
Version 24.2.8965


The Reports page allows you to create reports about data trends in CData Arc. For example, you can generate a report about file processing times to see which steps in a flow take the longest to complete, or you can use a report to discover which connectors in a flow produce the most errors.


Reports are only available in the Arc Enterprise package. For information about Arc packages and licensing, see the Pricing & Packages page.

Only admin users can create, run, and delete reports. Standard and Support users can view the results of reports that have been run, but they cannot create new reports or run existing reports to generate new results. For more information about user roles, see User Management and Roles.

Creating and Managing Reports

If you have not created a report, the Reports page displays a welcome message and a Create Report button. If you have created at least one report, the page lists your reports.

Creating a Report

Follow these steps to create a report:

  1. Click Create Report.

  2. Enter a Report Name.

  3. Select the report Type. You cannot change this value after the report is created.

    • Connector—provides data about connectors, including connector Ids, transactions, and information about processed files.

    • EDI—provides data about EDI transactions, including ISA Ids and processing times.

      Note: EDI reporting relies on header tracking, and it only produces results if header tracking is enabled in the appropriate connectors in the flow. See X12 and EDIFACT for more information about these headers.

  4. Select an option in the Presets list to serve as the template for your report. The template provides a functional base to build your report on, and you can modify all of the contents of your report as needed.

  5. Click Create to open the report view where you can build and run the report.

Accessing Generated Reports

If you have created at least one report, the Reports page displays a searchable, sortable list of all of your reports.

  • Click a report in the list to open the report view for that report. From here you can modify and run the report. See Report View for more information.
  • To delete reports, select the checkbox next to each report, click Delete, then confirm whether to delete the selected report(s).

Report View

When you open a report, the report view consists of two sections:

  • The settings pane on the left consists of the Builder and Scheduler tabs. These allow you to build, run, and schedule the report.
  • The main report view on the right shows the results of the report and provides saving and exporting options.

Builder Tab

The Builder tab allows you to set the report parameters and run it. The parameters are:

Category Description
Time Period The period of time that the report covers. Selecting Custom Date Range adds two fields for the start date and end date for the report. The default is All-time.
Columns The information that the report generates. You can include as many columns as you need. See Columns for a list of available options.
Group Rows The period(s) of time to use when grouping results in the report. Each selected option receives its own column in the report. See Group Rows for a list of available options.
Group By Dimension For EDI Reports only, selecting columns for Sender/Receiver ISA Ids and Transaction Set allows you to group the results in the report by the data in these columns. These options dynamically appear based on your column selections.
Filters Options for narrowing the report results. Clicking each field opens a checklist that allows you to select individual items. See Filters for a list of available options.
Data Summary Options for summarizing the values of each column. Enabling at least one option creates a Subtotal row for each report section and a Grand Total row at the bottom of the report. See Data Summary for a list of available options.


The following options are available for Columns:

Column Description Connector Reports EDI Reports
Workspace Workspace (such as Default)  
Connector Id Connector Id (such as XMLMap1)  
Connector Type Connector type (such as XML Map)  
Sender ISA Ids Identification code published by the sender when sending data to a trading partner  
Receiver ISA Ids Identification code published by the receiver when receiving data from a trading partner  
Transaction Set The standardized identification code for the type of document transmitted  
All Transactions Total number of sent and received transactions
Total Processing Time Processing time (in milliseconds) of all transactions
Transactions Sent Number of transactions sent  
Transactions Received Number of transactions received  
Total File Size Size of all files sent and received
Successful Number of successful transactions
Error Number of transaction errors
Warning Number of transaction warnings

Group Rows

The following options are available for Group Rows:

Group Rows Connector Reports EDI Reports
Connector Type  


The following options are available for Filters:

Filters Connector Reports EDI Reports
Connector Ids  
Connector Types  
Sender ISA Ids  
Receiver ISA Ids  
Transaction Set  

Data Summary

The following options are available for Data Summary:

Summary Connector Reports EDI Reports

Run and Revert

At the bottom of the pane:

  • Click Revert to revert all changes to the last saved version of the report.
  • Click Run Report to run the report with the current settings and display the results in the main report view area.

Scheduler Tab

The Scheduler tab allows you to set an automatic schedule for running the current report. This can be useful if your data updates frequently or if your report contains a large amount of data and requires a long time to run.

By default, the Frequency menu is set to None, which means that the report does not run unless you manually execute it. To set the report to run automatically, set the Frequency to Monthly, Weekly, or Daily and configure the settings as needed. After configuring the schedule, click Apply at the bottom of the Scheduler tab to save your changes. You can also click Revert to revert all changes to the last saved schedule values.

Note: If you have a schedule set, you can still manually run the report at any time by clicking Run Report in the Builder tab.

Email Report

If you configure a schedule and select Email Report, the application automatically sends an email with the report results when the scheduler runs. When this feature is enabled, two fields appear:

  • Subject specifies the subject of the automated report email.
  • Recipients accepts a comma-separated list of email addresses for the report recipients.

The email feature uses the same email address configuration that you specify in the Alerts section of the the Settings page.

Main Report View

The main report view displays the results generated the last time the current report was run. You can sort each column of the report in ascending or descending order.

Above the report results, you can rename the report by clicking the icon next to the report name. There are also buttons for Export and Save.

  • Click Export to open a menu where you can select to export the most recent report results to a CSV file.
  • Click Save to save all changes to the current report.
  • Click the arrow next to Save to see two more options:
    • Save Changes functions just like the Save button.
    • Save as New Report creates a new report with the current settings.