
Version 24.2.8965


Use the arc:push keyword to push an item into the output feed of the script. If your script has no arc:push elements, no output items result from it.


  • item: The item to push into the feed. If not supplied, the item at the top of the stack is pushed.
  • title: The title for the feed item.
  • desc[ription]: The description for the feed item. If not supplied, the scope of the arc:push keyword is used. The scope of the arc:push keyword can contain other keywords, HTML tags, and so on. Everything is evaluated as a template and is used to set the description.
  • op: The name of the operation to call and then push the resulting items. For example:

      <arc:push op="ops" in="input" out="output" />   

    This is a shorthand for the following:

      <arc:call op="ops" in="input" out="output">
        <arc:push item="output" />
  • enc[oding]: The encoding of the description. By default, the application pushes the description as escaped XML. You can set this parameter to cdata to encode the description as CDATA (which includes unescaped XML).

Control Attributes



Create a description for each item pushed out. The description is the text within the scope of the arc:push keyword, as shown below:

<arc:call op="fileListDir?mask=*.log">
    The .log file contains details about the transmission, including any error messages.