CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Provides comprehensive details about shipments, enabling searches by multiple attributes and integration with external systems for tracking, packing, costs, and compliance.


Name Type Description
Shipment String Unique identifier for the shipment, used to track and reference the shipment in the system.
DeliveryId [KEY] Long Identifier for the delivery associated with the shipment. This is used to link the shipment to its delivery record.
ShipmentDescription String A text description providing more context or details about the shipment.
InitialPickupDate Date The date on which the shipment is initially scheduled to be picked up from the origin.
InitialPickupDateTime Datetime The exact date and time the shipment is scheduled for pickup. This is used for precise scheduling.
BillOfLading String A document that serves as a receipt for goods being shipped and is used to track the shipment.
GrossWeight Decimal The total weight of the shipment, including the packaging materials, in the unit of measure (UOM) defined by the weight unit.
NetWeight Decimal The weight of the actual goods in the shipment, excluding packaging materials.
TareWeight Decimal The weight of the packaging materials used in the shipment.
WeightUOMCode String The unit of measure (UOM) code representing how weight is measured for the shipment (for example, KG, LB).
WeightUOM String The UOM for weight used in the shipment (for example, Kilogram, Pound).
EquipmentTypeId Long Identifier for the type of equipment used in the shipment, such as a truck, container, or pallet.
EquipmentType String Describes the type of equipment used to transport the shipment (for example, Flatbed, Container, Pallet).
Equipment String Description of the specific equipment used for the shipment, providing more details than the equipment type.
SealNumber String A unique number assigned to the seal that secures the shipment, often used for security and verification purposes.
Volume Decimal The total volume of the shipment, including packaging. This measurement helps determine the storage space required.
VolumeUOMCode String The UOM code for the volume of the shipment (for example, Cubic meters, Liters).
VolumeUOM String The UOM for the volume used in the shipment (for example, Cubic Meter, Liter).
CarrierId Long Unique identifier for the carrier handling the shipment, used to link to the carrier's details.
Carrier String Name of the carrier responsible for transporting the shipment (for example, FedEx, UPS, DHL).
CarrierNumber String Carrier number associated with the shipment. This is used to uniquely identify the carrier's shipment.
ModeOfTransportCode String Code representing the mode of transport for the shipment (for example, Sea, Air, Road). This helps categorize the transport method.
ModeOfTransport String Descriptive term for the mode of transport used in the shipment (for example, Air, Sea, Truck).
ServiceLevelCode String Code representing the level of service chosen for the shipment (for example, Standard, Express, Overnight).
ServiceLevel String Description of the service level for the shipment, outlining how quickly or securely the shipment will be delivered.
ShippingMethodCode String Code representing the method used to ship the goods (for example, Ground, Air Freight, Express).
ShippingMethod String Descriptive term for the shipping method used for the shipment (for example, Ground, Air Freight, Sea Freight).
Waybill String Waybill number associated with the shipment. This is a reference number for the shipment's travel.
PackingSlipNumber String Number associated with the packing slip, which provides details about the items included in the shipment.
ActualShipDate Date The date the shipment was actually dispatched from the warehouse or origin.
ActualShipDateTime Datetime The exact date and time when the shipment was actually dispatched, providing precise information on the shipping time.
UltimateDropoffDate Date The final date on which the shipment is scheduled to be delivered to the recipient or destination.
UltimateDropoffDateTime Datetime The final date and time on which the shipment is scheduled to be delivered.
FreightTermsCode String Code representing the freight payment terms for the shipment (for example, Prepaid, Collect).
FreightTerms String Description of the freight terms, detailing who is responsible for the payment of shipping charges.
FOBCode String Code representing the Free on Board (FOB) status of the shipment, indicating the point at which responsibility for the shipment transfers.
FOB String Descriptive term for the Free on Board (FOB) status, showing whether the responsibility for the shipment lies with the buyer or the seller.
