Date Formatters

Version 24.2.8965

Date Formatters

Common Date Formatters

The following formatters are the most common date formatters. An example for each formatter is provided for reference.

Additional examples of date format syntax are provided in Sample Date Formats.

Note: The square brackets around the optional parameters of some formatters are not required. They are there to denote that the parameter is optional.


Returns the current system datetime according to the specified outputformat (the default format is: yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:sszzz). This formatter is unusual in that it does not modify the input attribute (variable), so an input attribute is not required.

  • outputformat: The optional format specifier. Valid specifiers include d (short date pattern), D (long date pattern), f (long date/short time pattern), F (long date/time pattern), g (general short date/time pattern), G (general short date/long time pattern), r or R (RFC1123 pattern), s (sortable date/time pattern), t (short time pattern), T (long time pattern), file (Windows file time), MM/dd/yy, and so on.


<arc:set attr="timestamp" value="[now()]" />

todate([outputformat][, inputformat][, strictInputFormat])

Formats the input attribute as a date in the format specified by outputformat (the default output format is: yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:sszzz). For examples of date formats and how they are expressed, see Sample Date Formats.

  • outputformat: The optional format specifier. Valid specifiers include d (short date pattern), D (long date pattern), f (long date/short time pattern), F (long date/time pattern), g (general short date/time pattern), G (general short date/long time pattern), r or R (RFC1123 pattern), s (sortable date/time pattern), t (short time pattern), T (long time pattern), file (Windows file time), MM/dd/yy, and so on.
  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.
  • strictInputFormat: Checks whether the incoming date value matches the input format. If it does not, throw an error.

The formatter attempts to auto-detect the format of the input value, but you can specify the inputformat parameter if the formatter is unable to determine the input format.

Use the strictInputFormat argument to check whether the incoming date value matches the input format: if it does not the task throws an error instead of converting the date to a standard date format. The default is not to check. To force the check, add true to the formatter.


<arc:set attr="simpleDate" value="01-30-2020" />
<arc:set attr="reformattedDate" value="[simpleDate | todate('yyyyMMdd', 'dd-MM-yyyy')]" />

dateadd(intervaltype, value[, outputformat][, inputformat])

Adds a specified amount of time to the input date and returns the result.

  • intervaltype: The unit of time to add (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, or millisecond).
  • value How many of the until selected in intervaltype to add.
  • outputformat: The optional format specifier. Valid specifiers include d (short date pattern), D (long date pattern), f (long date/short time pattern), F (long date/time pattern), g (general short date/time pattern), G (general short date/long time pattern), r or R (RFC1123 pattern), s (sortable date/time pattern), t (short time pattern), T (long time pattern), file (Windows file time), MM/dd/yy, and so on.
  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.

The formatter attempts to auto-detect the format of the input value, but you can specify the inputformat parameter if the formatter is unable to determine the datetime format of the input attribute. The result is returned in the format specified by outputformat (the default format is: yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:sszzz).


<arc:set attr="shipdate" value="2020-03-15" />
<arc:set attr="estmArrivalDate" value="[shipdate | dateadd('day', 2)]" />

More Date Formatters

The following lists the less-common formatters.

compare([value][, inputformat])

Returns a signed number indicating the relative values of dates represented by the attribute value and parameter value.

  • value: The optional string representation of the date to compare with the attribute value. The default is now.
  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.


Returns the current system date and time in the format specified by the parameter if one was provided.

  • outputformat: The optional format specifier. Valid specifiers include d (short date pattern), D (long date pattern), f (long date/short time pattern), F (long date/time pattern), g (general short date/time pattern), G (general short date/long time pattern), r or R (RFC1123 pattern), s (sortable date/time pattern), t (short time pattern), T (long time pattern), file (Windows file time), MM/dd/yy, and so on.

Note: This formatter is an alias for the now() formatter described above.

datediff([interval][, value][, inputformat])

Returns the difference (in units specified by the interval parameter) between now and the date specified by the value parameter.

