ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Distributions resource manages purchasing details such as details about accounting or the project.


Name Type Description
PurchaseRequisitionsRequisitionHeaderId [KEY] Long PurchaseRequisitionsRequisitionHeaderId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
LinesRequisitionLineId [KEY] Long LinesRequisitionLineId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
RequisitionDistributionId [KEY] Long RequisitionDistributionId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
RequisitionLineId Long RequisitionLineId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
Quantity Decimal Quantity of goods being purchased.
DistributionNumber Decimal Number that uniquely identifies the distribution associated with a purchase requisition line.
ChargeAccountId Long Value that uniquely identifies the account that the purchase from a requisition is charged to.
ChargeAccount String Account that the purchase from a requisition is charged to.
CurrencyAmount Decimal Monetary amount associated with the distribution line in the currency of the supplier.
CurrencyNonrecoverableExclusiveTax Decimal CurrencyNonrecoverableExclusiveTax of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
CurrencyRecoverableExclusiveTax Decimal CurrencyRecoverableExclusiveTax of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
ChartOfAccountId Long ChartOfAccountId of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
UserAccountOverrideFlag Bool UserAccountOverrideFlag of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
BudgetDate Date Date from which the budget is consumed. This date is used to determine the budget period.
FundsStatusCode String FundsStatusCode of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
FundsStatus String FundsStatus of PurchaseRequisitionslinesdistributions
BindPreparerId Long bindpreparerid
BindRequisitionHeaderId Long bindrequisitionheaderid
Finder String finder
RequisitionHeaderId Long requisitionheaderid
CUReferenceNumber Int Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables.
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111