Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Views
Name | Description |
ActiveLocators | Manages warehouse inventory locators used to store and fulfill items based on transaction type requirements. |
ActiveSubinventories | Handles subinventories within the warehouse to facilitate item fulfillment and align with transaction type needs. |
AsnLinesForReceiving | Tracks individual lines of advanced shipment notices (ASNs) that are ready for receiving into inventory. |
AsnsForReceiving | Manages advanced shipment notices (ASNs) to streamline the receiving process for incoming goods. |
AvailableSupplySources | Identifies optimal supply sources or lists all possible supply sources for internal material transfer requests. |
CostAdjustments | Tracks cost adjustments for item receipts or perpetual average costs, including performance optimization using REST APIs. |
CostAdjustmentsAdjustmentDetail | Provides detailed cost adjustments at the cost-element level for receipts or items. |
CycleCountDefinitions | Manages the definition and configuration of cycle counts for inventory management. |
CycleCountDefinitionscountCategories | Handles item categories available for use in cycle count processes within the warehouse. |
CycleCountDefinitionscountCategoryItems | Manages specific items within categories to be included in cycle counts. |
CycleCountDefinitionscountClasses | Defines and manages count classes used in cycle count operations. |
CycleCountDefinitionscountItems | Tracks individual items designated for cycle counting within the warehouse. |
CycleCountDefinitionscountSubinventories | Oversees subinventories associated with cycle count processes to ensure accurate inventory tracking. |
CycleCountDefinitionsDFF | Manages descriptive flexfields to provide additional details about cycle count definitions. |
CycleCountSequenceDetails | Tracks sequence details for cycle counts, including processing and tracking data. |
CycleCountSequenceDetailsDFF | Uses descriptive flexfields to enrich data related to cycle count sequence details. |
CycleCountSequenceDetailshistory | Tracks the historical records of cycle count sequences for audit and analysis. |
CycleCountSequenceDetailshistoryhistorySerials | Maintains the historical serial data for cycle count sequences for detailed tracking. |
CycleCountSequenceDetailsinventoryAttributesDFF | Uses descriptive flexfields to manage inventory tracking attributes in cycle counts. |
CycleCountSequenceDetailsserials | Manages the serials associated with cycle count sequences for enhanced traceability. |
Finders | Lists finder names along with associated attributes for specific views in the system. |
FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts | Provides context-sensitive descriptive flexfield configurations and their attributes. |
FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues | Manages character-based values linked to descriptive flexfields in multiple configurations. |
FlexFndPvsCharacterValues | Handles character values within descriptive flexfields for configuration purposes. |
FlexFndPvsNumberIdCharacterValues | Manages number-based values tied to descriptive flexfields in various scenarios. |
InboundShipments | Manages inbound shipment data, including headers, lines, lots, serials, and packing units with flexfield support. |
InboundShipmentsshipmentHeaderDFFs | Provides descriptive flexfields for shipment headers, including global segments and context-specific details. |
InboundShipmentsshipmentLines | Tracks shipment line details, linking them to their respective headers for comprehensive management. |
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinesattachments | Handles attached documents for specific shipment lines to ensure comprehensive record-keeping. |
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinesinventoryStripingDFF | Manages inventory tracking attributes tied to shipment lines, including project, task, and user-configurable fields. |
InboundShipmentsshipmentLineslots | Tracks lot details for specific inbound shipment lines to ensure traceability. |
InboundShipmentsshipmentLineslotslotSerials | Maintains serial data for lots within inbound shipment lines when both lot and serial tracking apply. |
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinespackingUnits | Displays the hierarchy of packing units for a specific inbound shipment line. |
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinesserials | Tracks serial numbers shipped for items controlled only by serial tracking. |
InboundShipmentsshipmentLinesshipmentLineDFFs | Uses descriptive flexfields to capture additional details about inbound shipment lines. |
InspectionStatuses | Manages status values for inspection activities within the warehouse. |
InterfacedPickTransactions | Facilitates data exchange for pick transactions with warehouse and logistics systems after pick confirmation. |
InterfacedPickTransactionsDFF | Manages descriptive flexfields defined for interfaced pick transactions. |
InterfacedPickTransactionslots | Tracks lot data associated with pick transactions for improved inventory management. |
InterfacedPickTransactionslotslotSerials | Manages serials for lots in pick transactions when items are both lot and serial-controlled. |
InterfacedPickTransactionsserials | Tracks serial numbers in interfaced pick transactions for serial-controlled items. |
InterfacedPickTransactionstrackingAttributesDFF | Manages inventory tracking attributes for interfaced pick transactions with opt-in feature support. |
InTransitReceiptLots | Tracks lot numbers for items while shipment lines are in transit during receipt. |
InTransitReceiptSerials | Tracks serial numbers for items while shipment lines are in transit during receipt. |
InTransitShipmentLines | Manages details of individual shipment lines currently in transit, allowing users to track and process items pending receipt. |
InTransitShipments | Handles overarching details of shipments in transit, providing a centralized view for receiving and tracking purposes. |
InventoryAccountAliases | Manages alternate names (aliases) for general ledger accounts, simplifying account identification during transactions. |
