ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111




Name Type Description
ValueSetsValueSetId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the value set.
ValueId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the value.
IndependentValue String The independent value.
IndependentValueNumber Decimal The independent number value.
IndependentValueDate Date The independent date value.
IndependentValueTimestamp Datetime The independent time stamp value.
Value String The value.
ValueNumber Decimal The number value.
ValueDate Date The date value.
ValueTimestamp Datetime The time stamp value.
TranslatedValue String The translated value.
Description String The description of the value.
EnabledFlag String Indicates if the value is enabled.
StartDateActive Date The first date on which the value is active, if any.
EndDateActive Date The last date on which the value is active, if any.
SortOrder Long The order in which the values should appear in the list of values.
SummaryFlag String The summary of the value.
DetailPostingAllowed String Indicates if posting is permitted for the value.
DetailBudgetingAllowed String Indicates if budget entry is permitted for the value.
AccountType String The account type of the value.
ControlAccount String The control account of the value.
ReconciliationFlag String The reconciliation indicator of the value.
FinancialCategory String The financial category of the value.
ExternalDataSource String The location of the external data source if the value is maintained externally.
CreationDate Datetime The date when the record was created.
CreatedBy String The user who created the record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date when the record was last updated.
LastUpdatedBy String The user who last updated the record.
Finder String finder
ValueSetCode String valuesetcode
ValueSetId Long valuesetid

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111