CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages purchase order lines available for receiving, ensuring alignment with inventory needs.


Name Type Description
PurchaseOrder String The unique identifier of the purchase order associated with the line item in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
POHeaderId Long The ID of the header for the purchase order, representing the overall purchase order record in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
PurchaseOrderLine Long The line item number within the purchase order, identifying a specific item being purchased in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
POLineId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the purchase order line item in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table, distinguishing individual line entries.
ItemDescription String A description of the item being ordered in the purchase order line, providing more detailed information about the product in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
SupplierItem String The item identifier as provided by the supplier for the ordered item, used for matching the supplier's catalog with the internal inventory system in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
OrganizationCode String A code representing the organization handling the purchase order line, helping identify the department or division responsible within the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization associated with the purchase order line, enabling the system to track which organization made the purchase in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
ManufacturerPartNumber String The part number assigned by the manufacturer for the ordered item, used for tracking the specific product in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
ManufacturerName String The name of the manufacturer of the item being ordered, providing additional context to the product being purchased in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
BindItemDescription String A bound description of the item, representing the internal description used in the system for linking or referencing the item in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
BindOrganizationCode String A bound code representing the organization responsible for managing or receiving the purchase order line item in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
BindOrganizationId Long The bound unique identifier for the organization, facilitating the tracking of the purchase order line item within the specific organization in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
BindPurchaseOrder String A bound identifier for the purchase order, associating the line item with the purchase order in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
BindPurchaseOrderLine Long A bound number for the purchase order line item, linking it to a specific purchase order line in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
BindSupplierItem String A bound item identifier provided by the supplier, linking the ordered item to the supplier's catalog in the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table.
Finder String A reference or identifier used to locate specific records or rows within the PurchaseOrderLinesForReceiving table based on certain search criteria.

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Build 24.0.9175