The Distributions resource manages purchasing details such as details about accounting or the project.
Name | Type | Description |
PurchaseRequisitionsRequisitionHeaderId [KEY] | Long | PurchaseRequisitionsRequisitionHeaderId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
LinesRequisitionLineId [KEY] | Long | LinesRequisitionLineId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
RequisitionDistributionId [KEY] | Long | RequisitionDistributionId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
RequisitionLineId | Long | RequisitionLineId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
Quantity | Decimal | Quantity of goods being purchased. |
DistributionNumber | Decimal | Number that uniquely identifies the distribution associated with a purchase requisition line. |
ChargeAccountId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the account that the purchase from a requisition is charged to. |
ChargeAccount | String | Account that the purchase from a requisition is charged to. |
CurrencyAmount | Decimal | Monetary amount associated with the distribution line in the currency of the supplier. |
CurrencyNonrecoverableExclusiveTax | Decimal | CurrencyNonrecoverableExclusiveTax of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
CurrencyRecoverableExclusiveTax | Decimal | CurrencyRecoverableExclusiveTax of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
ChartOfAccountId | Long | ChartOfAccountId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
UserAccountOverrideFlag | Bool | UserAccountOverrideFlag of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
BudgetDate | Date | Date from which the budget is consumed. This date is used to determine the budget period. |
FundsStatusCode | String | FundsStatusCode of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
FundsStatus | String | FundsStatus of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions |
BindPreparerId | Long | bindpreparerid |
BindRequisitionHeaderId | Long | bindrequisitionheaderid |
Finder | String | finder |
RequisitionHeaderId | Long | requisitionheaderid |
CUReferenceNumber | Int | Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables. |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. |