CData ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials ビュー
Name | Description |
CatalogCategoryHierarchyNodes | The Catalog Category Hierarchy Nodes resource manages the catalog category hierarchy. The catalog category hierarchy presents a hierarchical view of the catalog to users, helping them to quickly find the products they need. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
ComplianceChecklists | The Compliance Checklists resource manages details of procurement compliance checklists. Compliance checklists are stored in the same table as the supplier qualification initiatives. You must have the necessary privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
ComplianceChecklistTemplates | The Compliance Checklist Templates resource manages details about templates that can be used to create compliance checklists. The compliance checklist templates are stored in the same table as the supplier qualification models. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
ContentZones | The Content Zones resource manages the creation and maintenance of content zones. A content zone is an entity that determines what shopping content must be made available to users during shopping in the Self Service Procurement application. It consists of a collection of Shopping Catalogs, Smart Forms and Public Shopping Lists. These collectively determine what content is available and how that content is secured for access. |
ContentZonescatalogAssignments | The Catalog Assignments resource manages the catalog assignments for a content zone. Local, Punchout, and Informational catalog types can be assigned to a content zone. |
ContentZonespublicShoppingListAssignments | The Public Shopping List Assignments resource manages the public shopping list assignments for a content zone. |
ContentZonessecurityAssignments | The Security Assignments resource manages the security access assignments for the content zones by requisitioning BUs, workers, or deliver-to locations. |
ContentZonessmartFormAssignments | The Smart Form Assignments resource manages the smart form assignments for a content zone. Smart forms can be assigned to a content zone only for requisitioning usage. |
DraftPurchaseOrdersattachments | The Attachments for Draft Purchase Orders resource manages attachments for a purchase order. |
DraftPurchaseOrdersDFF | The Flexfields for Draft Purchase Orders resource manages additional details about purchase orders. |
DraftPurchaseOrdersglobalDFFs | The US Federal Attributes for Draft Purchase Orders resource manages federal financial attributes for purchase orders. |
DraftPurchaseOrderslines | The Lines resource manages purchasing details, such as the item to purchase, quantity, unit of measure, and price. |
DraftPurchaseOrderslinesattachments | The Attachments for Lines resource manages attachments for a purchase order line. |
DraftPurchaseOrderslinesDFF | The Flexfields for Lines resource manages additional details about purchase order lines. |
DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesattachments | The Attachments for Schedules resource manages attachments for a purchase order schedule. |
DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesDFF | The Flexfields for Schedules resource manages additional details about purchase order schedules. |
DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions | The Distributions resource manages purchasing details, such as details about accounting or the project. |
DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesglobalDFFs | The US Federal Attributes for Schedules resource manages federal financial attributes for purchase order schedules. |
DraftPurchaseOrderssummaryAttributes | The Summary Attributes for Draft Purchase Orders resource manages the aggregated summary attributes of purchase orders. The summary attributes comprise of aggregated information from across the lines of a purchase order. This resource will return the corresponding data only when called in conjunction with an appropriate finder. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponses | The Draft Supplier Negotiation Responses resource manages the supplier's draft response to sourcing negotiations such as RFI, RFQ, or auctions. A supplier response captures details such as line price, answers to requirements, or supporting attachments. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponsesattachments | The Attachments resource manages response attachments in the supplier negotiation response. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponseslines | The Response Lines resource captures supplier response information for the negotiation line such as the line price, response quantity, promised delivery date, and note to buyer. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponseslinesattachments | The Attachments resource manages response attachments in the supplier negotiation response. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponseslinescostFactors | The Cost Factors resource captures supplier responses to external cost factors for a negotiation line. The external cost factor response values, along with the unit line price, are used to calculate the response price for the negotiation line. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponseslineslineAttributeGroups | The Attribute Groups resource contains details about groups of attributes on the supplier negotiation line. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponseslineslineAttributeGroupslineAttributes | The Line Attributes resource manages details about attributes on the supplier negotiation line. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponseslinespriceBreaks | The Price Breaks resource captures a supplier's price breaks for the line based on location, quantity, or date. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponseslinespriceTiers | The Price Tiers resource manages details about tiers according to quantity for a negotiation line to solicit tiered pricing from each supplier. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponsessections | The Sections resource contains details of the sections of a supplier negotiation requirement. For example, commercial requirements, manufacturing capabilities, or technical requirements. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponsessectionsrequirements | The Requirements resource contains details about the requirements of a supplier negotiation. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponsessectionsrequirementsattachments | The Attachments resource manages response attachments in the supplier negotiation response. |