FOBSiteId Long Unique identifier for the site where the shipment's Free on Board (FOB) point is located.
FOBSiteNumber String FOB site number, used to identify the specific location of the shipment's Free on Board (FOB) point.
FOBLocationId Long Identifier for the specific location from which the shipment's Free on Board (FOB) is measured.
FOBAddress1 String First address line for the Free on Board (FOB) site.
FOBAddress2 String Second address line for the Free on Board (FOB) site.
FOBAddress3 String Third address line for the Free on Board (FOB) site.
FOBAddress4 String Fourth address line for the Free on Board (FOB) site.
FOBCity String City of the Free on Board (FOB) site.
FOBCounty String County of the Free on Board (FOB) site.
FOBPostalCode String Postal code of the Free on Board (FOB) site.
FOBRegion String Region of the Free on Board (FOB) site.
FOBState String State of the Free on Board (FOB) site.
FOBCountry String Country of the Free on Board (FOB) site.
DockCode String Code identifying the dock location where the shipment is loaded for transport.
CODAmount Decimal Amount to be collected on delivery (COD) for the shipment. This is paid by the recipient.
CODPaidBy String Name of the person or entity responsible for paying the COD amount.
CODCurrencyCode String Currency code for the COD amount (for example, USD, EUR).
CODRemitTo String Address or entity to which the COD amount should be remitted.
ASNDateSent Date Date when the Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) was sent to the receiving party.
ASNDateTimeSent Datetime Exact date and time when the Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) was sent.
ConfirmedDate Date Date when the shipment was confirmed by the responsible party.
ConfirmedDateTime Datetime Exact date and time when the shipment was confirmed.
ConfirmedBy String Name of the person or system that confirmed the shipment.
LoadingSequenceRule Decimal Loading sequence rule for determining the order in which goods are loaded for shipment.
LoadingOrderRuleCode String Code for the loading order rule, which specifies how shipment items should be arranged in the transport vehicle.
LoadingOrderRule String Descriptive term for the rule used to determine the loading order of shipment items.
ProblemContactReference String Reference number or identifier for the contact person handling any problems related to the shipment.
OrganizationId Long Identifier for the organization handling the shipment.
OrganizationCode String Code representing the organization responsible for shipping.
OrganizationName String Name of the organization managing the shipment.
RcvShipmentNumber String Reference number for the received shipment, linking it to the receiving process.
RcvShipmentHeaderId Long Unique identifier for the header of the received shipment.
ShipmentStatusCode String Code representing the current status of the shipment (for example, In Transit, Delivered).
ShipmentStatus String Descriptive term representing the current status of the shipment.
CreatedBy String Name of the person or system that created the shipment record.
CreationDate Datetime Date and time when the shipment record was created.
LastUpdatedBy String Name of the person or system that last updated the shipment record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date and time when the shipment record was last updated.
SourceSystemId Long Identifier for the source system from which the shipment data originated.
SourceSystem String Name of the source system from which the shipment record was generated.
ShipFromLocationId Long Location identifier for the source from which the goods are shipped.
ShipFromAddress1 String First address line for the ship-from location.
ShipFromAddress2 String Second address line for the ship-from location.
ShipFromAddress3 String Third address line for the ship-from location.
ShipFromAddress4 String Fourth address line for the ship-from location.
ShipFromCity String City of the ship-from location.
ShipFromCounty String County of the ship-from location.
ShipFromPostalCode String Postal code of the ship-from location.
ShipFromRegion String Region of the ship-from location.
ShipFromState String State of the ship-from location.
ShipFromCountry String Country of the ship-from location.
ShipToLocationId Long Location identifier for the destination to which the shipment is being sent.
ShipToAddress1 String First address line for the ship-to location.
ShipToAddress2 String Second address line for the ship-to location.
ShipToAddress3 String Third address line for the ship-to location.
ShipToAddress4 String Fourth address line for the ship-to location.
