CData Python Connector for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM

Build 24.0.9175


Manages standard lot-related details for shipment lines using descriptive flexfields (DFFs).


Name Type Description
ShipmentLinesShipmentLine [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the shipment line in the ShipmentLineslotStandardDFF table. This connects the DFF data to the shipment line, facilitating detailed management of shipment attributes related to inventory lots.
InventoryItemId [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the inventory item associated with the shipment line. This ID links the DFF data to the specific inventory item, enabling detailed tracking of lot-specific attributes in the shipment.
OrganizationId [KEY] Long The identifier for the organization responsible for the shipment line. This field associates the DFF data with the organization, ensuring proper organizational context for reporting and tracking of shipment attributes.
LotNumber [KEY] String The unique identifier for the lot of inventory associated with the shipment line. This field links the DFF data to the specific lot, ensuring that lot-level details are connected to the shipment information.
_FLEX_Context String A system-generated context identifier for the DFF. This context value allows the system to distinguish between various flexfield configurations, enabling flexible usage for different shipment and inventory scenarios.
_FLEX_Context_DisplayValue String A human-readable display value for the __FLEX_Context identifier. This field provides an intuitive label to help users easily identify the specific context of the DFF in the system.
Finder String The search method used to locate the DFF record within the system. This field is critical for efficient querying and retrieval of specific lot-related attributes tied to the shipment line in the database.
ShipmentLine Long The unique identifier for the shipment line in the ShipmentLineslotStandardDFF table. This field connects the flexfield data to a particular shipment line, ensuring accurate tracking and assignment of lot attributes to the correct shipment.

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Build 24.0.9175