CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Provides descriptive flexfields for serial-controlled items, allowing for detailed customization.


Name Type Description
PickSlipDetailsPickSlip [KEY] Long The identifier for the pick slip associated with the pick line details, used to link the item serials and other related information within the order fulfillment process.
PicklinesTransactionId [KEY] Long A unique transaction identifier for the pick line, used to track the specific transaction associated with the item serials and their movement within the warehouse or inventory system.
ItemserialsFromSerialNumber [KEY] String The serial number of the item at the beginning of the transaction, indicating the starting point of the item’s movement or tracking within the system.
TransactionTempId [KEY] Long A temporary identifier for tracking the transaction during the pick slip process, used for intermediate or uncommitted transactions before they are finalized.
FmSerialNumber [KEY] String The serial number of the item being processed or picked, indicating the specific instance of the item within the pick slip transaction.
_FLEX_Context String Context identifier related to the Flexfield data, used for storing and processing additional user-defined or customizable data that is not covered by standard columns.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String A display value for the context, providing a human-readable description of the context identifier used for Flexfield data in the transaction.
Finder String A reference field used for identifying or searching for specific records in the system, often utilized for querying or finding related data in the pick slip processing.
PickSlip Long The unique identifier for the pick slip document that consolidates item picking details and is crucial for tracking and processing items during fulfillment.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175