ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


Details of the goods or services to be purchased from the supplier. The line doesn't contain delivery dates or individual delivery quantities or amounts. For example, an agreement line can be service-based for installing a television or a goods item to negotiate the price for 50 laptops.


Name Type Description
PurchaseAgreementImportRequestsInterfaceHeaderId [KEY] Long PurchaseAgreementImportRequestsInterfaceHeaderId of PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslines
InterfaceLineId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the interface line.
InterfaceHeaderKey String Value that uniquely identifies the header record and is unique for the load request.
InterfaceLineKey String Value that uniquely identifies the interface line.
ActionCode String Values that indicates if a new record needs to be created or to update an existing record.
LineNumber Decimal Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order or agreement line.
LineType String Line type on purchasing documents.
LineTypeId Long Value that uniquely identifies the line type on your documents.
Item String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the item on the purchase order.
ItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the item on the purchase agreement.
ItemRevision String Value that identifies the revision number of the item.
Category String Value that uniquely identifies the purchasing category.
CategoryId Long Value that uniquely identifies the purchasing category.
ItemDescription String Description for the line item.
AgreementAmount Decimal Value that identifies the amount agreed for an agreement line.
UOM String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure on the agreement line
UOMCode String Code that identifies the unit of measure.
Price Decimal Unit price for the line.
Amount Decimal Value that identifies the amount agreed on an agreement line between the buying and selling organization.
AllowPriceOverrideFlag Bool Value that identifies if you can change the price on release shipments. Possible values are Y and N. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
NotToExceedPrice Decimal Value that identifies the price limit that you can't exceed on a release shipment.
SupplierItem String Value that identifies the supplier item number.
NegotiatedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the buyer and the supplier negotiated and agreed on the price before the purchase. If false, then the buyer and the supplier didn't negotiate the price before the purchase. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
NoteToReceiver String Special text instructions to the receiver in the docking area to be reviewed while performing the receipt.
NoteToSupplier String Value that uniquely identifies a note to supplier.
MinimumReleaseAmount Decimal Value that identifies the minimum amount that can be released against a blanket or planned purchase order.
SupplierPartAuxiliaryId String Value that uniquely identifies the item information.
SupplierReferenceNumber String Value that identifies the top model associated with the option or option class, or submodel.
AgingPeriodDays Int Value that identifies the maximum number of days the material may be on consignment.
ConsignmentLineFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the blanket purchase agreement and the purchase order include consignment lines. If false, then the blanket purchase agreement and the purchase order don't include consignment lines. The default value is false.
UnitWeight Decimal Value that indicates the unit weight.
WeightUOMCode String Value that uniquely identifies the weight unit of measure code.
WeightUOMName String Value that indicates the weight unit of measure.
UnitVolume Decimal Value that indicates the unit volume.
VolumeUOMCode String Value that uniquely identifies the volume unit of measure code.
VolumeUOMName String Value that indicates the volume unit of measure.
ParentItem String Value that uniquely identifies the parent option class or model for the item.
ParentItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the parent option class or model for the item.
TopModel String Value that identifies the top model associated with the option or option class, or submodel.
TopModelId Long Value that uniquely identifies the top model associated with the option, option class, or submodel.
SupplierParentItem String Value that identifies the supplier's identification number for the option class or model associated with item.
SupplierTopModel String Value that identifies the top model associated with the option or option class, or submodel.
PriceBreakType String Value that identifies the pricing scheme for the price breaks of this line.
AllowDescriptionUpdateFlag Bool Value that identifies whether item descriptions can be updated on document lines.
AttributeCategory String Category segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute1 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute2 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute3 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute4 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute5 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute6 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute7 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute8 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute9 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute10 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute11 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute12 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute13 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute14 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
LineAttribute15 String Line segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
Attribute16 String Segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
Attribute17 String Segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
Attribute18 String Segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
Attribute19 String Segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
Attribute20 String Segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate1 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate2 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate3 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate4 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate5 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate6 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate7 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate8 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate9 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate10 Date Date segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber1 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber2 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber3 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber4 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber5 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber6 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber7 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber8 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber9 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber10 Decimal Number segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp1 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp2 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp3 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp4 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp5 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp6 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp7 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp8 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp9 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp10 Datetime Date and time segment for the purchase agreement line descriptive flexfield.
InterfaceHeaderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the interface header.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslines
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslines
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslines
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslines
ProcessCode String ProcessCode of PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslines
ExpirationDate Date Date after which the item on this line can no longer be ordered.
AgreementQuantity Decimal Quantity agreed for an agreement line.
Finder String Finder of PurchaseAgreementImportRequestslines

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111