InventoryCompletedTransactions | Enables warehouse managers to review and analyze successfully processed inventory transactions for reporting and auditing. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionsdFFs | Handles descriptive flexfields associated with inventory transactions, providing customizable attributes for enhanced reporting. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionslots | Provides detailed lot-level information for inventory transactions, including lot number, quantity, and expiration data for items under lot control. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotAttributeDFFs | Manages custom attributes for lot-level details using descriptive flexfields, applicable for items under lot control. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotSerials | Tracks serial-level details for items governed by both lot and serial control, offering insights into individual units. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotSerialsserialAttributeDFFs | Handles custom attributes for serial details using descriptive flexfields, designed for items under serial control. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotSerialsserialStandardDFFs | Manages standard descriptive flexfields for serials to support customization and reporting needs for serial-controlled items. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionslotslotStandardDFFs | Maintains descriptive flexfields for lot attributes, enhancing data customization for items under lot control. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionsprojectCostDFFs | Handles descriptive flexfields to track and modify project costing attributes in inventory transactions. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionsserials | Manages serial-level information for inventory transactions, ensuring accurate tracking for items under serial control. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionsserialsserialAttributeDFFs | Customizes serial details using descriptive flexfields for serial-controlled items. |
InventoryCompletedTransactionsserialsserialStandardDFFs | Stores standard descriptive flexfields for serials, offering a consistent structure for tracking and reporting. |
InventoryConsumptionAdvices | Provides details about consumption advice for suppliers or legal entities, supporting inventory reconciliation. |
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLines | Offers line-level information on items, organizations, and purchase orders within consumption advice records. |
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLinesconsumptionAdviceLots | Details lot-specific information, such as lot number and transaction quantity, within consumption advice lines. |
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLinesconsumptionAdviceLotsconsumptionAdviceLotsAndSerials | Combines lot and serial details to provide comprehensive tracking for items in consumption advice lines. |
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLinesconsumptionAdviceSerials | Tracks serial numbers for items within a consumption advice line to ensure detailed monitoring. |
InventoryConsumptionAdvicesconsumptionAdviceLinesconsumptionAdviceTransactions | Provides transaction-level information, including quantity and transaction type, for consumption advice lines. |
InventoryItemLots | Manages lot numbers for items within organizations, facilitating inventory control and traceability. |
InventoryItemLotslotAttributeDFF | Customizes lot attributes using descriptive flexfields to enhance traceability and reporting. |
InventoryItemLotslotStandardDFF | Provides standard flexfields for managing lot numbers and their associated details. |
InventoryItemSerialNumbers | Handles the serial numbers for items in an organization, ensuring precise tracking and control. |
InventoryItemSerialNumbersinventoryAttributesDFF | Manages inventory attribute flexfields linked to serial numbers for detailed data tracking. |
InventoryItemSerialNumbersserialAttributeDFF | Customizes attributes of serial numbers using descriptive flexfields to support reporting and compliance. |
InventoryItemSerialNumbersserialStandardDFF | Stores standard descriptive flexfields for serial numbers, ensuring consistent data structure. |
InventoryMovementRequests | Manages various types of movement requests, such as requisitions, replenishments, and pick waves. |
InventoryMovementRequestsDFF | Tracks custom attributes for movement requests using descriptive flexfields for detailed reporting. |
InventoryMovementRequestslines | Provides detailed management of individual lines within movement requests, supporting granular inventory movement control. |
InventoryMovementRequestslinesDFF | Customizes line-level details for movement requests using descriptive flexfields. |
InventoryMovementRequestslinesinventoryStripingDFF | Manages inventory tracking attributes, such as project and task, through descriptive flexfields associated with movement request lines. |
InventoryMovementRequestslinesprojectDFF | Tracks project-level flexfields associated with movement request lines, enhancing inventory tracking capabilities. |
InventoryOnhandBalances | Provides a summary of on-hand quantities at various levels, such as organization, subinventory, and locator. |
InventoryOnhandBalancesinventoryTrackingAttributes | Tracks primary on-hand quantities and other inventory details using tracking attributes for specific inventory projects and tasks. |
InventoryOnhandBalanceslots | Manages lot numbers linked to inventory balances for lot-controlled items, supporting traceability. |
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotsinventoryTrackingAttributes | Tracks lot-level inventory attributes, such as quantity and project details, for enhanced inventory control. |
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotAttributeDFFs | Customizes lot attributes using descriptive flexfields for items under lot control. |
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotSerials | Tracks serial numbers for lot-controlled items, ensuring detailed visibility of inventory. |
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotSerialslotSerialAttributeDFFs | Customizes attributes of lot-serial items using descriptive flexfields for granular control. |
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotSerialslotSerialStandardDFFs | Manages standard descriptive flexfields (DFF) for lot-serial items, supporting consistent tracking. |
InventoryOnhandBalanceslotslotStandardDFFs | Provides descriptive flexfields for managing lot attributes for better traceability. |
InventoryOnhandBalancesserials | Tracks serial numbers for serial-controlled inventory items for improved visibility and accountability. |
InventoryOnhandBalancesserialsserialAttributeDFFs | Customizes serial attributes using descriptive flexfields to support item-specific tracking needs. |
InventoryOnhandBalancesserialsserialStandardDFFs | Stores standard descriptive flexfields for serials, enabling structured data tracking and reporting. |
InventoryOwningPartySites | Manages details of the owning party sites, supporting ownership and location tracking. |
InventoryReplenishRequests | Handles details for inventory replenishment requests, ensuring sufficient stock levels. |
InventoryReplenishRequestsreplenishRequestLines | Manages line-level details for replenishment requests, tracking specific items and quantities. |
InventoryReplenishRequestsreplenishRequestLinesreplenishRequestLineDFFs | Customizes replenishment request lines using descriptive flexfields for better tracking. |
InventoryReservations | Tracks reservation details for items, including location, supply documents, and demand in primary and secondary units. |
