CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Shipments resource manages details about shipments.


Name Type Description
ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId [KEY] Long ShipmentTransactionRequestsTransactionId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
DeliveryInterfaceId [KEY] Long DeliveryInterfaceId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
Shipment String Name of the material shipment.
Description String Description of the shipment.
ShipFromOrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the ship-from organization.
SoldToCustomerNumber String Number that identifies the sold-to party.
SoldToCustomer String Name of the sold-to party.
ShipToPartySiteNumber String Number that identifies the ship-to party site.
InitialShipDate Datetime Date when the warehouse plans to ship the shipment.
BillOfLading String Receipt that the carrier gives to the shipper. This receipt acknowledges receipt of the shipped goods and specifies the shipment terms.
GrossWeight Decimal Gross weight of the shipment.
NetWeight Decimal Net weight of the shipment.
WeightUOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure for the weight of the shipment.
WeightUOM String Unit of measure for the weight of the shipment.
Volume Decimal Volume of the shipment.
VolumeUOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure for the volume of the shipment.
VolumeUOM String Unit of measure for the volume of the shipment.
Equipment String Registration number of vehicle or equipment that transports the shipment.
EquipmentType String Type of vehicle or equipment that transports the shipment.
SealNumber String Number that identifies the seal on a packing unit, locker, or truck to prove that the container remained closed during transport.
CarrierNumber String Number that identifies the carrier that transports the shipment.
Carrier String Name of the carrier that transports the shipment.
ModeOfTransportCode String Abbreviation that identifies the mode of transport for the shipping method. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT.
ServiceLevelCode String Abbreviation that identifies the service level for the shipping method. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_SERVICE_LEVELS.
Waybill String Nonnegotiable document that describes the contract for transporting cargo.
PackingSlip String Document that itemizes and describes the contents of the shipment.
ActualShipDate Datetime Date when the shipment was shipped.
PlannedDeliveryDate Datetime Date when shipping expects the shipment to arrive at the customer location.
FreightTermsCode String Abbreviation that identifies the freight terms. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_FREIGHT_CHARGE_TERMS.
FreightTerms String Agreement that describes whether the shipping cost of the sales order is paid by the buyer or the seller, and when payment is due. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_FREIGHT_CHARGE_TERMS.
FOBCode String Abbreviation that identifies ownership of the items that are in-transit. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type FOB.
FOBSiteNumber String Number that identifies the freight on board site.
FOBAddress1 String First line of the freight on board address.
FOBAddress2 String Second line of the freight on board address.
FOBAddress3 String Third line of the freight on board address.
FOBAddress4 String Fourth line of the freight on board address.
FOBCity String Freight on board city.
FOBCounty String Freight on board county.
FOBPostalCode String Abbreviation that identifies the postal code, such as a zip code, for freight on board.
FOBRegion String Freight on board region.
FOBState String Freight on board state.
FOBCountry String Freight on board country.
Dock String Place of loading for the shipment.
CODAmount Decimal Collect on delivery amount.
CODCurrency String Abbreviation that identifies the currency to use when collecting the delivery amount.
CODPaidBy String Person or party who paid the collect on delivery amount.
CODRemitTo String Person or party to reference when remitting the collect on delivery amount.
ASNSentDate Datetime Date when the application sent the advanced shipment notice.
ConfirmedDate Datetime Date and time when the person or user confirmed the shipment.
ConfirmedBy String Person or user who confirmed the shipment.
LoadingSequenceRule String Rule to apply on shipment lines for loading into the truck. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type WSH_LINES_LOADING_ORDER.
ProblemContactReference String Person to contact if a problem occurs during shipment.
TransportationReasonCode String Abbreviation that identifies the justification that the user selects when confirming the shipment to indicate a special situation or exception, such as to transfer the item, return it, or to send a sample. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_WSH_TRANSPORT_REASON.
PlannedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the contents of the shipment are planned. If false, then the contents of the shipment are not planned. The default value is false.
AutomaticallyPackFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the shipment is eligible for packing through the batch program. If false, then the shipment is not eligible for packing through the batch program. The default value is true.
EnableAutoshipFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the shipment is eligible for shipping through the batch program. If false, then the shipment is not eligible for shipping through the batch program. The default value is true.
ProrateWeightFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the weights are to be prorated. If false, then the weights will not be prorated. The default value is false.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String Value that contains reference information for the corresponding transaction in external applications. This attribute is only valid for the CreateAndConfirmShipment action.
Finder String Finder of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
FromActualShipDate Datetime FromActualShipDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
FromInitialShipDate Datetime FromInitialShipDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
Item String Item of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
Order String Order of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
PackingUnit String PackingUnit of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
ShipmentLine Long ShipmentLine of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
ToActualShipDate Datetime ToActualShipDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
ToInitialShipDate Datetime ToInitialShipDate of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments
TransactionId Long TransactionId of ShipmentTransactionRequestsshipments

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Build 24.0.9111