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponsessectionsrequirementsresponseValues | The Response Values resource manages details about the requirement responses of a supplier negotiation. |
Finders | Lists the findername along with the attributes for a particular view. |
FlexFndDffDescriptiveFlexfieldContexts | Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ |
FlexFndPvsCharacterIdCharacterValues | Get all Method: get Path: /fscmRestApi/resources/ |
PersonalShoppingLists | The Personal Shopping Lists resource manages personal shopping lists. A personal shopping list is a private list of purchasable items created by a user for easy reordering of items. |
PersonalShoppingListslines | The Lines resource manages items added to a personal shopping list. |
ProcurementAgents | The Procurement Agents resource manages procurement agents. Procurement agents are users with roles such as buyer, catalog administrator and supplier manager. These users need to be defined as procurement agents in order to manage procurement documents and perform other procurement actions. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
ProcurementApprovedSupplierListEntries | The Procurement Approved Supplier List Entries resource maintains a repository that links items to the suppliers and supplier sites that are approved to provide the items to a specific ship-to organization or to the entire enterprise. When a new approved supplier list entry is created, a supplier item attribute record with the same scope as the approved supplier entry is also created. However, ship-to organization-specific supplier item attributes can't be added to approved supplier list entries with global scope. Additionally, approved supplier list entries of category type or those of manufacturer or distributor business types can't be created, updated, or retrieved using the REST API. |
ProcurementApprovedSupplierListEntriesDFF | The operations from the Procurement Approved Supplier List Entries/Flexfields for Approved Supplier List Entries category. |
ProcurementPersonsLOV | Procurement Persons List of Values provides a way to search for people in an organization for whom goods and services can be procured using the self service procurement application. |
PublicShoppingListLines | The Public Shopping List Lines resource manages the public shopping list lines. Public shopping list lines are a collection of items that are available to preparers or requesters to create a requisition. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. You can use Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel to integrate web applications via REST resources to retrieve, analyze, and edit data. For more information, refer to Use Visual Builder Add-in for Excel to Manage Web Applications Data in the Learn More section of this guide. |
PublicShoppingLists | The Public Shopping Lists resource manages the public shopping list headers. A public shopping list header contains a collection of public shopping list lines with items that are available to preparers or requesters to create a requisition. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges, and Status Codes topics. You can use Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel to integrate web applications via REST resources to retrieve, analyze, and edit data. For more information, refer to Use Visual Builder Add-in for Excel to Manage Web Applications Data in the Learn More section of this guide. |
PunchoutConnections | The Punchout Connections resource manages redirection URLs for both punchout catalogs as well as punchout catalog items. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
PurchaseAgreementImportRequests | Purchase agreement import requests lets user import the procurement documents. It receives the data, verifies and processes the data, and imports the data into the application as purchase agreements. |
PurchaseAgreementImportRequestsbusinessUnitAccess | Agreement business unit access contains mapping for client requisitioning business units that can make purchases using the agreement. For example, a blanket purchase agreement with supplier Advanced Network Devices is hosted by Vision Operations, and is made available to Vision Services where Vision Operations provides the procurement service for all requisitions created by its client, Vision Services. |
PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslines | Details of the goods or services to be purchased from the supplier. The line doesn't contain delivery dates or individual delivery quantities or amounts. For example, an agreement line can be service-based for installing a television or a goods item to negotiate the price for 50 laptops. |
PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslinesitemAttributes | Agreement item attribute captures additional information about the item on the agreement line such as supplier item auxiliary identifier, supplier URL, manufacturer name, manufacturer URL, manufacturer part number, United Nations Standard Products and Services Code, UNSPSC, and image URL. For example, Big Computers could be the manufacturer of a laptop whereas B004521 could be the manufacturer part number for a television. |
PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslinespriceBreaks | Agreement price breaks are reductions in the price of an item depending on certain conditions such as purchasing in bulk or from a certain location. For example, for a laptop, price will be reduced by 100 dollars if your order exceeds 20 quantity or 30 dollars if you order for a specific location. |
PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslinestranslationItemAttributes | Translation item attributes capture additional information about purchasing item translation attributes. |
PurchaseAgreementLines | Details of the goods or services to be purchased from the supplier. The line doesn't contain delivery dates or individual delivery quantities or amounts. For example, an agreement line can be service-based for installing a television or a goods item to negotiate the price for 50 laptops. |
PurchaseAgreementLinesitemAttributes | Agreement item attribute captures additional information about the item on the agreement line such as supplier item auxiliary identifier, supplier URL, manufacturer name, manufacturer URL, manufacturer part number, United Nations Standard Products and Services Code, UNSPSC, and image URL. For example, Big Computers could be the manufacturer of a laptop whereas B004521 could be the manufacturer part number for a television. |
PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks | Agreement price breaks are reductions in the price of an item depending on certain conditions such as purchasing in bulk or from a certain location. For example, for a laptop, price will be reduced by 100 dollars if your order exceeds 20 quantity or 30 dollars if you order for a specific location. |
PurchaseAgreements | A document that's a long-term agreement between a supplier and the requesting organization, and can be referenced by purchase orders in the future. Agreements contain the details with which you agree with your supplier on specific terms and conditions, with or without indicating the goods and services that you will purchase. For example, an agreement with a supplier for 50 laptops, or an agreement with another supplier for installing a television. |
PurchaseAgreementsbusinessUnitAccess | Agreement business unit access contains mapping for client requisitioning business units that can make purchases using the agreement. For example, a blanket purchase agreement with supplier Advanced Network Devices is hosted by Vision Operations, and is made available to Vision Services where Vision Operations provides the procurement service for all requisitions created by its client, Vision Services. |
PurchaseAgreementslines | Details of the goods or services to be purchased from the supplier. The line doesn't contain delivery dates or individual delivery quantities or amounts. For example, an agreement line can be service-based for installing a television or a goods item to negotiate the price for 50 laptops. |
PurchaseAgreementslinesitemAttributes | Agreement item attribute captures additional information about the item on the agreement line such as supplier item auxiliary identifier, supplier URL, manufacturer name, manufacturer URL, manufacturer part number, United Nations Standard Products and Services Code, UNSPSC, and image URL. For example, Big Computers could be the manufacturer of a laptop whereas B004521 could be the manufacturer part number for a television. |
PurchaseAgreementslinespriceBreaks | Agreement price breaks are reductions in the price of an item depending on certain conditions such as purchasing in bulk or from a certain location. For example, for a laptop, price will be reduced by 100 dollars if your order exceeds 20 quantity or 30 dollars if you order for a specific location. |
PurchaseAgreementsnotificationControls | Agreement notification control alerts the user when expiration and release control conditions are met for an agreement. For example, it could send an expiration notification when an agreement expires or a released amount notification when the agreement amount is released. |
PurchaseOrders | The Purchase Orders resource manages purchase orders. A purchase order is a commercial document that controls purchasing of an item or service, typically from a supplier who resides outside of your organization. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
PurchaseOrdersattachments | The Attachments for Purchase Orders resource manage attachments for a purchase order. |
PurchaseOrderSchedules | The Purchase Order Schedules resource manages the details of purchase order schedules, such as ship-to location and delivery date. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
PurchaseOrdersDFF | The Flexfields for Purchase Orders resource manages additional details about purchase orders. |
PurchaseOrdersglobalDFFs | The US Federal Attributes for Purchase Orders resource manages federal financial attributes for purchase orders. |
PurchaseOrderslines | The Lines resource manages purchasing details, such as the item to purchase, quantity, unit of measure, and price. |
PurchaseOrderslinesattachments | The Attachments for Lines resource manage attachments for a purchase order line. |
PurchaseOrderslinesDFF | The Flexfields for Lines resource manages additional details about purchase order lines. |
PurchaseOrderslinesschedules | The Schedules resource manages purchasing details, such as ship-to location and delivery date. |
PurchaseOrderslinesschedulesattachments | The Attachments for Schedules resource manage attachments for a purchase order schedule. |
