Database Connector Setup
Version 24.3.9159
Version 24.3.9159
Database Connector Setup
The Database connector allows for connections to many different database types, and can push or pull data from these databases. Follow the steps below to connect CData Arc to your database.
Establish Database Connection
Before you can add the Database connector to your flow, you must configure the connection to your database on the local machine.
Note: Data sources referenced in the Database connector that require licensing should be licensed on the machine outside of Arc.
A data source name (DSN) is required to connect to a database via an ODBC driver, and can be created with the Microsoft ODBC Administrator. Arc must use a system DSN connection for the ODBC driver. Once the DSN has been created in the system, select the appropriate DSN from the Data Source Name connector dropdown.
Note: The Database connector supports ODBC drivers for databases other than the default options. However, custom drivers might require overwriting the queries issued by the connector to fit the syntax expected by the database. See Pre-Processing and Post-Processing Queries for more information. You can also use the Write custom queries option on the Select action.
In order for an ADO.NET provider to be visible to Arc, it must be defined in the machine.config file and registered in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). This can be accomplished manually by knowledgeable users, but CData recommends you install the database client on the machine hosting Arc, because the database-specific installation wizard handles defining and registering the provider.
In order for a JDBC driver to be visible to Arc, it must be included as part of the Java classpath. Arc includes drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Derby; refer to the documentation for the Java web servlet to add a different driver to the classpath.
Note: The Database connector supports JDBC drivers for databases other than the default options. However, custom drivers might require overwriting the queries issued by the connector to fit the syntax expected by the database. Queries can be overwritten using the Write custom query section of an Input Mapping or Output Mapping.
Configure Database Connector
After you configure the database connection, you can add a Database connector to your Arc flow. You must enter the database connection credentials into each instance of the Database connector.
Follow these steps to establish a connection:
Drag the Database connector into an Arc flow and give it a name.
In the Database Connection portion of the Settings tab, choose the Driver Name from the list. The Driver Class is automatically populated.
Choose your Settings Format and enter the requested information in each field. Options vary based on your choice.
- User Supply the database user name. Only applicable for the Property List format.
- Password Supply the user password. Only applicable for the Property List format.
- Database Supply the database name. Only applicable for the Property List format.
- Database URL Supply the URL to the database. Only applicable for the Database URL format.
Click Test Connection to ensure that Arc can connect to the Database. If an error occurs, check all fields and try again.
Click Save Changes.
Note: There are also data source-specific authentication and configuration options on the Advanced tab. They are not all described in this documentation, but you can find detailed information for your data source on the Online Help Files page of the CData website.
Select an Action
After establishing a connection to Database, you must choose the action that the Database connector will perform. The table below outlines each action and where it belongs in an Arc flow.
Action | Description | Position in Flow |
Upsert | Inserts or updates Database data. By default, if a record already exists in Database, an update is performed on the existing data in Database using the values provided from the input. | End |
Lookup | Retrieves values from Database and inserts those values into an already-existing Arc message in the flow. The Lookup Query determines what value the connector will retrieve from Database. It should be formatted as a SQL query against the Database tables. |
Middle |
Lookup Stored Procedure | Treats data coming into the connector as input for a stored procedure, then inserts the result into an existing Arc message in the flow. You can click the Show Sample Data button in the Test Lookup modal to provide sample inputs to the selected Stored Procedure and preview the results. |
Middle |
Select | Retrieves data from Database and brings it into Arc. You can use the Filter panel to add filters to the Select. These filters function similarly to WHERE clauses in SQL. |
Beginning |
Execute Stored Procedures | Treats data coming into the connector as input for a stored procedure, then passes the result down the flow. You can click the Show Sample Data button in the Test Execute Stored Procedure modal to provide sample inputs to the selected Stored Procedure and preview the results. |
Middle |
Automation Tab
Automation Settings
Settings related to the automatic processing of files by the connector.
- Send Whether files arriving at the connector are automatically sent.
- Retry Interval The number of minutes before a failed send is retried.
- Max Attempts The maximum number of times the connector processes the file. Success is measured based on a successful server acknowledgement. If you set this to 0, the connector retries the file indefinitely.
- Receive Whether the connector should automatically query the data source.
- Receive Interval The interval between automatic query attempts.
- Minutes Past the Hour The minutes offset for an hourly schedule. Only applicable when the interval setting above is set to Hourly. For example, if this value is set to 5, the automation service downloads at 1:05, 2:05, 3:05, etc.
