CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks errors during shipment line transaction processing to facilitate resolution.


Name Type Description
ShipmentLineTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the shipment line transaction request in the error log. It links the error to a specific transaction request.
MessageName String The name or type of error message associated with the transaction request. This helps categorize the error type.
MessageText String The detailed error message describing the issue encountered during processing the shipment line transaction request.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time when the error record was created. This helps track when the error was first detected.
CreatedBy String The user or system that created the error record. This provides context on who or what initiated the error logging.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date and time when the error record was last updated, which can help track any further modifications or resolutions.
LastUpdatedBy String The user or system that made the most recent update to the error record, indicating who resolved or modified the error.
BaseItem String The base item identifier for the shipment line transaction request that generated the error. It links the error to a specific item.
BaseItemId Long The unique identifier for the base item in the shipment line transaction request that caused the error.
Carrier String The name of the carrier associated with the shipment line transaction request that encountered the error. This identifies the shipping provider.
CarrierId Long The unique identifier for the carrier involved in the shipment line transaction request that generated the error.
CarrierNumber String The carrier's identification number related to the shipment line transaction request that encountered the error.
EndAssemblyItem String The identifier for the end assembly item, if applicable, that is related to the shipment line transaction request and caused the error.
Finder String A unique search identifier used to find or query the error record, helping users locate and review specific errors.
FromRequestedDate Datetime The starting requested date for the shipment line transaction request that generated the error. This shows the intended start date for the shipment.
FromScheduledShipDate Datetime The original scheduled ship date for the shipment line transaction request that generated the error, indicating the intended shipment date.
InitialDestinationId Long The identifier for the initial destination where the shipment line transaction was intended to go. This provides context for the shipping error.
Item String The item identifier associated with the shipment line transaction request that caused the error.
ItemId Long The unique identifier for the item that caused the error in the shipment line transaction request.
ModeOfTransportCode String The code for the mode of transport (such as truck, air, sea) used for the shipment line transaction request that encountered the error.
OrderTypeCode String An abbreviation for the order type (such as SALES_ORDER) that corresponds to the shipment line transaction request that generated the error.
OrganizationCode String The code for the organization that is associated with the shipment line transaction request and generated the error.
OrganizationId Long The unique identifier for the organization related to the shipment line transaction request that caused the error.
OrganizationName String The name of the organization associated with the shipment line transaction request that generated the error.
ServiceLevelCode String The service level code for the shipping method used in the transaction request. This indicates the level of service for delivery (for example, express, standard).
ToRequestedDate Datetime The ending requested date for the shipment line transaction request that generated the error.
ToScheduledShipDate Datetime The intended end date for the shipment line transaction request that caused the error.
TransactionId Long The unique identifier for the shipment line transaction that caused the error. It is linked to the original transaction request and provides context to the error.
TransportationShipment String The unique identifier for the transportation shipment associated with the shipment line transaction request that caused the error.

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Build 24.0.9175