PurchaseOrderslinesschedulesDFF | The Flexfields for Schedules resource manages additional details about purchase order schedules. |
PurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions | The Distributions resource manages purchasing details, such as details about accounting or the project. |
PurchaseOrderslinesschedulesglobalDFFs | The US Federal Attributes for Schedules resource manages federal financial attributes for purchase order schedules. |
PurchaseOrdersLOV | The Purchase Orders List of Values resource searches for purchase orders. A purchase order is a commercial document that controls purchasing of an item or service, typically from a supplier who resides outside of your organization. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
PurchaseRequisitionsattachments | The Attachments for Purchase Requisitions resource manages attachments for a purchase requisition. |
PurchaseRequisitionsDFF | The Flexfields for Purchase Requisitions resource manages details about purchase requisitions. |
PurchaseRequisitionslinesattachments | The Attachments for Lines resource manages attachments for a purchase requisition line. |
PurchaseRequisitionslinesDFF | The Flexfields for Purchase Requisition Lines resource manages details about purchase requisition lines. |
PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions | The Distributions resource manages purchasing details such as details about accounting or the project. |
PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributionsDFF | The Flexfields for Purchase Requisition Distributions resource manages details about purchase requisition distributions. |
PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributionsprojectDFF | The Project Costing Flexfields for Purchase Requisition Distributions resource manages details about purchase requisition distributions. |
PurchaseRequisitionslinesinformationTemplates | The Information Templates for Purchase Requisitions Lines resource manages the information templates associated with a smart form used to create a requisition line. This resource is not currently used. |
PurchaseRequisitionslinesinformationTemplatesinformationTemplateDFF | The Information Template Flexfields for Purchase Requisitions Lines resource manages details about information templates descriptive flexfields. |
PurchaseRequisitionslinesspecialHandlingDFF | The Special Handling Flexfields for Purchase Requisitions Lines resource manages details about purchase requisition lines. |
PurchaseRequisitionsspecialHandlingDFF | The Special Handling Flexfields for Purchase Requisitions resource manages details about purchase requisitions. |
PurchaseRequisitionssummaryAttributes | The Summary Attributes for Purchase Requisitions resource manages the aggregated summary attributes of purchase requisitions. The summary attributes comprise aggregated information from across the lines for a requisition. This resource returns the corresponding data only when called in conjunction with an appropriate finder. |
PurchasingDocumentImportErrors | Lists the errors that occur while importing purchasing documents, for example, purchase orders, blanket purchase agreements, or contract purchase agreements, into Oracle Fusion Purchasing. |
PurchasingNews | The Purchasing News resource manages purchasing news. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
QuestionnaireResponses | The Questionnaire Responses resource manages the responses to a compliance checklist or a supplier qualification questionnaire. The questionnaire responses are stored in the same table as the questionnaire response headers. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
QuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireAttachments | The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments. |
QuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireResponseSections | The Questionnaire Response Sections resource stores details about various sections included in a questionnaire response. |
QuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireResponseSectionsquestionnaireResponseDetails | The Questionnaire Response Details resource manages response details such as response comments and the acceptance note for each question on the questionnaire. |
QuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireResponseSectionsquestionnaireResponseDetailsquestionAttachments | The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments. |
QuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireResponseSectionsquestionnaireResponseDetailsquestionnaireResponseValues | The Questionnaire Response Values resource stores the response value, which could be a date, text, or number value, to a given question on a questionnaire. |
RecentRequisitions | The Recent Requisitions resource gets the recent requisitions for a specified user. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
RequisitionOneTimeLocations | The Requisition One-Time Locations resource manages the postal address used for delivery such as building number, street address, and postal code. These values are referred to as one-time address locations in Oracle Self Service Procurement Cloud, and they define the address to which procured goods and services should be delivered. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
RequisitionPreferences | The Requisition Preferences resource manages the user's requisition preferences. The preferences are used to set the default information required to create requisitions. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
RequisitionPreferencesfavoriteChargeAccounts | The Favorite Charge Accounts resource gets the user's favorite charge accounts specified in the requisition preferences. |
RequisitionPreferencesprojectDFF | The Project Costing Flexfields resource gets the projects details for the user's requisition preferences. |