- Time The time of day that the attempt should occur. Only applicable when the interval setting above is set to Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
- Day The day on which the attempt should occur. Only applicable when the interval setting above is set to Weekly or Monthly.
- Minutes The number of minutes to wait before attempting the download. Only applicable when the interval setting above is set to Minute.
- Cron Expression A five-position string representing a cron expression that determines when the attempt should occur. Only applicable when the interval setting above is set to Advanced.
Settings related to the allocation of resources to the connector.
- Max Workers The maximum number of worker threads consumed from the threadpool to process files on this connector. If set, this overrides the default setting on the Settings > Automation page.
- Max Files The maximum number of files sent by each thread assigned to the connector. If set, this overrides the default setting on the Settings > Automation page.
Alerts Tab
Settings related to configuring alerts and Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
Connector Email Settings
Before you can execute SLAs, you need to set up email alerts for notifications. Clicking Configure Alerts opens a new browser window to the Settings page where you can set up system-wide alerts. See Alerts for more information.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) Settings
SLAs enable you to configure the volume you expect connectors in your flow to send or receive, and to set the time frame in which you expect that volume to be met. CData Arc sends emails to warn the user when an SLA is not met, and marks the SLA as At Risk, which means that if the SLA is not met soon, it will be marked as Violated. This gives the user an opportunity to step in and determine the reasons the SLA is not being met, and to take appropriate actions. If the SLA is still not met at the end of the at-risk time period, the SLA is marked as violated, and the user is notified again.
To define an SLA, click Add Expected Volume Criteria.
- If your connector has separate send and receive actions, use the radio buttons to specify which direction the SLA pertains to.
- Set Expect at least to the minimum number of transactions (the volume) you expect to be processed, then use the Every fields to specify the time frame.
- By default, the SLA is in effect every day. To change that, uncheck Everyday then check the boxes for the days of the week you want.
- Use And set status to ‘At Risk’ to indicate when the SLA should be marked as at risk.
- By default, notifications are not sent until an SLA is in violation. To change that, check Send an ‘At Risk’ notification.
The following example shows an SLA configured for a connector that expects to receive 1000 files every day Monday-Friday. An at-risk notification is sent 1 hour before the end of the time period if the 1000 files have not been received.
Advanced Tab
Many of the settings on the Advanced tab are dynamically loaded from the data source you are working with, so they are not covered in this documentation. You can find detailed information for your data source on the Online Help Files page of the CData website.
The options described below are available for all data sources.
- Save to Sent Folder Check this to copy files processed by the connector to the Sent folder for the connector.
- Sent Folder Scheme Instructs the connector to group messages in the Sent folder according to the selected interval. For example, the Weekly option instructs the connector to create a new subfolder each week and store all messages for the week in that folder. The blank setting tells the connector to save all messages directly in the Sent folder. For connectors that process many messages, using subfolders helps keep messsages organized and improves performance.
Advanced Settings
Advanced settings are common settings for connectors that rely on arbitrary database drivers (for example, Database, CData, and API connectors) in order to make connections to various data sources.
- Auto Truncate When enabled, the connector automatically truncates any string or binary column values that are longer than the allowed limit.
- Command Timeout The command execution timeout duration in seconds.
- Last Inserted Id Query Provide a query to execute to retrieve the auto-increased Id for the last inserted record.
- Log Level The verbosity of logs generated by the connector. When you request support, set this to Debug.
- Local File Scheme A scheme for assigning filenames to messages that are output by the connector. You can use macros in your filenames dynamically to include information such as identifiers and timestamps. For more information, see Macros.
- Log Messages When checked, the connector keeps a copy of the message next to the logs for the message in the Logs directory. If you disable this, you might not be able to download a copy of the file from the Input or Output tabs.
- Max Failed Records The maximum number of records that are allowed to fail during insertion to allow processing to continue. The default value of 0 means that any errors cause the input message to be marked as an Error, and any uncommitted transactions are rolled back. A value of -1 means that all errors are ignored and the connector continues attempting to insert subsequent records. A positive value means that the connector continues attempting to insert records until the threshold is reached.
- Output File Format The format in which output data is represented. The default value (XML) causes the connector to output an XML file for every record that is processed, while optionally combining multiple records into a single data structure (depending on the value of Max Records). The CSV and TSV options output data in their respective file formats. This option is not available for complex table structures that include child tables.
- Process Changes Interval Unit Applicable to Select action only. When Use column columnname for processing new or changed records is checked in the Advanced portion of the Select Configuration section of the Settings tab, this controls how to interpret the Process Changes Interval setting (for example, Hours, Days, or Weeks). See Only Process New or Changed Records for details on this and the following two settings.