  • interval: The optional interval you want the result in. Specify day, hour, minute, second, or millisecond.
  • value: The optional string representation of the date to compare with attribute value. The default is now.
  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.


Returns the day component, expressed as a value between 1 and 31, of the date represented by the attribute value.

  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.


Returns the day of week for the date represented by the attribute value.

  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.


Returns the day of year expressed as a value between 1 and 366 for the date represented by the attribute value.

  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.


Returns the date and time for the current system file time.


Converts a valid file time to a valid datetime value formatted as specified by the outputformat parameter (if one is provided).

  • outputformat: The optional format specifier. Valid specifiers include d (short date pattern), D (long date pattern), f (long date/short time pattern), F (long date/time pattern), g (general short date/time pattern), G (general short date/long time pattern), r or R (RFC1123 pattern), s (sortable date/time pattern), t (short time pattern), T (long time pattern), file (Windows file time), MM/dd/yy, and so on.

isleap([ifleap][, ifnotleap])

Returns true (or ifleap) if the 4-digit year represented by the attribute value is a leap year, and false (or ifnotleap) otherwise.

  • ifleap: The optional value returned if the attribute value is a leap year.
  • ifnotleap: The optional value returned if the attribute value is not a leap year.


Returns the month component expressed as a value between 1 and 12 of the date represented by the attribute value.

  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.


Converts a valid datetime to a valid file time value.

  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.

toutc([outputformat][, inputformat])

Returns the date specified by the attribute value converted to UTC and formatted as specified by the outputformat parameter (if one is provided).

  • outputformat: The optional format specifier. Valid specifiers include d (short date pattern), D (long date pattern), f (long date/short time pattern), F (long date/time pattern), g (general short date/time pattern), G (general short date/long time pattern), r or R (RFC1123 pattern), s (sortable date/time pattern), t (short time pattern), T (long time pattern), file (Windows file time), MM/dd/yy, and so on.


Returns the current system UTC date and time.

  • outputformat: The optional format specifier. Valid specifiers include d (short date pattern), D (long date pattern), f (long date/short time pattern), F (long date/time pattern), g (general short date/time pattern), G (general short date/long time pattern), r or R (RFC1123 pattern), s (sortable date/time pattern), t (short time pattern), T (long time pattern), file (Windows file time), MM/dd/yy, and so on.


Returns the day of the week as an integer where Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6.

  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.


Returns the year component of the date represented by the attribute value.

  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. The default is autodetected.

Sample Date Formats

Following are sample date format strings for reference. Use them to customize the date formatters to fit your use case. Because there are differences between what is supported in each edition, this section includes results for both the Cross-Platform and .NET editions.

For each example in the following table, the day is March 5th, 2024. The time is 12 hours, 31 minutes, 5 seconds, and 336 milliseconds after midnight in the Eastern Standard time zone (UTC-5).

Date Format String Cross-Platform Result .NET Result
MM-dd-yy 03-05-24 03-05-24
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm 03/05/2024 12:31 03/05/2024 12:31
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 2024-03-05 12:31:05 2024-03-05 12:31:05
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS 2024-03-05 12:31:05.336 Not applicable for .NET
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff 2024-03-05 12:31:05.336 2024-03-05 12:31:05.336
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss X 2024-03-05 17:31:05 -05 Not applicable for .NET
ddd dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz Tue 05 Mar 2024 12:31:05 -05:00 Tue 05 Mar 2024 12:31:05 -05:00
ddd dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z Tue 05 Mar 2024 12:31:05 -0500 Tue 05 Mar 2024 12:31:05 -5

Date Formats With Literal Characters

When working with literals (like ‘T’) in DateTime strings, pay careful attention to the quote characters that might be used outside of the formatter. For example, if the formatter is used in a value XML attribute to assign a value to an ArcScript attribute, you might need to use different quote styles or escape sequences to avoid terminating the string too early.

For example, if you are creating a datetime value for an item’s attribute in a custom script and you need a literal, you might choose to define the value for the attribute between the opening and closing arc:set tags. Notice that value="" is not set.

<arc:set attr="">[_ | now("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")]</arc:set>