File Formatters

Version 24.2.8965

File Formatters

Common File Formatters

The following formatters are the most common file formatters. An example for each formatter is provided for reference.

Note: The square brackets around the optional parameters of some formatters are not required. They are there to denote that the parameter is optional.


Returns the file extension from the specified file.


<arc:set attr="myFile" value="[FilePath]" />
<arc:if exp="[myFile | fileext() | equals('.err')]">
  <arc:throw code="1" desc="Error file detected." />


Returns the absolute path for the specified file or folder.


<arc:set attr="myFile.relativepath" value="../test.xml" />
<arc:set attr="myFile.absolutepath" value="[myFile.relativepath | fullpath()]" />

More File Formatters

Below is the list of less-common formatters not included in the previous section.


Returns the name of the directory specified by the folder path.

direxists([ifexist][, ifnotexist])

This formatter returns true (or the value passed in as ifexist) if the folder at the specified path exists, and false (or the value passed in as ifnotexist) otherwise.

  • ifexist: The optional value returned if the directory exists.
  • ifnotexist: The optional value returned if the directory does not exist.


Returns the creation time of the specified file.

fileexists([ifexist][, ifnotexist])

This formatter returns true (or the value passed in as ifexist) if the file at the specified path exists, and false (or the value passed in as ifnotexist) otherwise.

  • ifexist: The optional value returned if the file exists.
  • ifnotexist: The optional value returned if the file does not exist.


Returns the last modification time of the specified file.


Returns the file name from the specified file.


Returns the file size from the specified file.


Returns the current working directory. The attribute that is passed into this formatter is ignored, so common practice is to use the default item _ as the input. For example, [_ | getcwd()].

ischild(path[, ifchild][, ifnotchild])

Returns true (or ifchild) if the path parameter is a child of the path represented passed in by the attribute value, and false (or ifnotchild) otherwise.

  • path: The path to compare with the path represented by the attribute value.
  • ifchild: The optional value returned if the parameter value is a child of the path represented by the attribute value.
  • ifnotchild: The optional value returned if the parameter value is not a child of the path represented by the attribute value.


Combines two path strings.

  • path: The path to be combined with the path represented by the attribute value.


Returns the root directory for the specified path.


Converts the attribute value to a valid file name. Replaces invalid characters with an underscore (_).