ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Supplier Eligibility resource manages the eligibility of suppliers to participate in sourcing events. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics.


Name Type Description
EligibilityId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier eligibility.
SupplierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier participating in sourcing eligibility.
SupplierName String Name of the supplier participating in supplier eligibility.
BusinessUnitId Long Value that uniquely identifies the procurement business unit associated with the supplier eligibility.
BusinessUnitName String Name of the procurement business unit associated with the supplier eligibility.
SourcingEligibilityCode String Abbreviation that identifies the status of the sourcing eligibility. Valid values include ALLOWED, NOT_ALLOWED, and WARNING.
SourcingEligibility String Status of sourcing eligibility at supplier level. Valid values include Eligible, Not Eligible, and Eligible with warning.
SourcingAssessmentId Long Value that uniquely identifies the assessment associated with any sourcing activity.
SourcingAssessmentNumber String Number that identifies the most recent assessment based on which the sourcing eligibility of the supplier is decided.
SourcingEligUpdateDate Datetime Date when the user most recently updated the sourcing eligibility for a supplier.
SourcingEligUpdatedBy Long Login that the user used when updating the sourcing eligibility for a supplier.
SourcingEligUpdatedByName String User who most recently updated the sourcing eligibility for a supplier.
SourcingComments String Comments associated with the procurement business unit-level sourcing eligibility.
Finder String Finder of SupplierEligibilities

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Build 24.0.9111