters

  • To: A comma-separated list of addresses where the email should be sent.
  • Subject: The subject line for the outbound email.
  • Message: The plaintext body of the email to send (should not be used if the message is HTML).
  • Html: The HTML body of the email to send (should not be used if the message is plaintext).

Optional Parameters

  • Attachment#: An array of filepaths corresponding to the files to attach to the message.
  • AttachmentData#: An array of base64-encoded data blobs that will be treated as file contents for attached files (when using this parameter, the AttachmentName# parameter must also be used to name these attached files)
  • AttachmentName#: An array of filenames used to name the files attached to the message (must be used when providing AttachmentData#).