CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Packed Shipment Lines resource manages details about the shipment lines that are packed within a packing unit.


Name Type Description
ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] Long ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
ShipmentsDeliveryInterfaceId [KEY] Long ShipmentsDeliveryInterfaceId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
OuterpackingunitsLPNInterfaceId [KEY] Long OuterpackingunitsLPNInterfaceId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
DeliveryDetailInterfaceId [KEY] Long DeliveryDetailInterfaceId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
ShipmentLine Long Value that uniquely identifies the shipment line.
Item String Name of the item.
ItemRevision String Revision of the item.
Subinventory String Subinventory to use when fulfilling the item to be shipped.
Locator String Concatenated name of the inventory locator that provides the source for material that ships.
ShippedQuantity Decimal Shipped quantity.
ShippedQuantityUOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure for the shipped quantity.
ShippedQuantityUOM String Unit of measure for the shipped quantity.
SecondaryShippedQuantity Decimal Shipped quantity, in the secondary unit of measure.
SecondaryShippedQuantityUOMCode String Code that identifies the secondary unit of measure for the shipped quantity.
SecondaryShippedQuantityUOM String Secondary unit of measure for the shipped quantity.
NetWeight Decimal Net weight of the shipment line.
GrossWeight Decimal Gross weight of the shipment line.
WeightUOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure for the weight of the shipment line.
WeightUOM String Unit of measure for the weight of the shipment line.
Volume Decimal Volume of the shipment line.
VolumeUOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure for the volume of the shipment line.
VolumeUOM String Unit of measure for the volume of the shipment line.
LoadingSequence Decimal Sequence to use when loading the shipment line.
TaxationCountry String Country where the transaction occurs. The tax authority uses this attribute for taxation purposes.
TransactionBusinessCategory String Name of the business classification. Oracle Fusion Tax uses this value to identify and categorize each transaction that resides outside of Oracle Fusion Tax into a transaction that resides inside Oracle Fusion Tax.
DocumentFiscalClassification String Document fiscal classification.
UserDefinedFiscalClassificationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the classification for each tax requirement that you cannot define using the fiscal classification types that already exist.
ProductFiscalClassification String Product fiscal classification of the transaction line.
IntendedUse String Name of the intended use classification.
ProductCategory String Product category of the transaction line.
LocationOfFinalDischargeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the final discharge location.
TaxClassificationCode String Abbreviation that identifies a group of taxes for reporting and processing. The tax authority uses this attribute for taxation purposes.
ProductTypeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the product type of the inventory item.
FirstPartyTaxRegistrationNumber String Number that identifies tax registration for the first party of the transaction. The tax authority uses this attribute for taxation purposes.
ThirdPartyTaxRegistrationNumber String Number that identifies tax registration for the third party of the transaction. The tax authority uses this attribute for taxation purposes.
TaxInvoiceNumber String Number of the tax invoice that you use to meet tax reporting that different countries require.
TaxInvoiceDate Date Date and time of the tax invoice that you use to meet tax reporting that different countries require.
AssessableValue Decimal Value of the item. Each tax authority can use a different assessable value for each item. The tax authority uses this attribute for taxation purposes.
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber String Number that identifies the certificate for tax exemption. The tax authority uses this attribute for taxation purposes.
TaxExemptionReasonCode String Abbreviation that identifies the reason for tax exemption. The tax authority uses this attribute for taxation purposes.
Order String Order of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
SoldToCustomer String SoldToCustomer of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
RequestedQuantityToConsume Decimal Requested quantity to consume for this shipment for the shipment line. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
QuantityToBackorder Decimal Quantity requested to be back ordered for the shipment line. This attribute is associated with a feature that requires opt in.
TrackingNumber String Tracking number of the shipment line.
Attachments String Attachments of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
Costs String Costs of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
Errors String Errors of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
DFF String DFF of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
Lots String Lots of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
Notes String Notes of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
Serials String Serials of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
Carrier String Carrier of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String ExternalSystemTransactionReference of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
Finder String Finder of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
FromActualShipDate Datetime FromActualShipDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
FromInitialShipDate Datetime FromInitialShipDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
ModeOfTransportCode String ModeOfTransportCode of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
PackingUnit String PackingUnit of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
ServiceLevelCode String ServiceLevelCode of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
ShipFromOrganizationCode String ShipFromOrganizationCode of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
Shipment String Shipment of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
ToActualShipDate Datetime ToActualShipDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
ToInitialShipDate Datetime ToInitialShipDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines
TransactionId Long TransactionId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipmentsouterPackingUnitspackedLines

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Build 24.0.9111