CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Tracks manufacturer parts associated with return-eligible receipt lines, improving return traceability.


Name Type Description
LinesToReturnParentTransactionId [KEY] Long The parent transaction ID associated with the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts, used to link the record to its parent transaction.
ManufacturerPartNumber [KEY] String The unique identifier for the manufacturer’s part number within the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts table.
ManufacturerName [KEY] String The name of the manufacturer of the part, referenced in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts table.
BindASNNumber String The ASN (Advance Shipment Notification) number for the shipment, tied to the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts record.
BindBackToBack String Indicates whether the part is part of a back-to-back order process in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindConsigned String Indicates whether the part is consigned stock, used in the context of the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindDocumentDistributionNumber Long The distribution number of the document related to the part within the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindDocumentLineNumber String The line number of the document associated with the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindDocumentNumber String The unique number of the document related to the part, referencing the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindDocumentScheduleNumber String The schedule number of the document related to the part, stored in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindDocumentType String The type of document, such as purchase order or shipment notice, related to the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindFromDate Date The start date of the date range for the document or transaction, relevant to the part in LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindItemId Long The unique identifier for the item tied to the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts record.
BindItemNumber String The number or Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the item associated with the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindOrganizationCode String The code identifying the organization related to the part, as recorded in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindOrganizationId Long The unique identifier of the organization associated with the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindParentTransactionId Long The ID of the parent transaction that the current part record belongs to in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindPODistributionId Long The ID of the purchase order distribution associated with the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindPOHeaderId Long The header ID of the purchase order related to the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindPOLineId Long The line ID of the purchase order tied to the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindPOLineLocationId Long The location ID for the specific line of the purchase order related to the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindReceiptAdviceHeaderId Long The header ID of the receipt advice for the part, referencing the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindReceiptAdviceLineId Long The line ID of the receipt advice document associated with the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindReceiptNumber String The receipt number identifying the record of goods received for the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindShipmentHeaderId Long The shipment header ID associated with the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindShipmentLineId Long The shipment line ID related to the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindSourceDocumentCode String The code of the source document from which the part originated, tied to the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindToDate Date The end date of the date range for the document or transaction, relevant to the part in LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindTOShipment String The transfer order shipment number associated with the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindTransferOrderDistId Long The ID of the distribution for the transfer order associated with the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindTransferOrderHeaderId Long The transfer order header ID related to the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
BindTransferOrderLineId Long The line ID of the transfer order tied to the part in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
Finder String A custom field or identifier used to help find specific parts in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.
ParentTransactionId Long The ID of the parent transaction for the current record, linking it to its related transactions in the LinesToReturnmanufacturerParts.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175