Manages lot numbers available for returning items, ensuring proper tracking during the return process.
Name | Type | Description |
LotNumber [KEY] | String | The identifier for the lot in the ReturnLots table, which is used to track individual lot entries in the system. |
LotExpirationDate | Date | The expiration date associated with the lot in the ReturnLots table. This date signifies when the lot becomes invalid or expires. |
ParentLotNumber | String | The identifier of the parent lot associated with this lot entry in the ReturnLots table, if applicable. Used to link related lots together. |
BindItemId | Long | The identifier for the item bound to this lot in the ReturnLots table. This references the specific item associated with the lot. |
BindLotNumber | String | The identifier for the lot number to which this return lot is bound. It links the current lot to another lot for tracking purposes. |
BindOrganizationId | Long | The identifier for the organization that is associated with this return lot in the ReturnLots table. This helps to track which organization is handling the lot. |
BindParentTransactionId | Long | The identifier for the transaction that is the parent of this return lot in the ReturnLots table. This helps to establish the relationship between transactions. |
BindTransactionTypeId | Long | The identifier for the type of transaction that this return lot is associated with. This could indicate whether it is a return, transfer, or another type of transaction. |
Finder | String | A reference field used to find or search for specific return lots in the ReturnLots table, typically used as a search key or filter. |