RequisitionPreferencespurchasingNews | The Purchasing News resource gets the purchasing news for the user's selected requisitioning BU in the requisition preferences. |
RequisitionPreferencesrequisitioningOptions | The Requisitioning Options resource gets the configurations of the requisitioning business unit, profile options, and status of the feature opt-ins configured for Oracle Self Service Procurement Cloud. |
RequisitionProcessingRequests | The Requisition Processing Requests resource processes approved requisition lines into a new order or adds them to an existing order. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges section. |
RequisitionProcessingRequestslines | The Lines resource manages the requisition lines that need to be processed into a procurement document. |
RequisitionProductDetails | The Requisition Product Details resource gets the item details for a specified item. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
RequisitionProductDetailspriceBreaks | The Price Breaks resource gets the price break details of an item. |
ShoppingCatalogSmartFormDetails | The Shopping Catalog Smart Form Details resource retrieves smart forms when creating requisitions. This resource is not currently used. |
ShoppingCatalogSmartFormDetailsagreementRequisitionBUAssignments | The Agreement Requisition Business Unit Assignments resource is a child of the Shopping Catalog Smart Form Details resource. It is used to view the requisition business unit assignments associated with an agreement specified in the smart form. |
ShoppingCatalogSmartFormDetailsattachments | The Attachments for Smart Forms resource retrieves attachments for the smart form. |
ShoppingCatalogSmartFormDetailsinformationTemplateAssignments | The Information Template Assignments resource is a child of the Shopping Catalog Smart Form Details resource. It is used to view the information templates associated with a smart form. |
ShoppingLists | The Shopping Lists resource retrieves the shopping list headers available to a user. A shopping list header contains a collection of items or services that are available to a user to create a requisition. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges, and Status Codes topics. |
ShoppingSearches | The Shopping Search resource searches for items. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
ShoppingSearchesbrandFilters | The Brand Filters resource filters the items in the search results into distinct brands. |
ShoppingSearchesresultItems | The Result Items resource manages the search results. |
ShoppingSearchesresultPunchoutCatalogs | The Result Punchout Catalogs resource manages the punchout catalogs from the search results. |
StandardLookupsLOV | The standard lookups list of values resource is used to query the list of values of standard lookups, which list the available codes and translated meanings. Standard lookups are defined in the standard lookups view and store lookup codes that support reference data sharing. |
SupplierEligibilities | The Supplier Eligibility resource manages the eligibility of suppliers to participate in sourcing events. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
SupplierInitiatives | The Supplier Initiatives resource manages the initiatives. An initiative is used to create, manage, and track qualifications and assessments of your suppliers. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
SupplierInitiativesattachments | The Attachments resource manages the attachments. |
SupplierInitiativesDFF | The Flexfields for Initiatives resource gets the initiative descriptive flexfields. |
SupplierInitiativesevaluationTeamMembers | The Evaluation Team Members resource gets the evaluation team members on an initiative. |
SupplierInitiativesqualificationAreas | The Qualification Areas resource gets the qualification areas on an initiative. |
SupplierInitiativessuppliers | The Suppliers resource gets the suppliers on an initiative. |
SupplierNegotiationResponses | The Supplier Negotiation Responses resource retrieves the supplier responses to sourcing negotiations. These responses can be Active, Pending Award, Awarded, Rejected, or Disqualified. A supplier response captures details such as line price, answers to requirements, or supporting attachments. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges, and Status Codes topics. |
SupplierNegotiationResponsesattachments | The Attachments resource manages response attachments in the supplier negotiation response. |
SupplierNegotiationResponseslines | The Response Lines resource allows suppliers to view the response line price value. The line price along with quantity or estimated quantity and external cost factors, if applicable, are used to calculate the line response price, line response amount, and the response amount. |
SupplierNegotiationResponseslinesattachments | The Attachments resource manages response attachments in the supplier negotiation response. |
SupplierNegotiationResponseslinescostFactors | The Cost Factors resource captures supplier responses to external cost factors for a negotiation line. The external cost factor response values, along with the unit line price, are used to calculate the response price for the negotiation line. |
SupplierNegotiationResponseslineslineAttributeGroups | The Attribute Groups resource contains details about groups of attributes on the supplier negotiation line. |
SupplierNegotiationResponseslineslineAttributeGroupslineAttributes | The Line Attributes resource manages details about attributes on the supplier negotiation line. |
SupplierNegotiationResponseslinespriceBreaks | The Price Breaks resource captures a supplier's price breaks for the line based on location, quantity, or date. |
