ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


Agreement price breaks are reductions in the price of an item depending on certain conditions such as purchasing in bulk or from a certain location. For example, for a laptop, price will be reduced by 100 dollars if your order exceeds 20 quantity or 30 dollars if you order for a specific location.


Name Type Description
PurchaseAgreementLinesAgreementLineId [KEY] Long PurchaseAgreementLinesAgreementLineId of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
PriceBreakId [KEY] Long PriceBreakId of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
PriceBreakNumber Decimal PriceBreakNumber of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
LineNumber Decimal LineNumber of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
ShipToOrganizationId Long ShipToOrganizationId of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
ShipToOrganizationCode String ShipToOrganizationCode of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
ShipToOrganization String ShipToOrganization of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
LocationId Long LocationId of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
LocationCode String LocationCode of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
Location String Location of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
Quantity Decimal Quantity of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
UOMCode String UOMCode of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
UOM String UOM of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
Price Decimal Price of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
DiscountPercent Decimal DiscountPercent of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
StartDate Date StartDate of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
EndDate Date EndDate of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
CurrencyCode String CurrencyCode of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
Currency String Currency of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
AgreementLineId Long AgreementLineId of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks
Finder String Finder of PurchaseAgreementLinespriceBreaks

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Build 24.0.9111