
Version 24.2.8965


Use the arc:case keyword with the arc:select keyword. arc:case consists of a block of ArcScript that is executed if the value in arc:select matches the value in arc:case.


  • value: The pattern or value to compare against the value specified in arc:select.
  • match: The type of matches to find to determine whether the case statement should be executed. The default is exact, which requires an exact match of the value. Other supported types are regex for regular expression matching, and glob, which supports a simple expression model similar to the one used in file-name patterns (such as *.txt). The .NET edition of the application uses the .NET Framework version of regular expression matching. The Cross-Platform edition uses Java regular expression constructs.

Control Attributes



Display an icon based on a condition. The arc:case elements match CompanyA and CompanyB in the company_name attribute. If any occurrences are found, take the action associated with that case.

<arc:select value="[company_name]">
  <arc:case value="CompanyA">
    <img src="" />
  <arc:case value="CompanyB">
    <img src="" />
    <img src=""/>

See Also