
Version 24.2.8965


CData Arc is a web application, and can be hosted using the embedded web server included with the installation or on an external web server. The following topics contain information related to administering the application.

Dashboard Page

The Dashboard topic describes how to configure your landing page to display metrics and other dashboard data that is important to you and your organization.

Profiles Page

The Profiles topic introduces the connectors that require partner connection settings that are used globally across the application.

Settings Page

The topics in the Settings section cover the global Arc settings, including:

  • User Management and Roles
  • Certificates
  • Alerts
  • Admin API
  • Connections
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Vault
  • Advanced settings
  • Licensing

Activity Page

The Activity topic covers two distinct features. It details the various types of logs in Arc, including:

  • Messages
  • Transactions
  • Application
  • Access
  • Audit

It is also where you find details about the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) configured across the application, and their statuses.

Importing and Exporting

The Importing and Exporting topic explains how to import or export connectors, flows, or workspaces. It includes details on how to configure import and export tasks, and how to resolve potential import conflicts.


The Reports topic describes how to create, schedule, and manage reports for various data trends in the application.

Security Best Practices

The Security Best Practices topic provides information on security-related features available in Arc and describes the best practices we recommend you follow.