InventoryReservationsserials | Manages serial numbers specifically assigned to reservations of on-hand supply, enabling precise tracking and adjustments of inventory reservations. |
InventoryStagedTransactions | Handles the staging of inventory transactions, allowing operations such as creation, updates, and execution of transactions in online, background, or concurrent modes. |
InventoryStagedTransactionscosts | Tracks and manages cost details associated with inventory staged transactions to ensure accurate cost reporting and analysis. |
InventoryStagedTransactionsdFFs | Manages user-defined descriptive flexfields linked to inventory staged transactions, enhancing customization and data organization. |
InventoryStagedTransactionslots | Facilitates the management of lots within staged inventory transactions, providing detailed tracking of lot-specific information. |
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotAttributeDFFs | Allows customization of lot attributes using descriptive flexfields to better define and organize lot-controlled items. |
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotSerials | Manages the serial numbers associated with lots in staged inventory transactions, enabling detailed tracking for items controlled by both lot and serial. |
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotSerialsserialAttributeDFFs | Offers customization for serial attributes through descriptive flexfields to support specific operational needs for serial-controlled items. |
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotSerialsserialStandardDFFs | Customizes descriptive flexfields for serials, providing tailored definitions for serial-controlled items. |
InventoryStagedTransactionslotslotStandardDFFs | Manages descriptive flexfields for lots, enabling tailored configuration and organization for lot-controlled items. |
InventoryStagedTransactionsprojectCostingDFFs | Tracks and manages project-specific cost details linked to inventory staged transactions, ensuring accurate project cost accounting. |
InventoryStagedTransactionsserials | Handles the management of serial numbers associated with staged inventory transactions for serial-controlled items. |
InventoryStagedTransactionsserialsserialAttributeDFFs | Provides customization options for serial attribute management through descriptive flexfields, tailored to specific operational needs. |
InventoryStagedTransactionsserialsserialStandardDFFs | Customizes serial-level descriptive flexfields to enhance data organization for serial-controlled items. |
InventoryStagedTransactionstrackingAttributesDFF | Manages tracking attributes associated with staged inventory transactions, supporting features requiring specific inventory tracking. |
InventoryTransactionAccounts | Manages general ledger accounts used for costing inventory transactions, ensuring financial integration and accuracy. |
InventoryTransactionReasons | Provides classification and explanatory reasons for inventory transactions, enhancing tracking and reporting capabilities. |
InventoryTransactionTypes | Defines and manages transaction types by combining source types and actions, supporting robust classification and analysis. |
InvoiceMatchingReceiptQuantityTransactions | Retrieves matching quantities for accounts payable invoice lines based on specified transaction IDs, aiding in reconciliation and validation. |
IssueLots | Manages lot assignments for issuing or transferring inventory, ensuring accurate tracking within inventory organizations. |
IssueSerials | Facilitates management of serial numbers for issuing or transferring inventory, ensuring traceability of serialized items. |
ItemCosts | Provides detailed cost management for inventory items within cost organizations and books, optimized for perpetual average cost method. |
ItemCostscostDetails | Tracks costs at a granular cost-element level for inventory items, supporting detailed cost analysis. |
LinesToCorrect | Manages inventory lines flagged for correction, ensuring accuracy in inventory adjustments and records. |
LinesToCorrectmanufacturerParts | Tracks manufacturer-specific part details associated with receipt lines requiring correction. |
LinesToInspect | Handles management of received lines flagged for inspection, ensuring quality and compliance in received goods. |
LinesToInspectmanufacturerParts | Tracks manufacturer-specific parts requiring inspection as part of receipt lines, ensuring compliance with specifications. |
LinesToReceive | Retrieves expected shipment lines ready for receipt, including purchase orders, transfers, and returns. |
LinesToReceivemanufacturerParts | Manages manufacturer parts linked to receipt lines, enhancing traceability and compliance. |
LinesToReturn | Manages received lines eligible for return, streamlining return processes and inventory accuracy. |
LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts | Tracks manufacturer parts associated with return-eligible receipt lines, improving return traceability. |
LocatorCombinationsLOV | Provides detailed locator combinations within subinventories, enabling precise inventory placement and tracking. |
OnhandQuantityDetails | Tracks detailed on-hand quantity metrics, supporting various scenarios like inbound, reserved, and consigned quantities. |
OnhandQuantityDetailsConsignedQuantityDetails | Provides detailed consigned quantity tracking using specified item and location data. |
OnhandQuantityDetailsInboundQuantityDetails | Tracks inbound quantity details for specified items and locations, aiding in receiving and inventory planning. |
OpenPickLines | Manages open pick lines, including locator, lot, and serial information, ensuring efficient picking processes. |
OpenPickLinesDFFs | Customizes descriptive flexfields for pick lines, supporting specific data requirements. |
OpenPickLinesinventoryAttributesDFFs | Manages descriptive flexfields for inventory attributes, enhancing data tracking and customization. |
OpenPickLinesitemLots | Tracks lot details associated with picked items, ensuring accurate lot-level tracking. |
OpenPickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerials | Manages serial details for items controlled by lots, supporting traceability and accuracy. |
OpenPickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerialslotSerialAttributeDFFs | Customizes descriptive flexfields for serial attributes in lot-controlled items, enhancing data definition. |
OpenPickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerialslotSerialStandardDFFs | Manages descriptive flexfields for serials that control lots, supporting tailored inventory management. |
OpenPickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs | Customizes flexfields for lot attributes, enhancing control and reporting for lot-managed inventory. |
OpenPickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs | Customizes descriptive flexfields for lot-level data, enhancing lot-specific inventory management. |
