CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Comprehensive management of shipping costs, supporting operations like search, creation, update, and deletion at various levels such as shipment or packing unit.


Name Type Description
ShippingCostId [KEY] Long Unique identifier for the shipping cost record.
ShippingCostTypeId Long Identifier that uniquely distinguishes the type of shipping cost.
ShippingCostType String Name or description of the shipping cost type, such as freight or handling fees.
ShippingCostTypeCategoryCode String Code that categorizes the type of shipping cost (for example, FRT for freight, INS for insurance).
ShippingCostTypeCategory String Category classification for the shipping cost type.
Amount Decimal Monetary value of the shipping cost incurred for the shipment.
Currency String Three-letter currency code (ISO 4217) representing the currency for the shipping cost amount.
CurrencyName String Full name of the currency used for the shipping cost.
ConversionRateTypeCode String Code representing the type of currency conversion applied.
ConversionRateType String Description of the currency conversion type (for example, Corporate, Spot, User-defined).
ConversionRate Decimal Exchange rate used to convert the shipping cost currency to the base currency.
ConversionDate Date Date on which the currency conversion was applied.
CreatedBy String User or system process that created the shipping cost record.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the shipping cost record was created.
LastUpdatedBy String User or system process that last modified the shipping cost record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp indicating when the shipping cost record was last updated.
ShipmentLine Long Unique identifier for the shipment line associated with this shipping cost.
ShipmentId Long Unique identifier for the shipment to which this cost applies.
Shipment String Name of the material shipment associated with the shipping cost.
PackingUnitId Long Unique identifier for the packing unit linked to this shipping cost.
PackingUnit String Number assigned to the packing unit related to the shipment.
SourceSystemId Long Unique identifier for the external system from which the shipping cost originated.
SourceSystem String Name of the source system that provided the shipping cost data.
SourceOrder String Order number from which this shipping cost originated.
SourceOrderLine String Order line number associated with the shipping cost.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine String Fulfillment line reference related to the shipping cost.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId Long Unique identifier for the fulfillment line in the source order.
OrganizationId Long Unique identifier for the organization associated with the shipping cost.
OrganizationCode String Code representing the organization responsible for the shipment.
OrganizationName String Full name of the organization linked to the shipping cost.
Finder String Searchable reference field used to locate shipping cost records.

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Build 24.0.9175