CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Handles descriptive flexfields for managing detailed lot attributes tied to lot-controlled items in transactions.


Name Type Description
ReceivingReceiptTransactionRequestsInterfaceTransactionId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the transaction in the Receiving Receipt Transactions interface table. This ID ties the record to a specific transaction in the receiving process.
LotitemlotsLotNumber [KEY] String The lot number associated with the item in the Receiving Receipt Transaction request. This value is used to track the lot during receiving and inventory processes.
TransactionInterfaceId [KEY] Long The identifier used for linking the transaction to the receiving receipt process in the interface table. It helps in cross-referencing transactions between different systems.
LotNumber [KEY] String The number assigned to a lot of items in the receiving transaction. This is critical for tracking inventory and managing lot control in the system.
_FLEX_Context String The context used in the descriptive flexfield for lot attributes. This field is relevant when items are controlled by lot in the warehouse, enabling more granular tracking.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String The display value associated with the descriptive flexfield context for lot attributes. It provides a user-friendly label for the context when viewing or processing data.
DocumentNumber String The document number associated with the receiving transaction. This number typically refers to the receipt or purchase order document, helping to trace the transaction back to the source.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String A reference to the external system's transaction number. It helps integrate and cross-reference transactions between OracleSCM and other external systems.
Finder String A reference used in finding records related to the receiving transaction. This could refer to an index or search criteria used in processing or querying the transaction.
FromDate Datetime The starting date of the transaction or receipt, indicating when the lot or item was received or entered into the system.
GroupId Long The identifier for grouping related transactions or items in the receiving process. It allows for logical grouping, such as by vendor, shipment, or transaction type.
InterfaceTransactionId Long The unique identifier for the transaction within the receiving receipt interface. It ties together various records and activities within the receiving process.
ItemId String The identifier for the item in the receiving transaction. This links the transaction to a specific item in the inventory management system.
ItemNumber String The number or SKU assigned to an item. This is typically used for identifying products during receiving and inventory management.
OrganizationCode String The code representing the organization where the receiving transaction takes place. It helps differentiate between different organizational units in the SCM system.
OrganizationId String The unique identifier for the organization managing the transaction. This is used to relate transactions to a specific location or unit in the Oracle SCM system.
POHeaderId Long The identifier for the purchase order associated with the receiving transaction. It links the receipt back to the original purchase order for tracking purposes.
ProcessingStatusCode String The code representing the current status of the transaction during processing. It helps monitor and control the progress of the receiving process.
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long The identifier for the receipt advice header. It links the receiving transaction to the advice document that communicates receipt details to the system.
RMANumber String The number associated with the Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) in the receiving process. It is used for tracking returns of goods under warranty or customer service agreements.
ShipmentHeaderId Long The unique identifier for the shipment header. This ties the receiving transaction to a specific shipment, ensuring that all goods are received and processed correctly.
ShipmentNumber String The shipment number associated with the received goods. This value is used to track the shipment during the receiving and inspection process.
SourceDocumentCode String The code referring to the source document for the transaction, such as a purchase order or sales order. It is used to trace the receiving transaction back to its origin.
ToDate Datetime The ending date for the transaction or receipt. It specifies the cutoff for when the lot or item was processed or recorded in the system.
TransactionStatusCode String The status code representing the state of the receiving transaction, indicating whether the transaction is completed, pending, or in progress.
TransactionType String The type of transaction being processed in the receiving system, such as 'Receipt', 'Return', or 'Adjustment'. It helps categorize and manage the flow of goods.
TransferOrderHeaderId Long The identifier for the transfer order associated with the receiving transaction. It links the receiving record to a specific transfer order in the system.

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Build 24.0.9175