OpenPickLinesitemSerials | Tracks serial details for picked items, ensuring traceability for serialized inventory. |
OpenPickLinesitemSerialsserialAttributeDFFs | Customizes descriptive flexfields for serial attributes, supporting enhanced data management for serialized items. |
OpenPickLinesitemSerialsserialStandardDFFs | Manages descriptive flexfields for serial data, improving serialized item tracking and reporting. |
OpenPickLinesprojectCostDFFs | Customizes descriptive flexfields for project cost tracking within pick lines. |
PackingUnits | Facilitates management of packing units, supporting inventory packaging operations. |
PackingUnitsattachments | Tracks and manages attachments linked to packing units, ensuring comprehensive documentation. |
PackingUnitscontents | Manages content details within packing units, ensuring accurate tracking of packed items. |
PackingUnitscontentsserials | Manages operations on serials within packing units, including assigning and tracking serial numbers. |
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnits | Handles nested packing units, allowing for the management of hierarchical packing structures. |
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsattachments | Manages file and document attachments associated with nested packing units for better tracking and documentation. |
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitscontents | Oversees the management of contents within nested packing units, ensuring accurate tracking of items. |
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitscontentsserials | Facilitates the management of serials specifically associated with the contents of nested packing units. |
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsnestedPackingUnits | Provides functionality for managing further nested packing units within existing structures. |
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitsnotes | Stores and retrieves notes, comments, and instructions related to nested packing units for operational clarity. |
PackingUnitsnestedPackingUnitspackingUnitDFFs | Enables customization of descriptive flexfields for packing units to support specific business needs. |
PackingUnitsnotes | Provides a repository for comments, instructions, and additional notes for packing units. |
PackingUnitspackingUnitDFFs | Supports the creation and management of customizable descriptive flexfields for packing units. |
PickSlipDetails | Manages transaction details related to pick slips, including item quantities, locators, and inventory control information like lot and serial numbers. |
PickSlipDetailspickLines | Oversees the management of picking details for individual lines, enabling the confirmation of pick activities. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesdffs | Manages descriptive flexfields for pick slip lines, allowing for additional customized data. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesinventoryAttributesDFF | Provides descriptive flexfields for inventory attributes, supporting optional inventory tracking features. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLots | Manages lot information for picked items, including tracking and validation. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerials | Tracks serial details for items within specific lots, facilitating precise inventory control. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerialslotSerialAttributeDFFs | Supports descriptive flexfields for serial attributes, enhancing tracking for lot-controlled items. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotsitemLotSerialslotSerialStandardDFFs | Provides descriptive flexfields for serials when they control lot operations, enabling detailed customization. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotAttributeDFFs | Manages descriptive flexfields for lot attributes, supporting detailed customization of inventory data. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemLotslotStandardDFFs | Supports descriptive flexfields for lots, enabling specific data customization for inventory tracking. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemSerials | Tracks serial details for items that are serial-controlled, ensuring precision in inventory management. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemSerialsserialAttributeDFFs | Manages descriptive flexfields for serial attributes, supporting enhanced tracking for serial-controlled items. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinesitemSerialsserialStandardDFFs | Provides descriptive flexfields for serial-controlled items, allowing for detailed customization. |
PickSlipDetailspickLinespjcDFFs | Manages descriptive flexfields related to project cost tracking for picking operations. |
PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving | Manages purchase order lines available for receiving, ensuring alignment with inventory needs. |
PurchaseOrderReceiptSerials | Tracks serial numbers available for purchase order receipts, enabling accurate inventory updates. |
PurchaseOrderSchedulesForReceiving | Oversees purchase order schedules that are eligible for receiving, supporting efficient operations. |
PurchaseOrdersForReceiving | Handles management of purchase orders available for receiving, streamlining the receiving process. |
ReceiptCosts | Manages receipt and layer transactions eligible for cost adjustments, providing visibility into cost elements. |
ReceiptCostsReceiptCostDetails | Provides details on cost elements and unit costs of received items, supporting financial reconciliation. |
ReceiptLots | Manages lot numbers associated with receipts, enabling precise tracking and validation. |
ReceivingCountriesOfOrigin | Tracks the countries of origin for received goods, ensuring compliance and traceability. |
ReceivingParameters | Oversees the configuration and management of receiving parameters for the organization. |
ReceivingReceiptExpectedShipmentLines | Retrieves shipment lines expected to be received, supporting various document types like purchase orders and returns. |
