Provides detailed lot-level information for inventory transactions, including lot number, quantity, and expiration data for items under lot control.
Name | Type | Description |
InventoryCompletedTransactionsTransactionId [KEY] | Long | A system-generated unique identifier linking this completed inventory transaction to a specific lot-controlled item. This identifier ensures traceability of lot-based inventory movements. |
LotNumber [KEY] | String | The unique lot number assigned to the inventory item in this transaction. This value is critical for lot-controlled inventory tracking, ensuring compliance with quality control, traceability regulations, and expiration management. |
ParentLot | String | The lot number of the parent lot from which this lot was derived. This number is used for tracking hierarchical lot relationships, such as lot splits, merges, or sub-lots in manufacturing and distribution processes. |
TransactionQuantity | Decimal | The total quantity of the item moved, issued, or received in this transaction, expressed in the primary unit of measure (UOM). This value is essential for accurate inventory tracking and reconciliation. |
Status | String | The current status of the lot in the transaction (for example, 'Active', 'On Hold', or 'Expired'). This value ensures proper inventory handling and regulatory compliance. |
StatusId | Long | The unique identifier associated with the lot's status. This value is used internally for system processing and status validation in inventory tracking. |
SupplierLotNumber | String | The lot number assigned by the supplier to the inventory item. This value ensures end-to-end traceability from supplier to end-user and supports compliance with quality and recall management. |
GradeCode | String | The quality grade code assigned to the lot, used for categorizing inventory based on predefined quality standards, inspection results, or product characteristics. |
OriginationTypeCode | Long | The system-defined code representing the origination type of the lot (for example, 'Manufactured', 'Procured', or 'Transferred'). This value is used to determine the source of inventory movements. |
OriginationType | String | The description of the origination type for the lot, indicating whether the inventory was received from a supplier, manufactured internally, or transferred from another location. |
OriginationDate | Date | The date on which the lot was first created, manufactured, or received into inventory. This date ensures proper tracking of inventory lifecycles and supports quality control processes. |
RetestDate | Date | The date on which the lot is scheduled for retesting to determine if it remains usable. This date is crucial for inventory that requires periodic quality checks before further use or sale. |
ExpirationActionCode | String | The system-defined action code that specifies what happens when the lot reaches its expiration date (for example, 'Dispose', 'Rework', or 'Hold'). |
ExpirationAction | String | The description of the action to be taken when the lot expires. This description ensures proper handling of expired or obsolete inventory. |
ExpirationActionDate | Date | The date on which the expiration action is scheduled to take place. This date helps inventory managers proactively handle expired stock and avoid regulatory non-compliance. |
HoldDate | Date | The date on which the lot was placed on hold, preventing further transactions involving the inventory. This date is used for quality holds, regulatory compliance, or issue resolution. |
MaturityDate | Date | The date on which the inventory in this lot reaches maturity, such as aged products or materials requiring a curing period before usage. |
Reason | String | The justification for a specific action taken on the lot, such as placing it on hold, expiring it, or adjusting its status. This field is critical for audit trails and compliance reporting. |
ReasonId | Long | A system-generated unique identifier for the reason associated with the inventory transaction. This identifier ensures consistent categorization of transaction justifications across the system. |
BindInventoryItemId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with the lot transaction. This identifier ensures accurate linkage between lot-controlled inventory movements and the item master data. |
BindItem | String | The item number linked to the lot transaction, ensuring traceability between item master records and lot-tracked inventory movements. |
BindOrganization | String | The name of the organization responsible for the inventory in this lot transaction. This name ensures proper inventory ownership tracking in multi-entity business structures. |
BindOrganizationId | Long | The unique identifier for the organization responsible for managing the inventory lot transaction. This identifier supports financial tracking and inventory reconciliation in multi-org environments. |
BindPJCProjectId | String | The unique identifier for the project associated with the lot transaction. This identifier enables project-based inventory tracking and cost allocation. |
BindPJCProjectNumber | String | The project number associated with the inventory lot transaction, providing clear visibility into project-related stock movements. |
BindPJCTaskId | String | The unique identifier for the project task related to the lot transaction. This identifier ensures accurate tracking of inventory assigned to specific project tasks and cost centers. |
BindPJCTaskNumber | String | The task number linked to the lot transaction, ensuring proper allocation of inventory to project-specific activities. |
BindTransactionDate | Datetime | The date and time when the bound lot transaction occurred. This information supports chronological tracking and financial reconciliation of lot-based inventory transactions. |
BindTransactionId | Long | The unique identifier for the inventory transaction linked to this lot record. This identifier ensures proper reference and traceability in reporting and auditing. |
Finder | String | The lookup reference used to retrieve and manage completed lot-based inventory transactions. This reference enables efficient searching, reporting, and query execution for lot-controlled inventory. |
TransactionId | Long | A system-generated unique identifier for the inventory transaction involving a lot-controlled item. This identifier ensures accurate integration with financial, supply chain, and compliance systems. |