- Process Changes Interval When Use column columnname for processing new or changed records is checked on the Select Configuration section of the Settings tab, this controls how much historical data Arc attempts to process on the first attempt. For example, keeping the default of 180 (Days) means Arc only attempts to process data that has been created or modified in the last 180 days.
- Process Changes Start Date When Use column columnname for processing new or changed records is checked on the Select Configuration section of the Settings tab, this controls the start date of the data to retrieve.
- Reset History Resets the cache stored when Use column columnname for processing new or changed records is checked.
- Batch Input Size The maximum number of queries in a batch if batches are supported by the data source.
- Batch Size The maximum number of batch messages in a batch group.
- Max Records The maximum number of records to include in a single output message. Use -1 to indicate that all output records should be put in a single file, and use 0 to indicate that the connector can decide based on the configured Output File Format. By default, XML outputs one record per file, and flat file formats include all records in one file.
- Transaction Size The maximum number of queries in a transaction.
- Processing Delay The amount of time (in seconds) by which the processing of files placed in the Input folder is delayed. This is a legacy setting. Best practice is to use a File connector to manage local file systems instead of this setting.
- Log Subfolder Scheme Instructs the connector to group files in the
folder according to the selected interval. For example, the Weekly option instructs the connector to create a new subfolder each week and store all logs for the week in that folder. The blank setting tells the connector to save all logs directly in theLogs
folder. For connectors that process many transactions, using subfolders can help keep logs organized and improve performance.
Miscellaneous settings are for specific use cases.
- Other Settings Enables you to configure hidden connector settings in a semicolon-separated list (for example,
). Normal connector use cases and functionality should not require the use of these settings.
Using macros in file naming strategies can enhance organizational efficiency and contextual understanding of data. By incorporating macros into filenames, you can dynamically include relevant information such as identifiers, timestamps, and header information, providing valuable context to each file. This helps ensure that filenames reflect details important to your organization.
CData Arc supports these macros, which all use the following syntax: %Macro%
Macro | Description |
ConnectorID | Evaluates to the ConnectorID of the connector. |
Ext | Evaluates to the file extension of the file currently being processed by the connector. |
Filename | Evaluates to the filename (extension included) of the file currently being processed by the connector. |
FilenameNoExt | Evaluates to the filename (without the extension) of the file currently being processed by the connector. |
MessageId | Evaluates to the MessageId of the message being output by the connector. |
RegexFilename:pattern | Applies a RegEx pattern to the filename of the file currently being processed by the connector. |
Header:headername | Evaluates to the value of a targeted header (headername ) on the current message being processed by the connector. |
LongDate | Evaluates to the current datetime of the system in long-handed format (for example, Wednesday, January 24, 2024). |
ShortDate | Evaluates to the current datetime of the system in a yyyy-MM-dd format (for example, 2024-01-24). |
DateFormat:format | Evaluates to the current datetime of the system in the specified format (format ). See Sample Date Formats for the available datetime formats |
Vault:vaultitem | Evaluates to the value of the specified vault item. |
Table | Evaluates to the name of the table where the connector is selecting data from. |
PK | Evaluates to the primary key value of the received record from the table. |
Sequence | Evaluates to a four digit number based on how many total records were received by the connector (for example, %Sequence% evaluates to 0005 for the fifth record returned). |
FileFormat | Evaluates to the output file format specified on the connector’s Advanced tab (XML, CSV, or TSV). |
Some macros, such as %Ext% and %ShortDate%, do not require an argument, but others do. All macros that take an argument use the following syntax: %Macro:argument%
Here are some examples of the macros that take an argument:
- %Header:headername%: Where
is the name of a header on a message. - %Header:mycustomheader% resolves to the value of the
header set on the input message. - %Header:ponum% resolves to the value of the
header set on the input message. - %RegexFilename:pattern%: Where
is a regex pattern. For example,%RegexFilename:^([\w][A-Za-z]+)%
matches and resolves to the first word in the filename and is case insensitive (test_file.xml
resolves totest
). - %Vault:vaultitem%: Where
is the name of an item in the vault. For example,%Vault:companyname%
resolves to the value of thecompanyname
item stored in the vault. - %DateFormat:format%: Where
is an accepted date format (see Sample Date Formats for details). For example,%DateFormat:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-fff%
resolves to the date and timestamp on the file.
You can also create more sophisticated macros, as shown in the following examples:
- Combining multiple macros in one filename:
- Including text outside of the macro:
- Including text within the macro: