Provides comprehensive details about shipments, enabling searches by multiple attributes and integration with external systems for tracking, packing, costs, and compliance.
Name | Type | Description |
Shipment | String | Unique identifier for the shipment, used to track and reference the shipment in the system. |
DeliveryId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the delivery associated with the shipment. This is used to link the shipment to its delivery record. |
ShipmentDescription | String | A text description providing more context or details about the shipment. |
InitialPickupDate | Date | The date on which the shipment is initially scheduled to be picked up from the origin. |
InitialPickupDateTime | Datetime | The exact date and time the shipment is scheduled for pickup. This is used for precise scheduling. |
BillOfLading | String | A document that serves as a receipt for goods being shipped and is used to track the shipment. |
GrossWeight | Decimal | The total weight of the shipment, including the packaging materials, in the unit of measure (UOM) defined by the weight unit. |
NetWeight | Decimal | The weight of the actual goods in the shipment, excluding packaging materials. |
TareWeight | Decimal | The weight of the packaging materials used in the shipment. |
WeightUOMCode | String | The unit of measure (UOM) code representing how weight is measured for the shipment (for example, KG, LB). |
WeightUOM | String | The UOM for weight used in the shipment (for example, Kilogram, Pound). |
EquipmentTypeId | Long | Identifier for the type of equipment used in the shipment, such as a truck, container, or pallet. |
EquipmentType | String | Describes the type of equipment used to transport the shipment (for example, Flatbed, Container, Pallet). |
Equipment | String | Description of the specific equipment used for the shipment, providing more details than the equipment type. |
SealNumber | String | A unique number assigned to the seal that secures the shipment, often used for security and verification purposes. |
Volume | Decimal | The total volume of the shipment, including packaging. This measurement helps determine the storage space required. |
VolumeUOMCode | String | The UOM code for the volume of the shipment (for example, Cubic meters, Liters). |
VolumeUOM | String | The UOM for the volume used in the shipment (for example, Cubic Meter, Liter). |
CarrierId | Long | Unique identifier for the carrier handling the shipment, used to link to the carrier's details. |
Carrier | String | Name of the carrier responsible for transporting the shipment (for example, FedEx, UPS, DHL). |
CarrierNumber | String | Carrier number associated with the shipment. This is used to uniquely identify the carrier's shipment. |
ModeOfTransportCode | String | Code representing the mode of transport for the shipment (for example, Sea, Air, Road). This helps categorize the transport method. |
ModeOfTransport | String | Descriptive term for the mode of transport used in the shipment (for example, Air, Sea, Truck). |
ServiceLevelCode | String | Code representing the level of service chosen for the shipment (for example, Standard, Express, Overnight). |
ServiceLevel | String | Description of the service level for the shipment, outlining how quickly or securely the shipment will be delivered. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | Code representing the method used to ship the goods (for example, Ground, Air Freight, Express). |
ShippingMethod | String | Descriptive term for the shipping method used for the shipment (for example, Ground, Air Freight, Sea Freight). |
Waybill | String | Waybill number associated with the shipment. This is a reference number for the shipment's travel. |
PackingSlipNumber | String | Number associated with the packing slip, which provides details about the items included in the shipment. |
ActualShipDate | Date | The date the shipment was actually dispatched from the warehouse or origin. |
ActualShipDateTime | Datetime | The exact date and time when the shipment was actually dispatched, providing precise information on the shipping time. |
UltimateDropoffDate | Date | The final date on which the shipment is scheduled to be delivered to the recipient or destination. |
UltimateDropoffDateTime | Datetime | The final date and time on which the shipment is scheduled to be delivered. |
FreightTermsCode | String | Code representing the freight payment terms for the shipment (for example, Prepaid, Collect). |
FreightTerms | String | Description of the freight terms, detailing who is responsible for the payment of shipping charges. |
FOBCode | String | Code representing the Free on Board (FOB) status of the shipment, indicating the point at which responsibility for the shipment transfers. |
FOB | String | Descriptive term for the Free on Board (FOB) status, showing whether the responsibility for the shipment lies with the buyer or the seller. |
FOBSiteId | Long | Unique identifier for the site where the shipment's Free on Board (FOB) point is located. |
FOBSiteNumber | String | FOB site number, used to identify the specific location of the shipment's Free on Board (FOB) point. |
FOBLocationId | Long | Identifier for the specific location from which the shipment's Free on Board (FOB) is measured. |
FOBAddress1 | String | First address line for the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
FOBAddress2 | String | Second address line for the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
FOBAddress3 | String | Third address line for the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
FOBAddress4 | String | Fourth address line for the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
FOBCity | String | City of the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
FOBCounty | String | County of the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
FOBPostalCode | String | Postal code of the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
FOBRegion | String | Region of the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
FOBState | String | State of the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
FOBCountry | String | Country of the Free on Board (FOB) site. |
DockCode | String | Code identifying the dock location where the shipment is loaded for transport. |
CODAmount | Decimal | Amount to be collected on delivery (COD) for the shipment. This is paid by the recipient. |
CODPaidBy | String | Name of the person or entity responsible for paying the COD amount. |
CODCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the COD amount (for example, USD, EUR). |
CODRemitTo | String | Address or entity to which the COD amount should be remitted. |
ASNDateSent | Date | Date when the Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) was sent to the receiving party. |
ASNDateTimeSent | Datetime | Exact date and time when the Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) was sent. |
ConfirmedDate | Date | Date when the shipment was confirmed by the responsible party. |
ConfirmedDateTime | Datetime | Exact date and time when the shipment was confirmed. |
ConfirmedBy | String | Name of the person or system that confirmed the shipment. |
LoadingSequenceRule | Decimal | Loading sequence rule for determining the order in which goods are loaded for shipment. |
LoadingOrderRuleCode | String | Code for the loading order rule, which specifies how shipment items should be arranged in the transport vehicle. |
LoadingOrderRule | String | Descriptive term for the rule used to determine the loading order of shipment items. |
ProblemContactReference | String | Reference number or identifier for the contact person handling any problems related to the shipment. |
OrganizationId | Long | Identifier for the organization handling the shipment. |
OrganizationCode | String | Code representing the organization responsible for shipping. |
OrganizationName | String | Name of the organization managing the shipment. |
RcvShipmentNumber | String | Reference number for the received shipment, linking it to the receiving process. |
RcvShipmentHeaderId | Long | Unique identifier for the header of the received shipment. |
ShipmentStatusCode | String | Code representing the current status of the shipment (for example, In Transit, Delivered). |
ShipmentStatus | String | Descriptive term representing the current status of the shipment. |
CreatedBy | String | Name of the person or system that created the shipment record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the shipment record was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Name of the person or system that last updated the shipment record. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the shipment record was last updated. |
SourceSystemId | Long | Identifier for the source system from which the shipment data originated. |
SourceSystem | String | Name of the source system from which the shipment record was generated. |
ShipFromLocationId | Long | Location identifier for the source from which the goods are shipped. |
ShipFromAddress1 | String | First address line for the ship-from location. |
ShipFromAddress2 | String | Second address line for the ship-from location. |
ShipFromAddress3 | String | Third address line for the ship-from location. |
ShipFromAddress4 | String | Fourth address line for the ship-from location. |
ShipFromCity | String | City of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromCounty | String | County of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromPostalCode | String | Postal code of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromRegion | String | Region of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromState | String | State of the ship-from location. |
ShipFromCountry | String | Country of the ship-from location. |
ShipToLocationId | Long | Location identifier for the destination to which the shipment is being sent. |
ShipToAddress1 | String | First address line for the ship-to location. |
ShipToAddress2 | String | Second address line for the ship-to location. |
ShipToAddress3 | String | Third address line for the ship-to location. |
ShipToAddress4 | String | Fourth address line for the ship-to location. |