SupplierNegotiationResponseslinespriceTiers | The Price Tiers resource manages details about tiers according to quantity for a negotiation line to solicit tiered pricing from each supplier. |
SupplierNegotiationResponsessections | The Sections resource contains details of the sections of a supplier negotiation requirement. For example, commercial requirements, manufacturing capabilities, or technical requirements. |
SupplierNegotiationResponsessectionsrequirements | The Requirements resource contains details about the requirements of a supplier negotiation. |
SupplierNegotiationResponsessectionsrequirementsattachments | The Attachments resource manages response attachments in the supplier negotiation response. |
SupplierNegotiationResponsessectionsrequirementsresponseValues | The Response Values resource manages details about the requirement responses of a supplier negotiation. |
SupplierNegotiations | The Supplier Negotiations resource manages details about supplier capabilities and pricing negotiations for goods and services that the buyer procures. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
SupplierNegotiationsabstracts | The Abstracts resource manages details about the summary or abstract of a negotiation for posting to a public platform. |
SupplierNegotiationsabstractsDFF | The Flexfields for Abstracts resource contains details about abstracts. |
SupplierNegotiationsattachments | The Attachments resource manages details about attachments for supplier negotiation. |
SupplierNegotiationscollaborationTeamMembers | The Collaboration Team Members resource manages details about collaboration team members for each supplier negotiation and the tasks these members perform. For example, John Brown from engineering reviews item specifications, or Richard Smith from legal reviews terms and conditions. |
SupplierNegotiationsDFF | The Internal Flexfields resource contains details about the header of each internal supplier negotiation. |
SupplierNegotiationslines | The Lines resource manages details about products and services that the application sources in a supplier negotiation. For example, catering services or laptop computers. |
SupplierNegotiationslinesattachments | The Attachments resource manages details about attachments for a negotiation line. |
SupplierNegotiationslinescostFactors | The Cost Factors resource manages details about the cost factors for a negotiation line. For example, freight, setup charges, or switching costs. |
SupplierNegotiationslinesDFF | The Flexfields resource contains details about negotiation lines. |
SupplierNegotiationslineslineAttributeGroups | The Attribute Groups resource manages details about groups of attributes on the supplier negotiation line. |
SupplierNegotiationslineslineAttributeGroupslineAttributes | The Line Attributes resource manages details about attributes on the supplier negotiation line. |
SupplierNegotiationslinesnegotiationLineRecommendedSuppliers | The Negotiation Line Recommended Suppliers resource manages details about supplier recommendations for a negotiation line. |
SupplierNegotiationslinespriceBreaks | The Price Breaks resource manages details about price breaks for a negotiation line to solicit pricing from suppliers according to location, volume, or date. |
SupplierNegotiationslinespriceTiers | The Price Tiers resource manages details about tiers according to quantity for a negotiation line to solicit tiered pricing from each supplier. |
SupplierNegotiationsnegotiationActivities | The Negotiation Lifecycle Activities resource gets the details about sourcing activities performed in a negotiation. |
SupplierNegotiationsnegotiationRecommendedSuppliers | The Negotiation Recommended Suppliers resource manages details about supplier recommendations for a negotiation. |
SupplierNegotiationsresponseCurrencies | The Response Currencies resource manages details about response currencies in each supplier negotiation, including conversion rates to the negotiation currency. |
SupplierNegotiationsscoringTeams | The Scoring Teams resource manages details about teams that evaluate and score each requirement. |
SupplierNegotiationsscoringTeamsscoringTeamMembers | The Scoring Team Members resource manages details about the members in each scoring team. |
SupplierNegotiationssections | The Sections resource manages details about the sections of a supplier negotiation requirement. For example, commercial requirements, manufacturing capabilities, or technical requirements. |
SupplierNegotiationssectionsrequirements | The Requirements resource manages details about the requirements of a supplier negotiation. |
SupplierNegotiationssectionsrequirementsacceptableResponseScoreValues | The Acceptable Response Values resource manages details about the scoring criteria of each negotiation requirement. |
SupplierNegotiationssectionsrequirementsattachments | The Attachments resource manages details about attachments for a requirement. |
SupplierNegotiationssupplierDFF | The Supplier Flexfields resource contains details about the header of each internal supplier negotiation. |
SupplierNegotiationssuppliers | The Suppliers resource manages details about suppliers that submit a response for a negotiation. |
SupplierNegotiationssupplierssupplierLineAccessRestrictions | The Access Restrictions resource manages details about negotiation lines where supplier access is restricted. |
SupplierQualificationAreas | The Supplier Qualification Areas resource gets the areas in supplier qualification management along with the underlying questions. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
SupplierQualificationAreasattachments | The Attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments. |
SupplierQualificationAreasbusinessUnits | The Business Unit resource gets the business units for a particular area. |
