ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Assignments resource manages supplier site assignments.


Name Type Description
SuppliersSupplierId [KEY] Long SuppliersSupplierId of Supplierssitesassignments
SitesSupplierSiteId [KEY] Long SitesSupplierSiteId of Supplierssitesassignments
AssignmentId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site assignment.
ClientBUId Long Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that is a client of the procurement business unit where the supplier site resides.
ClientBU String Business unit that is a client of the procurement business unit where the supplier site resides.
BillToBUId Long Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that the application uses for billing instead of the client business unit that the user selects.
BillToBU String Business unit that the application uses for billing instead of the client business unit that the user selects.
ShipToLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the default shipping location on the purchasing document for the client business unit.
ShipToLocation String ShipToLocation of Supplierssitesassignments
ShipToLocationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the ship to location. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Locations task.
BillToLocationId Long Values that uniquely identifies the default billing location on purchasing documents for the bill-to business unit that the user selects.
BillToLocation String BillToLocation of Supplierssitesassignments
BillToLocationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the bill to location. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Locations task.
UseWithholdingTaxFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the withholding tax is applicable to the supplier assignment. If false, then withholding tax is not applicable. The default value is false.
WithholdingTaxGroupId Long Value that uniquely identifies the tax group that the application uses to assign the site to withhold tax.
WithholdingTaxGroup String Describes the withholding tax group that the application assigned to the supplier site assignment.
ChartOfAccountsId Long ChartOfAccountsId of Supplierssitesassignments
LiabilityDistributionId Long Value that uniquely identifies the liability distribution of new invoices for the supplier site.
LiabilityDistribution String The liability distribution of new invoices for the supplier site.
PrepaymentDistributionId Long Value that uniquely identifies the distribution of the prepayments for the supplier site.
PrepaymentDistribution String Prepayment distribution of the prepayments for the supplier site.
BillPayableDistributionId Long Value that uniquely identifies the distribution of the bills that are payable for the supplier site.
BillPayableDistribution String Distribution of the bills that are payable for the supplier site.
DistributionSetId Long Value that uniquely identifies the distribution set that determines the distribution on invoices for the supplier site.
DistributionSet String Distribution set that determines the distribution on invoices for the supplier site.
InactiveDate Date Date when the supplier site assignment is no longer active.
Status String Status of Supplierssitesassignments
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of Supplierssitesassignments
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of Supplierssitesassignments
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of Supplierssitesassignments
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of Supplierssitesassignments
BindPurchaseFlag String BindPurchaseFlag of Supplierssitesassignments
BindReqBuId Long BindReqBuId of Supplierssitesassignments
BindSourcingOnlyFlag String BindSourcingOnlyFlag of Supplierssitesassignments
BindSysdate Date BindSysdate of Supplierssitesassignments
Finder String Finder of Supplierssitesassignments
SupplierId Long SupplierId of Supplierssitesassignments

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Build 24.0.9111