ReceivingReceiptRequests | Handles receipt requests and advance shipment notices, supporting integration with Oracle Fusion applications. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestsattachments | Manages attachments for receipt header requests, ensuring all necessary documents are linked. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestsDFF | Provides descriptive flexfields for receipt header requests, enabling detailed customization. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslines | Manages line-level details for receipt and advance shipment notice (ASN) requests, ensuring accurate and efficient transaction processing. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNLineAttachments | Handles attachments for advance shipment notice (ASN) line requests, ensuring all supporting documents are accessible. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNLineDFF | Manages descriptive flexfields for advance shipment notice (ASN) line requests, supporting detailed data capture. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits | Manages packing unit details for advance shipment notice (ASN) and advance shipment billing notice (ASBN) lines, supporting accurate tracking. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesinventoryStripingDFF | Provides descriptive flexfields for inventory striping attributes, aiding in inventory tracking and compliance. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotItemLots | Manages lot information for items controlled by lots but not serial numbers, ensuring traceability. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotItemLotslotAttributesDFF | Supports descriptive flexfields for lot attributes linked to non-serial-controlled items, enabling customization. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotItemLotslotNumbersDFF | Provides descriptive flexfields for lot numbers, enhancing inventory tracking for non-serial-controlled items. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotSerialItemLots | Handles lot and serial number tracking for items controlled by both, ensuring detailed traceability. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotSerialItemLotslotAttributesDFF | Manages descriptive flexfields for lot attributes linked to items controlled by both lots and serials. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotSerialItemLotslotNumbersDFF | Supports descriptive flexfields for lot numbers associated with lot and serial-controlled items. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslineslotSerialItemLotslotSerialItemSerials | Manages serial information linked to specific lots for items controlled by both lots and serials. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesprocessingErrors | Retrieves details of errors encountered during advance shipment notice (ASN) creation or receipt processing for troubleshooting. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerials | Manages detailed serial number information for items that are serial-controlled but not lot-controlled, specifically for receipt lines. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF | Handles the descriptive flexfields (DFF) for serial attributes associated with receipt lines for serial-controlled items. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerialsserialNumbersDFF | Provides details of serial numbers referenced by descriptive flexfields for items managed with serial control. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinestransactionAttachments | Facilitates the management of attachments associated with receipt line transaction requests. |
ReceivingReceiptRequestslinestransactionDFF | Manages the descriptive flexfields for additional information related to receipt transaction requests. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequests | Serves as a hub for managing requests related to receiving transactions such as inspections, putaways, corrections, and returns. Tracks errors for easier troubleshooting and updates. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsattachments | Manages the attachments associated with post-receipt transactions, linking them to the receiving transaction entity. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsDFF | Handles descriptive flexfields for managing metadata related to receipt transactions. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsinventoryStripingDFF | Tracks inventory striping attributes such as project, task, and origin country via descriptive flexfields to enhance receipt and transaction tracking. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotItemLots | Manages lot information for transaction lines involving items that are lot-controlled but not serial-controlled. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotItemLotslotAttributesDFF | Handles descriptive flexfields for managing detailed lot attributes tied to lot-controlled items in transactions. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotItemLotslotNumbersDFF | Manages the lot number details through descriptive flexfields for items that are lot-controlled. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLots | Oversees lot information for items that are both lot-controlled and serial-controlled within transaction lines. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotAttributesDFF | Provides detailed lot attribute management through descriptive flexfields for items with both lot and serial control. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotNumbersDFF | Manages details of lot numbers for items with combined lot and serial control using descriptive flexfields. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotSerialItemSerials | Manages serial number details associated with specific lots for items that are both lot and serial-controlled. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotSerialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF | Handles serial attributes through descriptive flexfields for items that are both lot and serial-controlled. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestslotSerialItemLotslotSerialItemSerialsserialNumbersDFF | Manages detailed serial number information via descriptive flexfields for serial-controlled items. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsprocessingErrors | Provides error tracking for issues encountered during post-receipt transaction processing. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsserialItemSerials | Manages serial number information for transaction lines involving serial-controlled items that are not lot-controlled. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsserialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF | Manages serial attributes via descriptive flexfields for items controlled by both lot and serial management. |
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsserialItemSerialsserialNumbersDFF | Oversees detailed serial number management for serial-controlled items using descriptive flexfields. |
ReturnLots | Manages lot numbers available for returning items, ensuring proper tracking during the return process. |
ReturnSerials | Oversees serial numbers available for returning items, facilitating accurate returns management. |
ReturnSerialsForLots | Handles serial numbers tied to specific lots for items eligible for return, enabling precise inventory tracking. |
RmaLinesForReceiving | Tracks return material authorization (RMA) lines that are ready for receiving, ensuring efficient returns processing. |
RmaReceiptSerials | Manages eligible serial numbers for return material authorizations (RMAs), especially when serial enforcement parameters are disabled. |
RmaRestrictedLots | Oversees eligible lot numbers for receiving return material authorizations (RMAs), adhering to enforced lot number parameters. |
