
Version 24.2.8965


Copies a file or directory to the path specified.

Required Parameters

  • source: The path of the file (including the filename) or directory to copy.
  • destination: The path of the file (including the filename) or directory where the file or directory is copied to.

Optional Parameters

  • force: Controls whether the operation creates missing directories in the destination path. The allowed values are true and false. The default is true. This is commonly used in conjunction with the recurse parameter when you need to mirror the directory structure of the source in the destination.
  • mask: The pattern used to select the entries to be copied. The default value is *. (For example, a mask of *.xml matches all xml files in the source.)
  • recurse: Recursively copy files and directories from the source. In this case the destination is assumed to be a directory. The allowed values are false and true. The default is false.

Output Attributes

  • file:source: The full path of the source file or directory.
  • file:destination: The full path of the destination file or directory.


Copy a Single File

<!-- Creating the input item with the associated source and destination attributes -->
<arc:set attr="input.source" value="/tmp/foo/helloworld.txt" />
<arc:set attr="input.destination" value="/tmp/bar/helloworld.txt" />

<!-- Calling fileCopy and passing in the input item -->
<arc:call op="fileCopy" in="input" out="result">
  <!-- Optional: Logging information about the copied file to the application log --> 
  <arc:set attr="" value="The file located at [result.file:source] was copied to [result.file:destination]"/>

Recursively Copy a Directory and its Contents

When this script is executed, the directory structure present in /tmp/foo is mirrored in /tmp/bar. Only .xml files are copied over from the source to the destination.

<!-- Creating the input item with the associated source and destination attributes -->
<arc:set attr="input.source" value="/tmp/foo" />
<arc:set attr="input.destination" value="/tmp/bar" />

<!-- Adding the optional mask parameter to only copy files in the directory that have the xml file extension --> 
<arc:set attr="input.mask" value="*.xml" />
<!-- Setting the recurse parameter to true to recursively copy any files and directories inside the source location --> 
<arc:set attr="input.recurse" value="true" />
<!-- Setting the force parameter to true so that the operation creates the necessary directories in the destination -->
<arc:set attr="input.force" value="true"/>  

<!-- Calling fileCopy and passing in the input item -->
<arc:call op="fileCopy" in="input" out="result">
  <!-- Optional: Logging information about the copied file to the application log --> 
  <arc:set attr="" value="The directory [result.file:source] was copied and placed within the following directory: [result.file:destination]"/>