ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Distributions resource manages purchasing details, such as details about accounting or the project.


Name Type Description
DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId [KEY] Long DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
LinesPOLineId [KEY] Long LinesPOLineId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
SchedulesLineLocationId [KEY] Long SchedulesLineLocationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
PODistributionId [KEY] Long PODistributionId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
DistributionNumber Decimal Number that uniquely identifies the purchase order distribution for the purchase order schedule.
POHeaderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order.
OrderNumber String OrderNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
POLineId Long Value that uniquely identifies the parent line of the distribution. This attribute is used when the schedule is split.
LineNumber Decimal LineNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
LineLocationId Long LineLocationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
ScheduleNumber Decimal ScheduleNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
Quantity Decimal Distribution quantity of the item that the purchaser is purchasing.
Amount Decimal Price multiplied by the distribution quantity. This attribute applies when the purchase order line contains a quantity. If the purchase order line references a fixed price service, then the value of this attribute is the same as the distribution amount.
DeliverToLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the final location that receives the item.
DeliverToLocationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the final location that receives the item.
DeliverToLocationInternalCode String Abbreviation that internally identifies the final location where you deliver goods previously received from a supplier.
DeliverToLocation String Name of the final location that receives the item.
POChargeAccountId Long Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the purchase. This attribute is applicable when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same.
POChargeAccount String Account to charge for the purchase. This attribute is applicable when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same.
POAccrualAccountId Long Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for receipt accrual. This attribute is applicable when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same.
POAccrualAccount String Account to charge for receipt accrual. This attribute is applicable when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same.
POVarianceAccountId Long Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the price difference between the invoice and the purchase order.
POVarianceAccount String Account to charge for any price difference between the invoice and the purchase order.
DestinationChargeAccountId Long Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the cost of the item in the requisitioning business unit.
DestinationChargeAccount String Account to charge for the cost of the item in the requisitioning business unit.
DestinationVarianceAccountId Long DestinationVarianceAccountId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
DestinationVarianceAccount String DestinationVarianceAccount of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
RecoverableInclusiveTax Decimal RecoverableInclusiveTax of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
RecoverableExclusiveTax Decimal RecoverableExclusiveTax of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
NonrecoverableInclusiveTax Decimal Tax that the purchase order amount contains. The purchaser cannot recover this tax.
NonrecoverableExclusiveTax Decimal Tax that the purchase order amount does not contain. The purchaser cannot recover this tax.
ConversionRate Decimal Conversion rate to use when converting the currency.
ConversionRateDate Date Date to use for the conversion rate when converting an amount into another currency. The conversion rate varies depending on the date.
CurrencyCode String CurrencyCode of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
Currency String Currency of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
UOM String UOM of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
BudgetDate Date Date when the organization consumed the budget.
ChangeAcceptedFlag Bool ChangeAcceptedFlag of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
ChangeOrderAmountCancelled Decimal ChangeOrderAmountCancelled of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
ChangeOrderQuantityCancelled Decimal ChangeOrderQuantityCancelled of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
DeliverToCustomerContactId Long DeliverToCustomerContactId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
DeliverToCustomerContact String DeliverToCustomerContact of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
DeliverToCustomerId Long DeliverToCustomerId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
DeliverToCustomer String DeliverToCustomer of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
DeliverToCustomerLocationId Long DeliverToCustomerLocationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
RequesterId Long Value that uniquely identifies the deliver-to person or requester.
Requester String Name of the deliver-to person or requester.
DestinationSubinventory String Subinventory that identifies destination to deliver the requested item.
FundsStatusCode String FundsStatusCode of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
FundsStatus String FundsStatus of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
ParentDistributionId Long Value that uniquely identifies the distribution from which this distribution was created.
ParentDistributionNumber Decimal ParentDistributionNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
ReasonForChange String Reason for changing the distribution.
RequisitionHeaderId Long RequisitionHeaderId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
Requisition String Requisition of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
RequisitionLineId Long RequisitionLineId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
RequisitionLine Decimal RequisitionLine of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
RequisitionDistributionId Long RequisitionDistributionId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
RequisitionDistribution Decimal RequisitionDistribution of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions
UOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure.
DFF String DFF
projectDFF String projectDFF
globalDFFs String globalDFFs
Finder String finder
Intent String intent
SysEffectiveDate String syseffectivedate
CUReferenceNumber Int Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables.
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111