RmaRestrictedSerials | Tracks eligible serial numbers for receiving return material authorizations (RMAs) when serial number enforcement is enabled. |
RmasForReceiving | Manages overall return material authorizations ready for receiving within the system. |
ShipmentLines | Handles details for shipment lines, including search and retrieval based on attributes like order type, status, and reservations. |
ShipmentLinesattachments | Manages attachments related to shipment lines for comprehensive shipment documentation. |
ShipmentLinescosts | Oversees shipping cost details for items within shipment lines. |
ShipmentLinescostsDFF | Handles shipping cost details through DFFs for additional metadata. |
ShipmentLineslineDFF | Manages metadata for shipment lines using descriptive flexfields (DFFs). |
ShipmentLineslotAttributeDFF | Tracks lot attributes through descriptive flexfields (DFFs) for shipment lines. |
ShipmentLineslotStandardDFF | Manages standard lot-related details for shipment lines using descriptive flexfields (DFFs). |
ShipmentLinesnotes | Oversees notes tied to shipment lines for additional information tracking. |
ShipmentLinesreservations | Handles reservation details for shipment lines, especially for supplies beyond on-hand inventory. |
ShipmentLinesserials | Tracks serial numbers for items within shipment lines, ensuring precise inventory records. |
ShipmentLinesserialsattributeDFF | Manages serial attributes via descriptive flexfields (DFFs) for items in shipment lines. |
ShipmentLinesserialsserialNumbers | Provides management of individual serial numbers for shipment line items. |
ShipmentLinesserialsserialNumbersattributeDFF | Tracks serial attributes for individual serial numbers using descriptive flexfield (DFFs). |
ShipmentLinesserialsserialNumbersstandardDFF | Manages standard details of serial numbers for shipment line items via descriptive flexfields (DFFs). |
ShipmentLinesserialsstandardDFF | Handles serial number details for shipment lines using descriptive flexfields (DFFs). |
ShipmentLineTransactionRequests | Supports management of shipment line transaction requests, including tracking and updating interface and base table data. |
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestserrors | Tracks errors during shipment line transaction processing to facilitate resolution. |
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLines | Manages shipment line details linked to transaction requests. |
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLinesattachments | Handles attachments related to shipment line transaction requests for comprehensive record-keeping. |
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLinesDFF | Manages descriptive flexfields (DFFs) for additional shipment line details. |
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLineserrors | Tracks and manages errors encountered in shipment line order processing. |
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLinesholds | Manages detailed information about holds placed on shipment lines, including reasons for holds and related processes. |
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsshipmentLinesnotes | Stores and organizes notes related to shipment lines, including packing and shipping instructions for enhanced operational clarity. |
Shipments | Provides comprehensive details about shipments, enabling searches by multiple attributes and integration with external systems for tracking, packing, costs, and compliance. |
Shipmentsattachments | Handles metadata and content related to attachments for shipments, ensuring documentation is easily accessible. |
ShipmentsglobalDFF | Manages global flexfields for shipments, offering a customizable framework for storing additional shipment attributes. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnits | Tracks and manages details of outer packing units used in shipments, including dimensions and associated shipments. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsattachments | Maintains documentation and metadata for attachments related to outer packing units. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits | Records details about inner packing units contained within outer packing units, supporting hierarchical packing structures. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitspackingUnitCosts | Tracks and manages costs associated with specific packing units, aiding in cost allocation and analysis. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitspackingUnitPackingInstructions | Stores specific instructions for packing individual packing units, ensuring compliance with shipping and handling standards. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitspackingUnitsDFF | Offers a flexible framework to add custom attributes to packing units using flexfields. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitspackingUnitShippingInstructions | Stores detailed shipping instructions for packing units to ensure efficient logistics and delivery. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLines | Manages data about shipment lines included within specific packing units, facilitating tracking and documentation. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesattachments | Manages documentation and metadata for attachments specific to shipment lines within packing units. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLineslinePackingInstructions | Stores detailed packing instructions for items in shipment lines, ensuring accurate handling and packing. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLineslineShippingInstructions | Records shipping instructions for items in shipment lines to ensure proper delivery practices. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLineslotAttributeDFF | Manages custom attributes for lots associated with shipment lines using descriptive flexfields (DFFs). |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLineslotStandardDFF | Stores additional lot-level details for shipment lines using descriptive flexfields (DFFs) for customization. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesproratedCosts | Tracks prorated costs for shipment lines, enabling precise cost allocation and reporting. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesshipmentLineCosts | Stores detailed cost information for shipment lines, aiding in cost management and analysis. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesshipmentLinesDFF | Manages customizable attributes for shipment lines through the use of flexfields. |
ShipmentsouterPackingUnitsshipmentLinesshipmentLineSerials | Tracks serial numbers for items in shipment lines, ensuring traceability and compliance. |
ShipmentsshipmentRoutingInstructions | Manages routing instructions for shipments, helping to optimize logistics and delivery paths. |
ShipmentsshipmentsDFF | Manages customizable flexfields for shipments, enabling tailored data storage for organizational needs. |
