
Version 24.2.8965


Use the arc:set keyword to set a value on an attribute. If an attribute is set in an item that does not exist, the item is automatically created.

You have two ways to set a value using arc:set. You can set the value parameter or, for large values that are multi-line and complex, you can set the value using the scope of the keyword itself.


  • item: Specify the item in which the attribute is set. If an item is not specified, the default item is used.
  • attr: The name of the attribute. You can also specify the item using dot notation (for example, item.prefix:attr).
    • A complete attribute name has both a prefix and an attribute name, but the prefix is not required.
    • Attributes can also be denoted as an array by using a hash (#). This means that the array can contain more than one value, where each value can be referred to using 1-based indexing. For example, attr="myitem.myattribute#2" refers to the second value in the myattribute attribute.
  • value: The value to assign to the attribute. If this parameter is not provided, the entire body of the arc:set keyword is used as the value. This is convenient when setting long or multi-line values.
  • copyfrom: The attributes from the item specified in this parameter are copied to the item specified by the item parameter.

Control Attributes



Use the scope of the keyword to set a value to the message attribute of the item named input:

<arc:set item="input" attr="message">
  Dear [name],
  You have won a cruise trip to Hawaii.
  Please confirm your acceptance by [date].
  Thanks, [sales]

See Also

  • arc:unset: Remove an attribute from an item.
  • arc:setm: Set multiple attributes with only one keyword.