ShipToCity String City of the ship-to location.
ShipToCounty String County of the ship-to location.
ShipToPostalCode String Postal code of the ship-to location.
ShipToRegion String Region of the ship-to location.
ShipToState String State of the ship-to location.
ShipToCountry String Country of the ship-to location.
TransportationReasonCode String Code indicating the reason for transporting the shipment (for example, Export, Domestic).
TransportationReason String Descriptive term for the reason the shipment is being transported.
PortOfLoading String Port where the shipment is loaded before transportation begins.
PortOfDischarge String Port where the shipment is unloaded upon arrival.
NumberOfOuterPackingUnits Decimal The total number of outer packing units in the shipment.
EarliestPickupDate Datetime The earliest possible date when the shipment can be picked up from the origin.
LatestPickupDate Datetime The latest possible date when the shipment can be picked up from the origin.
EarliestDropoffDate Datetime The earliest possible date when the shipment can be delivered to the destination.
LatestDropoffDate Datetime The latest possible date when the shipment can be delivered to the destination.
ShipToPartyId Long Unique identifier for the party receiving the shipment.
ShipToCustomer String Name of the customer receiving the shipment.
ShipToCustomerNumber String Customer number used to identify the party receiving the shipment.
ShipToPartySiteId Long Unique identifier for the party site receiving the shipment.
ShipToPartySiteNumber String Site number for the party receiving the shipment.
SoldToPartyId Long Unique identifier for the party that purchased the shipment.
SoldToCustomer String Name of the customer who purchased the shipment.
SoldToCustomerNumber String Customer number for the party that purchased the shipment.
Supplier String Name of the supplier providing the goods in the shipment.
SupplierPartyNumber String Supplier party number associated with the shipment.
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerId Long Unique identifier for the logistics service provider customer.
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomer String Name of the logistics service provider customer.
LogisticsServiceProviderCustomerNumber String Logistics service provider customer number.
TransportationShipment String Reference to the transportation shipment.
DistributedOrganizationFlag Bool Flag indicating if the shipment is associated with a distributed organization.
CommercialInvoice String Commercial invoice number associated with the shipment.
PlannedFlag Bool Flag indicating whether the shipment is planned.
AutomaticallyPackFlag Bool Flag indicating whether the shipment is automatically packed.
EnableAutoshipFlag Bool Flag indicating if the shipment is enabled for auto-shipping.
TransportationShipmentFromEvent String Reference to the event that triggered the transportation shipment.
TransportationShipmentCompleteFromEvent String Reference to the event that marks the transportation shipment as complete.
TradeComplianceScreenedFromEvent String Reference to the trade compliance screening event for the shipment.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String External system reference for tracking the transaction.
BaseItem String Base item associated with the shipment.
EndAssemblyItemNumber String End assembly item number for the shipment.
Finder String Search field used to locate the shipment record.
IntegrationStatus String Status indicating the integration state of the shipment record.
Item String Item associated with the shipment.
LineStatus String Status of the shipment line (for example, Open, Closed).
OrderNumber String Order number associated with the shipment.
OrderType String Type of order associated with the shipment.
OrderTypeCode String Order type code for the shipment.
ParentPackingUnit String Packing unit from which the shipment items are packed.
PickWave String Pick wave associated with the shipment.
QuickShipStatus String Status of the quick shipping process for the shipment.
RcvShipmentLineId Long Received shipment line identifier for tracking purposes.
ShipmentSet String Shipment set identifier for the shipment.
SourceOrder String Source order associated with the shipment.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLine String Source order fulfillment line for the shipment.
SourceOrderFulfillmentLineId String Identifier for the source order fulfillment line.
SourceOrderLine String Source order line for the shipment.
TradeComplianceStatus String Status indicating the trade compliance status of the shipment.
TransportationPlanningStatus String Transportation planning status for the shipment.

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Build 24.0.9175