Manages packing unit details for advance shipment notice (ASN) and advance shipment billing notice (ASBN) lines, supporting accurate tracking.
Name | Type | Description |
ReceivingReceiptRequestsHeaderInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the header record of the receiving receipt request in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
LinesInterfaceTransactionId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the transaction associated with the line item in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
LPNInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | Identifier that uniquely links to the license plate number (LPN) of the current ASN line request in the license plate number hierarchy. |
LicensePlateNumber | String | The actual license plate number of the item in the current ASN line request, part of the ASN packaging hierarchy. |
LPNId | Long | Unique identifier for the license plate number within the current ASN line request hierarchy. |
ParentLicensePlateNumber | String | License plate number of the parent item in the ASN hierarchy, indicating the container or parent grouping for the current ASN line. |
ParentLPNId | Long | Unique identifier for the parent license plate number in the ASN line request hierarchy, which links to the parent item or container. |
CreatedBy | String | User or system that created the record in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Timestamp when the record was created in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User or system that last updated the record in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Timestamp of the most recent update made to the record in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Login session identifier of the user who last updated the record in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
CustomerId | Long | Unique identifier for the customer associated with the receiving receipt request in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
CustomerPartyName | String | The name of the customer associated with the receiving receipt request in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
DocumentNumber | String | Document number associated with the receiving receipt request, typically used for tracking or reference purposes in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | Reference identifier for the transaction in an external system, used for cross-system tracking and reconciliation with the receiving receipt request. |
Finder | String | Search key or code used to find records in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table based on specific criteria or attributes. |
FromDate | Datetime | Start date from which the receiving receipt request record is valid or effective. |
FromOrganizationCode | String | Code identifying the organization that initiated the receiving receipt request in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
FromOrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the organization that initiated the receiving receipt request. |
GroupId | Long | Group identifier used to categorize or group multiple receiving receipt request records together in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
HeaderInterfaceId | Long | Unique identifier for the interface header record associated with the receiving receipt request lines. |
ItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the item being referenced in the receiving receipt request, typically tied to an item in an inventory system. |
ItemNumber | String | The unique number assigned to the item in the inventory system, used to identify the item in the receiving receipt request. |
OrganizationCode | String | Code of the organization to which the receiving receipt request belongs, used for organizational tracking in the system. |
OrganizationId | Long | Unique identifier for the organization associated with the receiving receipt request. |
POHeaderId | Long | Unique identifier for the purchase order header associated with the receiving receipt request in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
ProcessingStatusCode | String | Code that represents the current processing status of the receiving receipt request (for example, pending, processed, failed). |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | Unique identifier for the receipt advice header, which is used to communicate receipt details of items in the receiving receipt request. |
RMANumber | String | Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number, used to track returns or exchanges associated with the receiving receipt request. |
ShipmentHeaderId | Long | Unique identifier for the shipment header associated with the receiving receipt request, linking it to the shipment process. |
ShipmentNumber | String | Unique shipment number identifying the shipment of goods related to the receiving receipt request. |
SourceDocumentCode | String | Code identifying the source document from which the receiving receipt request originated, used for cross-referencing in the system. |
ToDate | Datetime | End date up to which the receiving receipt request record is valid or effective. |
TransactionStatusCode | String | Code representing the current status of the transaction associated with the receiving receipt request (for example, new, completed, error). |
TransactionType | String | Type of transaction represented by the receiving receipt request (for example, receipt, return, adjustment). |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Long | Unique identifier for the transfer order header associated with the receiving receipt request, linking it to the transfer order process. |
VendorId | Long | Unique identifier for the vendor associated with the receiving receipt request in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |
VendorName | String | Name of the vendor associated with the receiving receipt request, typically the supplier of goods or services. |
VendorNumber | String | Unique identifier or code assigned to the vendor in the ReceivingReceiptRequestslinesASNPackingUnits table. |