ShipToCity | String | City of the ship-to location. |
ShipToCounty | String | County of the ship-to location. |
ShipToPostalCode | String | Postal code of the ship-to location. |
ShipToRegion | String | Region of the ship-to location. |
ShipToState | String | State of the ship-to location. |
ShipToCountry | String | Country of the ship-to location. |
TransportationReasonCode | String | Code indicating the reason for transporting the shipment (for example, Export, Domestic). |
TransportationReason | String | Descriptive term for the reason the shipment is being transported. |
PortOfLoading | String | Port where the shipment is loaded before transportation begins. |
PortOfDischarge | String | Port where the shipment is unloaded upon arrival. |
NumberOfOuterPackingUnits | Decimal | The total number of outer packing units in the shipment. |
EarliestPickupDate | Datetime | The earliest possible date when the shipment can be picked up from the origin. |
LatestPickupDate | Datetime | The latest possible date when the shipment can be picked up from the origin. |
EarliestDropoffDate | Datetime | The earliest possible date when the shipment can be delivered to the destination. |
LatestDropoffDate | Datetime | The latest possible date when the shipment can be delivered to the destination. |
ShipToPartyId | Long | Unique identifier for the party receiving the shipment. |
ShipToCustomer | String | Name of the customer receiving the shipment. |
ShipToCustomerNumber | String | Customer number used to identify the party receiving the shipment. |
ShipToPartySiteId | Long | Unique identifier for the party site receiving the shipment. |
ShipToPartySiteNumber | String | Site number for the party receiving the shipment. |
SoldToPartyId | Long | Unique identifier for the party that purchased the shipment. |
SoldToCustomer | String | Name of the customer who purchased the shipment. |
SoldToCustomerNumber | String | Customer number for the party that purchased the shipment. |
Supplier | String | Name of the supplier providing the goods in the shipment. |
SupplierPartyNumber | String | Supplier party number associated with the shipment. |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerId | Long | Unique identifier for the logistics service provider customer. |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomer | String | Name of the logistics service provider customer. |
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerNumber | String | Logistics service provider customer number. |
TransportationShipment | String | Reference to the transportation shipment. |
DistributedOrganizationFlag | Bool | Flag indicating if the shipment is associated with a distributed organization. |
CommercialInvoice | String | Commercial invoice number associated with the shipment. |
PlannedFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the shipment is planned. |
AutomaticallyPackFlag | Bool | Flag indicating whether the shipment is automatically packed. |
EnableAutoshipFlag | Bool | Flag indicating if the shipment is enabled for auto-shipping. |
TransportationShipmentFromEvent | String | Reference to the event that triggered the transportation shipment. |
TransportationShipmentCompleteFromEvent | String | Reference to the event that marks the transportation shipment as complete. |
TradeComplianceScreenedFromEvent | String | Reference to the trade compliance screening event for the shipment. |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | External system reference for tracking the transaction. |
BaseItem | String | Base item associated with the shipment. |
EndAssemblyItemNumber | String | End assembly item number for the shipment. |
Finder | String | Search field used to locate the shipment record. |
IntegrationStatus | String | Status indicating the integration state of the shipment record. |
Item | String | Item associated with the shipment. |
LineStatus | String | Status of the shipment line (for example, Open, Closed). |
OrderNumber | String | Order number associated with the shipment. |
OrderType | String | Type of order associated with the shipment. |
OrderTypeCode | String | Order type code for the shipment. |
ParentPackingUnit | String | Packing unit from which the shipment items are packed. |
PickWave | String | Pick wave associated with the shipment. |
QuickShipStatus | String | Status of the quick shipping process for the shipment. |
RcvShipmentLineId | Long | Received shipment line identifier for tracking purposes. |
ShipmentSet | String | Shipment set identifier for the shipment. |
SourceOrder | String | Source order associated with the shipment. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine | String | Source order fulfillment line for the shipment. |
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId | String | Identifier for the source order fulfillment line. |
SourceOrderLine | String | Source order line for the shipment. |
TradeComplianceStatus | String | Status indicating the trade compliance status of the shipment. |
TransportationPlanningStatus | String | Transportation planning status for the shipment. |