
Version 24.2.8965


Version 24.2.8965

API Actions extend the set of operations on that can be performed on Resources. Actions can also execute operations unrelated to specific Resources. Actions are always invoked via an HTTP POST.

Each Action is exposed at a dedicated application endpoint using the following convention: /api.rsc/actionName. For example, if CData Arc is hosted on and listening on port 8001, the following endpoint would be used to access the archiveLogs Action:


The parameters of the Action are specified in the JSON-formatted body of the HTTP post. The request must include the appropriate content-type header (e.g. application/json) for the POST body to be interpreted correctly. The available parameters for each Action are detailed in the API Browser within the application UI.

The Admin API includes the following Actions:

  • archiveLogs Move log data from the application database into an archive file on disk.
  • copyConnector Create a new Arc connector using an existing connector configuration.
  • copyWorkspace Create a new Arc workspace by making copies of all the connectors in an existing workspace.
  • createCert Create a new digital certificate (public/private key pair) for encryption, signing, decryption, verification, SSL/TLS, etc.
  • exchangeCert Update a connector’s digital certificate
  • export Create a configuration file (.arcflow) out of profiles settings, connector settings, or workspace settings
  • getMessageCount Retrieves a count of all the unsent messages across all connectors in single workspace.
  • getTransactionLogs Retrieve detailed Transaction Log data for a specific transaction
  • import Import profiles settings, connector settings, or workspace settings to Arc from a configuration archive (.arcflow)
  • receiveFile Instruct a specified connector to download/receive a specified file (or all applicable files based on the connector’s configuration).
  • sendFile Instruct a connector to process (upload, send, transform, etc) a file in that connector’s input folder.
  • setFlow Sets the flow connections for the specified workspace.