Supports descriptive flexfields for lot numbers associated with lot and serial-controlled items.
Name | Type | Description |
ReceivingReceiptRequestsHeaderInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the header interface record in the Receiving Receipt Request system. This is used to track the receipt request at the header level. |
LinesInterfaceTransactionId [KEY] | Long | Identifier for the transaction associated with a specific line in the Receiving Receipt Request system. This ID is used to trace individual transactions linked to each receipt request line. |
LotserialitemlotsLotNumber [KEY] | String | Represents the lot number associated with a serial-controlled item in the Receiving Receipt Request system. It helps identify the specific lot for inventory tracking. |
TransactionInterfaceId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier for the transaction in the Receiving Receipt Request system, used to track the transaction details associated with a receipt request. |
LotNumber [KEY] | String | Identifies the lot number for an item in the inventory. This number is used for tracking the specific batch or group of items within the system. |
_FLEX_Context | String | Context name for a descriptive flexfield used when an item is controlled by lot and serial numbers in the warehouse. This field provides additional contextual information for managing lot-specific details. |
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue | String | Display value associated with the descriptive flexfield context for lots. It provides a user-friendly label or description of the context applied to the item. |
CustomerId | Long | Identifier for the customer associated with the receipt request. This ID helps in identifying which customer is requesting the receipt or inventory update. |
CustomerPartyName | String | Name of the customer party related to the receipt request. This provides a human-readable reference to the customer involved in the transaction. |
DocumentNumber | String | Document number associated with the receipt request or transaction. This number is used to link the request to a specific document for reference and tracking. |
ExternalSystemTransactionReference | String | Reference identifier from an external system for the transaction. This is used to connect the transaction in OracleSCM with external systems' data for integration purposes. |
Finder | String | A search identifier used within the Receiving Receipt Request system. It helps in locating or referencing specific transactions or items within the system. |
FromDate | Datetime | The start date for the period during which the receipt request is valid. This date marks the beginning of the time range for processing or tracking the request. |
FromOrganizationCode | String | Code representing the organization from which the goods or items are being received. This helps in identifying the origin of the receipt. |
FromOrganizationId | Long | Identifier for the organization that is sending or transferring the items to the receiving organization. This ID helps track the source of the receipt request. |
GroupId | Long | Identifier for the group associated with the receipt request. This ID is used to categorize and track related receipt requests within the system. |
HeaderInterfaceId | Long | Identifier for the header-level interface record, linking the receiving receipt request to its corresponding header record in the system. |
ItemId | Long | Unique identifier for the item being received. This ID helps identify the specific product or material associated with the receipt request. |
ItemNumber | String | Unique number or identifier for the item. This number is used to track and reference the item in the receiving process. |
OrganizationCode | String | Code representing the organization receiving the items. This helps identify the location or department involved in the receipt of goods. |
OrganizationId | Long | Identifier for the organization receiving the goods or materials. This ID helps distinguish different organizations or units within the system. |
POHeaderId | Long | Purchase order header identifier for the items being received. This ID links the receipt request to a specific purchase order for validation and processing. |
ProcessingStatusCode | String | Code representing the current status of the receipt request. It helps indicate whether the request is pending, processed, or has encountered issues. |
ReceiptAdviceHeaderId | Long | Identifier for the receipt advice header, used to track receipt advice related to a purchase or transaction. This helps in validating and confirming receipt information. |
RMANumber | String | Return merchandise authorization (RMA) number, used for tracking the return of items. This number is tied to the receipt of goods being returned. |
ShipmentHeaderId | Long | Identifier for the shipment associated with the receipt request. This ID helps link the receipt to a specific shipment for tracking and processing. |
ShipmentNumber | String | Shipment number associated with the transaction, used for tracking the movement and receipt of goods during the shipment process. |
SourceDocumentCode | String | Code representing the original source document, such as an invoice or purchase order, linked to the receipt request. This helps track the origin of the receipt. |
ToDate | Datetime | The end date for the period during which the receipt request is valid. This date marks the end of the time range for processing or tracking the request. |
TransactionStatusCode | String | Code representing the current status of the transaction, indicating whether it is pending, completed, or has encountered errors. |
TransactionType | String | Type of transaction associated with the receipt request, such as purchase, return, or transfer. This helps classify the nature of the transaction. |
TransferOrderHeaderId | Long | Identifier for the transfer order header, used to track inter-organization transfers. This ID links the receipt request to a specific transfer order. |
VendorId | Long | Identifier for the vendor supplying the items being received. This ID is used to track which vendor the goods are coming from. |
VendorName | String | Name of the vendor supplying the items. This provides a human-readable reference to the vendor in the receipt request. |
VendorNumber | String | Vendor number used to uniquely identify the vendor in the system. This number is used for tracking and managing vendor-related transactions. |