SupplierQualificationAreasoutcomes | The Outcome resource gets the outcomes for a particular area. |
SupplierQualificationAreasquestions | The Questions resource gets the questions for a particular area. |
SupplierQualificationQuestionResponses | The Supplier Qualification Question Responses resource manages the question responses to qualification questions. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
SupplierQualificationQuestionResponsesvalues | The Values resource manages the values for the question responses. |
SupplierQualificationQuestionResponsesvaluesattachments | The Attachments resource manages the attachments for the question responses. |
SupplierQualificationQuestions | The Supplier Qualification Questions resource gets the questions. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
SupplierQualificationQuestionsacceptableResponses | The Acceptable Responses resource gets the acceptable response for a particular question. |
SupplierQualificationQuestionsacceptableResponsesbranches | The Branches resource gets the branching questions for the acceptable response for a particular question. |
SupplierQualificationQuestionsattachments | The Attachments resource gets the attachment for a particular question. |
SupplierQualificationQuestionsscores | The Scores resource gets the scores for number type questions. |
SupplierRegistrationAddressGeographies | The address geographies resource is used to view the address's geography. |
SupplierRegistrationAddressStyleFormats | The Supplier Registration Address Style Format resource is used to view the different styles in which an address can be formatted. The Supplier Registration Address Style Formats resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationAddressStyleFormatsAddressStyleFormatLayout | The Address Style Format Layout resource is used to view the layout of an address format. The address format layout is determined using the components in the address and their position in the layout. |
SupplierRegistrationBankBranchesLOV | The Supplier Registration Bank Branches List of Values resource lists bank branches that can be used in supplier registration. The Supplier Registration Bank Branches List of Values resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationBanksLOV | The Supplier Registration Banks List of Values resource lists banks that can be used in supplier registration. The Supplier Registration Banks List of Values resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationCertifyingAgenciesLOV | The Certifying Agencies List of Values resource searches for agencies that certify the business classification for the supplier. Certifying agencies are associated with one or more supplier business classifications based on the configuration on the Manage Certifying Agencies setup page. For example, the classification could be a certifying agency for a small business, or a certifying agency for minority owned business. This resource is for use by Oracle internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationConfigurations | The Supplier Registration Configuration resource is used to get the prospective and spend authorized configuration for each of the supplier entities from the setup Configure Supplier Registrations and Profile Change Request. For example, bank account information is required for spend authorized registration, or contact user account is required for prospective registration. The Supplier Registration Configuration resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationOptions | The Supplier Registration Options resource is used to get the options configured for the supplier registration flows from the Configure Supplier Registrations and Profile Change Request setup. For example, requiring attachment or requiring tax identifier information during supplier registration. The Supplier Registration Options resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationPhoneCountryCodes | The Supplier Registration Phone Country Codes represents the country that the phone number is associated with. The Supplier Registration Phone Country Codes resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationProductsAndServicesLOV | The Supplier Products and Services List of values resource searches for supplier products and services categories that are set up. For example, office supplies or computer technology. The Supplier Registration Products and Services List of values resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationProductsAndServicesLOVchildCategories | The Supplier Products and Services List of values resource searches for supplier products and services categories that are set up. For example, office supplies or computer technology. The Supplier Registration Products and Services List of values resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationQuestionnaireResponses | The Registration Questionnaire Responses resource manages the questionnaire responses. For example, suppliers provide their financial information in the questionnaire responses. You must have the necessary privileges to use this REST API resource. For details, refer to the Privileges topic. The Registration Questionnaire Responses resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationQuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireAttachments | The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments. |
SupplierRegistrationQuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireResponseSections | The Questionnaire Response Sections resource stores details about various sections included in a questionnaire response. |
SupplierRegistrationQuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireResponseSectionsquestionnaireResponses | The Questionnaire Responses resource stores response details such as response comment, and acceptance note for each question on the questionnaire sent to suppliers and internal responders. |
SupplierRegistrationQuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireResponseSectionsquestionnaireResponsesquestionAttachments | The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments. |
SupplierRegistrationQuestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireResponseSectionsquestionnaireResponsesquestionnaireResponseValues | The Questionnaire Response Values resource stores the response value, which could be a date, text, or number value, to a given question on a questionnaire. |
SupplierRegistrationRequests | The Supplier Registration Requests resource manages supplier registration requests with the deploying organization. For example, a prospective supplier registration or a spend authorized supplier registration. The Supplier Registration Requests resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsaddresses | The Addresses resource manages addresses for the Suppliers Registration Requests resource. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsaddressesaddressContacts | The Address Contacts resource manages contacts added to the address for the Suppliers Registration Requests resource. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsaddressesDFF | The operations from the Supplier Registration Requests/Addresses/Flexfields for Addresses in the Supplier Registration Request category. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsattachments | The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsbankAccounts | The Bank Accounts resource manages bank accounts for the Supplier Registration Requests resources. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsbankAccountsattachments | The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsbusinessClassifications | The Business Classifications resource manages supplier business classifications for the Supplier Registration Requests resource. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsbusinessClassificationsattachments | The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestscontacts | The Contacts resource manages supplier contacts for supplier registration. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestscontactsDFF | The operations from the Supplier Registration Requests/Contacts/Descriptive Flexfields category. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestscontactsroles | The Roles resource manages user account roles of the supplier contact for supplier registration. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsDFF | The operations from the Supplier Registration Requests/Flexfields for Supplier Registration Requests category. |
SupplierRegistrationRequestsproductsAndServices | The Products and Services resource manages products and services for the Suppliers Registration Requests resource. |
SupplierRegistrationRolesLOV | Lists the job roles that can be assigned to users during supplier registration. The Supplier User Roles List of Values resource searches for job roles that can be provisioned to supplier users. The list of roles are set up on the Manage Supplier User Roles page. The Supplier Registration User Roles List of Values resource is intended to be used by internal development groups only. |
SuppliersaddressesDFF | The Flexfields for Supplier Address resource manages supplier address descriptive flexfields. |
Suppliersattachments | The Attachments resource manages attachments for a supplier. |
SuppliersbusinessClassifications | The Business Classifications resource manages supplier business classifications. |
SuppliersbusinessClassificationsattachments | The Attachments resource manages attachments for a supplier business classification. |
Supplierscontactsaddresses | The Contact Addresses resource manages supplier contact addresses. |
SupplierscontactsDFF | The Flexfields for Supplier Contacts resource manages supplier contact descriptive flexfields. |
SuppliersDFF | The Flexfields for Suppliers resource manages supplier descriptive flexfields. |
SuppliersglobalDFF | The Global Flexfields for Suppliers resource manages supplier global descriptive flexfields. |
SuppliersproductsAndServices | The Products and Services resource manages supplier products and services. |
Supplierssites | The Supplier Sites resource manages supplier sites. |
Supplierssitesassignments | The Assignments resource manages supplier site assignments. |
Supplierssitesattachments | The Attachments resource manages attachments for a supplier site. |
SupplierssitesDFF | The Flexfields for Supplier Sites resource manages supplier site descriptive flexfields. |
SupplierssitesglobalDFF | The Global Flexfields for Supplier Sites resource manages supplier site global descriptive flexfields. |
SupplierssitesthirdPartyPaymentRelationships | The Third-Party Payment Relationships resource manages supplier site third-party relationships. |
ValueSets | ValueSets |
ValueSetsvalidationTable | ValueSetsvalidationTable |
ValueSetsValues | ValueSetsvalues |
WorkConfirmations | The Work Confirmations resource manages work confirmations created on complex work purchase orders. A work confirmation is a document that tracks the progress of work completed by the contractors or suppliers for a period of performance. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics. |
WorkConfirmationsattachments | The Attachments resource manages attachments for a work confirmation. |
WorkConfirmationsdocumentActions | The Document Actions resource retrieves the list of actions performed on a work confirmation. |
WorkConfirmationslines | The Lines resource manages work confirmation details, such as the total progress percent, quantity or amount of work completed for a period of performance. |