Running DBAmp Remotely

Running DBAmp Remotely


DBAmp is a 3rd-party linked server that you must install on the SQL Server Instance. In adition, most of the DBAmp stored procedures require that you enable xp_cmdshell on the server. However, you may not want to install the DBAmp linked server or enable xp_cmdhsell on the SQL Server Instance where you want your Salesforce data housed. Another consideration is that Azure Managed SQL Instances are not supported for DBAmp because they do not allow the installation of 3rd-party linked servers on the Instance.

Running DBAmp remotely gives you the ability to use certain DBAmp commands in conjunction with a remote SQL Server Instance that does not have

  • DBAmp installed
  • xp_cmdshell enabled
  • Azure SQL Managed Instances

This allows you to house your Salesforce data in a remote database on a remote SQL Server Instance or Azure Managed SQL Instance.

Architecture Explanation

A remote SQL Server Instance can either be another Instance of SQL Server or an Azure Managed SQL Instance. DBAmp must be installed and setup as a linked server on a SQL Server Instance, just like you would for any other DBAmp installation. But, with this functionality, the remote SQL Server Instance does not require a DBAmp installation. On the remote SQL Server Instance, all you need to do for setup is create a remote database that you want your Salesforce data housed in. Then, run the DBAmp Configuration Program on the server on which DBAmp is installed and configure the remote properties to connect to the remote database on the remote SQL Server Instance.

After you have configured the remote properties, you are ready to start running DBAmp commands. The DBAmp commands are still run on the SQL Server Instance on which DBAmp is installed, but the data is “pushed” to the remote database on the remote SQL Server Instance. Because of this setup, only a subset of DBAmp stored procedures are supported when running DBAmp remotely. See “Remote Stored Procedure Reference” for a list of supported stored procedures and an explanation about how you can use them.