ShipmentsshipmentShippingMarks | Tracks shipping marks for packages, ensuring accurate identification and seamless logistics handling. |
ShipmentsshippingCosts | Tracks detailed cost data for shipments, supporting financial reporting and logistics cost analysis. |
ShipmentsshippingCostsshippingCostsDFF | Offers customization options for tracking additional details about shipping costs using flexfields. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLines | Manages data about unpacked shipment lines, aiding in tracking and operational planning. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesattachments | Handles documentation and metadata for attachments specific to unpacked shipment lines. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLineslinePackingInstructions | Stores detailed packing instructions for unpacked shipment lines, ensuring operational clarity. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLineslineShippingInstructions | Manages shipping instructions for unpacked shipment lines, aiding in logistics execution. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLineslotAttributeDFF | Customizes and manages additional lot attributes for unpacked shipment lines through flexfields. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLineslotStandardDFF | Stores standardized details for lots associated with unpacked shipment lines using flexfields. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesproratedCosts | Tracks prorated costs for unpacked shipment lines, supporting cost distribution and reporting. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineCosts | Manages cost information for unpacked shipment lines, aiding in accurate financial tracking. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineCostsshippingCostsDFF | Allows additional custom attributes for shipment line costs to be tracked using flexfields. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLinesDFF | Enables custom attribute management for unpacked shipment lines using flexfields. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineSerials | Tracks serial numbers for items in unpacked shipment lines, enhancing traceability and compliance. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineSerialsattributeDFF | Manages custom attributes for serial numbers in unpacked shipment lines through flexfields. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineSerialsserialNumbers | Stores and tracks details about individual serial numbers associated with unpacked shipment lines. |
ShipmentsunpackedShipmentLinesshipmentLineSerialsstandardDFF | Manages standard attributes for serial numbers in unpacked shipment lines using flexfields. |
ShipmentTransactionRequests | Manages shipment transaction requests, allowing search and updates based on various shipment and transaction attributes. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestserrors | Tracks and manages errors encountered during the processing of shipment transaction requests, facilitating troubleshooting. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments | Links shipment transaction requests to related shipments, ensuring traceability and documentation. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsattachments | Manages attachments related to shipments within transaction requests, aiding in documentation management. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentscosts | Tracks shipping cost details for shipments associated with transaction requests. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentscostsDFF | Provides customization for shipping cost attributes using descriptive flexfields (DFFs). |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentscostserrors | Manages errors related to processing shipment cost data, aiding in error resolution. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentserrors | Tracks errors encountered while processing shipment data in transaction requests, supporting corrective action. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsglobalDFF | Manages global flexfields for shipments within transaction requests, supporting custom data requirements. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsnotes | Tracks notes related to shipments in transaction requests, including routing and shipping marks for operational clarity. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnits | Manages detailed information about the outer packing units used in shipment processing, including their structure and relationship to shipment contents. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsattachments | Handles data related to attachments linked to outer packing units, such as documents or images providing additional shipment details. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitscosts | Tracks and manages cost details associated with outer packing units, enabling cost analysis and reporting for shipment processes. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsDFF | Stores additional custom attributes for outer packing units to capture user-defined information about shipping costs. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitserrors | Records and tracks errors encountered during the processing of outer packing units to facilitate troubleshooting and error resolution. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsinnerPackingUnits | Maintains information about inner packing units that are enclosed within outer packing units, providing a nested view of packing structures. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitsnotes | Stores notes and instructions related to outer packing units, including packing guidelines and shipping-specific information. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines | Tracks shipment lines that have been packed within a specific packing unit, ensuring accurate mapping and organization. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsshipmentDFF | Captures additional user-defined details for shipments using descriptive flexfields (DFFs) to enhance shipment data customization. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLines | Maintains information about shipment lines that remain unpacked, providing insight into pending packing tasks. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinesattachments | Handles attachments associated with unpacked shipment lines, offering a way to link supporting documentation to unpacked items. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinescosts | Manages cost-related data for unpacked shipment lines, facilitating cost tracking and analysis. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinesDFF | Supports additional user-defined attributes for unpacked shipment lines, providing enhanced customization options. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLineserrors | Logs errors encountered during the processing of unpacked shipment lines, aiding in issue resolution and monitoring. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLineslots | Tracks lot numbers associated with items in unpacked shipment lines, enabling traceability for lot-controlled inventory. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinesnotes | Stores specific notes and instructions for unpacked shipment lines, including packing and shipping recommendations. |
ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsunpackedLinesserials | Maintains serial numbers for serial-controlled items in unpacked shipment lines, ensuring accurate tracking and management. |
ShippingCosts | Comprehensive management of shipping costs, supporting operations like search, creation, update, and deletion at various levels such as shipment or packing unit. |
ShippingCostsDFF | Stores additional descriptive details for shipping costs using customizable descriptive flexfields (DFFs) tailored to specific business needs. |
ShippingExceptions | Tracks and manages shipping exceptions, enabling detailed reporting and resolution based on exception type, severity, and related shipment details. |
ShippingExceptionsDFF | Stores custom attributes for shipping exceptions, enhancing the flexibility of exception tracking and analysis. |
StandardLookupsLOV | Enables querying and retrieval of standard lookup values, including codes and their translated meanings for reference data sharing. |
SupplyRequests | Manages incoming supply requests from external or Oracle applications, initiating supply creation to fulfill specific demands. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLines | Tracks and manages supply information for each order line, supporting detailed monitoring of supply creation and fulfillment processes. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesatpSupply | Handles supply details for available-to-promise (ATP) inventory, ensuring real-time visibility of supply availability. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesatpSupplyerrorMessages | Stores error messages encountered during available-to-promise (ATP) supply processing, facilitating effective issue resolution. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesbuySupply | Manages information specific to purchase order-based supply, enabling tracking and fulfillment of buy-supply requests. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesbuySupplydistributionDetails | Tracks project costing attributes for buy supplies, supporting financial allocation and analysis. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesbuySupplyerrorMessages | Captures errors and exceptions encountered in buy-supply processes, enabling corrective actions and logging. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesbuySupplysupplyDocuments | Stores execution documents generated during buy-supply creation and fulfillment, ensuring proper documentation and compliance. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesmakeSupply | Tracks supply details specific to work orders, supporting manufacturing and assembly operations. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesmakeSupplydistributionDetails | Maintains project costing attributes for make supplies, ensuring accurate allocation of manufacturing costs. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesmakeSupplyerrorMessages | Logs error messages encountered during make-supply processing for improved issue tracking and resolution. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinesmakeSupplysupplyDocuments | Manages execution documents related to work orders, providing visibility into supply generation activities. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupply | Supports tracking and management of transfer order-based supplies, ensuring efficient logistics operations. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupplydistributionDetails | Tracks project costing details for transfer supplies, supporting accurate financial reporting and analysis. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupplyerrorMessages | Captures errors during transfer-supply processing, aiding in quick identification and resolution of issues. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupplysupplyDocuments | Manages documentation for transfer orders, ensuring proper records for supply logistics. |
SupplyRequestssupplyOrderLinestransferSupplytransferSupplyDtlDFF | Provides user-defined fields for additional transfer order line details on transfer supplies. |
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLines | Tracks demand and supply details associated with each supply request, ensuring precise demand fulfillment. |
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLinesdistributionDetails | Manages distribution attributes for supply request lines, including project-related costing information. |
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLinesdistributionDetailsprojectDFF | Stores project-specific descriptive fields for distribution details, enhancing data granularity. |
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLineserrorMessages | Logs error messages related to supply request lines, aiding in efficient troubleshooting and process refinement. |
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLinessupplyRequestLinesXferDFF | Tracks user-defined transfer order line attributes for supply request lines, ensuring detailed customization. |
SupplyRequestssupplyRequestLinestransferCostRequestDetails | Tracks transfer cost details required for initiating and executing transfer orders, supporting financial planning. |
TransferOrderLinesForReceiving | Manages details of transfer order lines eligible for receiving, providing insight into inventory flow. |
TransferOrders | Handles the creation and management of inventory transfer orders, streamlining inventory redistribution. |
TransferOrdersForReceiving | Tracks transfer orders ready for receiving, ensuring efficient receipt and processing of goods. |
TransferOrderstransferOrderHeaderDFFs | Stores user-defined attributes for transfer order headers, enhancing data flexibility and detail tracking. |
TransferOrderstransferOrderLines | Manages details of lines within transfer orders, supporting effective order execution and tracking. |
TransferOrderstransferOrderLinestransferOrderDistributions | Manages allocation and tracking of items within a transfer order for accurate inventory management. |
TransferOrderstransferOrderLinestransferOrderDistributionstransferOrderDistributionDFFs | Stores customizable attributes related to distribution details within transfer orders. |
TransferOrderstransferOrderLinestransferOrderDistributionstransferOrderDistributionProjectDFFs | Holds project-specific attributes for tracking and managing transfer order distributions. |
TransferOrderstransferOrderLinestransferOrderLineDFFs | Contains additional customizable attributes for individual lines in transfer orders. |