Amazon Marketplace Confirm Shipment

Version 24.2.9039

Amazon Marketplace Confirm Shipment

The Confirm Shipment action updates the shipment confirmation status for an order in Amazon Marketplace. This action belongs at the end of a flow.

XML Mapping

You must connect an XML Map connector to the Amazon Marketplace connector and map the shipment confirmation values. In the example below, the order information appears in the Source column, and the Amazon Marketplace shipment parameters appear in the Destination column.

Connector Configuration

In the configuration pane for the Amazon Marketplace connector, enter a comma-separated list of Marketplace Ids for the items that you want to update.

Input Parameters

The following table lists the input parameters that you can map with the XML Map connector interface.

Name Data Type Required? Description
AmazonOrderId String True An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format.
MarketplaceId String True The unobfuscated marketplace identifier.
CodCollectionMethod String False The cod collection method, supported in JP only.
PackageReferenceId String True A seller-supplied identifier that uniquely identifies a package within the scope of an order. Only positive numeric values are supported.
CarrierCode String False The code of the carrier.
CarrierName String False The name of the carrier.
ShippingMethod String False The order shipping method.
TrackingNumber String True The order tracking number.
ShipDate Datetime True The order shipping date.
ShipFromSupplySourceId String False The supply source id of the order.
OrderItems String True The list of order items, quantities and transparency codes to be updated. This aggregate field is automatically expanded in XML Map to reveal the available fields in the aggregate.