
Version 24.2.8965


Version 24.2.8965

Each configured CData Arc user has an Auth Token that can be used to authenticate to the Admin API. For more information about configuring users and user roles, see User Management and Roles.

Using Auth Tokens

Auth Tokens can be used within API requests in several ways:

  • Include an x-cdata-authtoken header in the HTTP request with the value set to an appropriate User’s Auth Token
  • Treat the User and Auth Token as a username/password combination for HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Include the Auth Token in the request URL as a query parameter

This example uses the auth token header (x-cdata-authtoken) as the method for authenticating. To use that method:

  1. Click the Settings icon at the top right of the Arc window. Then click Add to open the Add User dialog or to edit an existing user.

  2. In the resulting dialog, select the check box API Access to display an auth token. (Copy this token to a safe place because the dialog is not shown again. If you lose or delete your auth token, you must create a new one.) Click Save Changes.

To include the Auth Token in the request URL, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings page.

  2. Select the Admin API tab.

  3. In the Other Settings section, select Allow Authtoken in URL.

The syntax of the Auth Token query parameter is @authtoken=myAuthTokenValue.