Handles the descriptive flexfields (DFF) for serial attributes associated with receipt lines for serial-controlled items.
Name | Type | Description |
ReceivingReceiptRequestsHeaderInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | This is the identifier for the header of the receiving receipt request in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF table. |
LinesInterfaceTransactionId [KEY] | Long | This is the transaction identifier for the lines in the receiving receipt request, used to track the status of line-level transactions in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF table. |
SerialitemserialsFromSerialNumber [KEY] | String | This field stores the serial number from which serial items are being tracked in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF table. |
TransactionInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | This is the identifier for the transaction interface that is associated with the receiving receipt request in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF table. |
FromSerialNumber [KEY] | String | This is the serial number from which the transaction or item is originating in the context of receiving and inventory management. |
_FLEX_Context | String | The descriptive flexfield context used for serial attributes, applicable when an item is managed under serial control in the warehouse environment. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | The display value for the descriptive flexfield context for serial attributes, providing a user-friendly display of the serial control context. |
CustomerId | Long | This is the unique identifier for the customer involved in the receiving receipt request, as represented in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesserialItemSerialsserialAttributesDFF table. |
CustomerPartyName | String | This field holds the name of the customer party associated with the receiving receipt request. |
DocumentNumber | String | This represents the document number associated with the receiving receipt request, used for tracking and referencing the specific document. |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | This is a reference to the external system's transaction number, allowing cross-system tracking of the receiving receipt request. |
Finder | String | This field likely holds a code or identifier used to find or search for specific records or attributes within the receiving receipt request process. |
FromDate | Datetime | The starting date for the transaction or item processing, typically indicating when the receiving process or item receipt began. |
FromOrganizationCode | String | The code that identifies the organization from which the item is being received or transferred, providing insight into the source of the transaction. |
FromOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier of the organization from which the item is being transferred, used for organizational tracking in the receiving process. |
GroupId | Long | This field holds the group identifier for the receiving receipt request, used to associate items or transactions with a specific group for organizational purposes. |
HeaderInterfaceId | Long | This is the identifier of the header interface used to process the receiving receipt request at the header level, providing tracking for the overall request. |
ItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the item involved in the receiving receipt request, used to track the specific item being received. |
ItemNumber | String | This field stores the item number, which is a unique or common identifier used to track and identify the specific item in the inventory. |
OrganizationCode | String | The code used to represent the organization involved in the receiving receipt request, helpful for categorizing the request by the organization it pertains to. |
OrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the organization associated with the receiving receipt request, used for organizational tracking purposes. |
POHeaderId | Long | This is the purchase order header identifier, linking the receiving receipt request to a specific purchase order for inventory management. |
ProcessingStatusCode | String | The status code indicating the current processing state of the receiving receipt request, helping track the request's progress. |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | The identifier for the receipt advice header, which is used for processing and tracking receipt advice documents associated with the receiving request. |
RMANumber | String | The return material authorization (RMA) number that is associated with the transaction, used for processing returns of materials or items. |
ShipmentHeaderId | Long | The identifier for the shipment header associated with the receiving receipt request, linking the request to a specific shipment record. |
ShipmentNumber | String | The number assigned to the shipment, used to track the shipment in the receiving process, often related to the shipment header. |
SourceDocumentCode | String | This is a code identifying the source document that triggered the receiving receipt request, used to reference and track the origin of the request. |
ToDate | Datetime | The end date for the transaction or item processing, typically indicating when the receiving process or item receipt concluded. |
TransactionStatusCode | String | The status code of the transaction, indicating the current state of the receiving receipt request (for example, completed, pending). |
TransactionType | String | This field represents the type of transaction being performed, such as receiving, transferring, or returning items. |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Long | This identifier is associated with the transfer order header, linking the receiving receipt request to a specific transfer order for inventory tracking. |
VendorId | Long | The unique identifier for the vendor supplying the items in the receiving receipt request, used for vendor management and tracking. |
VendorName | String | This field contains the name of the vendor supplying the goods or services, providing context for the source of the items being received. |
VendorNumber | String | The vendor number used to track and identify the vendor in the system, typically referencing the vendor's registration or account number. |