CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks and manages shipping exceptions, enabling detailed reporting and resolution based on exception type, severity, and related shipment details.


Name Type Description
ShippingExceptionId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the shipping exception.
ShippingExceptionCode String Abbreviation that represents the shipping exception type.
ShippingException String Display name describing the type of shipping exception.
Severity String Indicates the level of severity of the shipping exception, such as Critical, Major, or Minor.
Status String Current status of the shipping exception (for example, Open, Resolved, Closed).
ExceptionDescription String Detailed description of the shipping exception, including the issue encountered.
ExceptionComments String Additional comments or notes related to the shipping exception.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp when the shipping exception record was created.
CreatedBy String User or system that created the shipping exception record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp when the shipping exception record was last updated.
LastUpdatedBy String User or system that last modified the shipping exception record.
ShipmentId Long Unique identifier for the shipment associated with the exception.
Shipment String Name of the shipment related to the exception.
ShipmentLine Long Unique identifier for the shipment line affected by the exception.
PackingUnitId Long Unique identifier for the container used to pack the affected shipment line.
PackingUnit String Identifier for the specific packing unit involved in the exception.
ItemId Long Unique identifier for the item affected by the shipping exception.
Item String Name of the item related to the shipping exception.
OrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the organization responsible for the shipment.
OrganizationCode String Code representing the organization responsible for the shipment.
OrganizationName String Full name of the organization responsible for the shipment.
SourceSystemId Long Unique identifier for the external source system that reported the exception.
SourceSystem String Name of the external system from which the shipping exception originated.
SourceOrder String Source order number related to the shipment exception.
SourceOrderLine String Line number of the source order affected by the exception.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine String Fulfillment line number from the source order related to the exception.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId Long Unique identifier for the fulfillment line associated with the exception.
ItemDescription String Detailed description of the item affected by the shipping exception.
Finder String Searchable reference field used to locate shipping exception records.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175