CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9111


The Interfaced Pick Transactions resource helps you receive data from Warehouse Management System (WMS) or third-party logistics (3PL) system after pick confirmation is completed at WMS or 3PL systems.You can create, update, and delete interfaced pick transactions, and capture one or all interfaced pick transactions.


Name Type Description
ProcessingFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the input data is first validated to ensure its accuracy and completeness and then the record is processed. If false, the data is directly inserted into the table without any further processing.
TransactionInterfaceId [KEY] Long TransactionInterfaceId of InterfacedPickTransactions
OrganizationId Long Identifies the inventory organization ID.
OrganizationCode String Identifies the inventory organization code.
InventoryItemId Long Identifies the inventory item.
ItemNumber String Identifies the product or material by name.
Revision String Revision of the item when revision control is enabled.
SourceSubinventoryCode String Describes the source subinventory of the transaction.
SourceLocatorId Long Indentifies the source locator ID of the transaction.
SourceLocatorName String Describes the source locator of the transaction.
DestinationSubinventoryCode String Describes the destination subinventory of the transaction.
DestinationLocatorId Long Indentifies the destination locator ID of the transaction.
DestinationLocatorName String Describes the destination locator of the transaction.
PrimaryTransactionQuantity Decimal Transaction quantity of the item's primary unit of measure.
TransactionQuantity Decimal Transaction quantity in the user's preferred unit of measure.
TransactionUOMCode String Transaction unit of the measure code.
TransactionUOMName String Transaction unit of the measure name.
SecondaryTransactionQuantity Decimal Secondary transaction quantity for the pick-confirm transaction.
SecondaryUOMCode String Secondary unit of the measure code used for the pick-confirm transaction.
SecondaryUOMName String Secondary unit of the measure name used for the pick-confirm transaction.
AllocatedQuantity Decimal Quantity allocated by the Warehouse Management System (WMS) or third-party logistics (3PL) system.
ShortQuantity Decimal Quantity short-picked by the Warehouse Management System (WMS) or third-party logistics (3PL) system.
TransactionDate Date Indicates the date when the transaction was created.
TransactionTypeId Long Identifies the transaction type.
TransactionTypeName String Identifies the transaction type by name. The values are based on the Transaction Type Name in INV_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL.
MovementRequestHeaderId Long Identifies the movement-request header by ID.
MovementRequestHeaderNumber String Identifies the movement-request header by number.
MovementRequestLineId Long Movement-request line ID tied to the pick-transaction line.
MovementRequestLineNumber Long Movement-request line number tied to the pick-transaction line.
SourceCode String Transaction source code used for audit and process control.
TransactionReference String Reference code for the pick-confirm transaction.
ExternalSystemTransactionReference String Link to the transaction references passed by an external Warehouse Management System (WMS) or third-party logistics (3PL) system.
ExternalSystemPackingUnit String License-plate number of the external or third-party Warehouse Management System (WMS).
ReasonId Long Identifies the pick-transaction reason by number.
ReasonName String Identifies the pick-transaction reason by name. The values are based on the lookup type INV_REASON_TYPES in FND_LOOKUPS.
StatusCode String StatusCode of InterfacedPickTransactions
Status String Status of InterfacedPickTransactions
ErrorCode String ErrorCode of InterfacedPickTransactions
ErrorExplanation String ErrorExplanation of InterfacedPickTransactions
OwningOrganizationId Long Owning-organization identifier for the pick-transaction record.
OwningOrganizationCode String Owning-organization code for the pick-transaction record.
OwningTradingPartnerTypeCode String Owning-type code for the pick-transaction record.
OwningTradingPartnerType String Owning type for the pick-transaction record. The values are based on the lookup type ORA_INV_OWNING_TYPES in FND_LOOKUPS.
ProcurementBUName String Procuring-business unit for the pick-transaction record when there's a consigned quantity.
VendorName String Vendor name for the pick-transaction record when there's a consigned quantity.
VendorNumber String Vendor number for the pick-transaction record when there's a consigned quantity.
ConsignmentAgreementNumber String Consignment agreement number for the consigned material. This column is populated if the the Vendor Name, Vendor Number, Procurement Business Unit, or Vendor Site Code is insufficient to derive the Vendor Site ID.
Finder String Finder of InterfacedPickTransactions

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Build 24.0.9111