ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


A document that's a long-term agreement between a supplier and the requesting organization, and can be referenced by purchase orders in the future. Agreements contain the details with which you agree with your supplier on specific terms and conditions, with or without indicating the goods and services that you will purchase. For example, an agreement with a supplier for 50 laptops, or an agreement with another supplier for installing a television.


Name Type Description
AgreementHeaderId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the purchase agreement.
AgreementNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the purchase agreement in the sold-to legal entity.
ProcurementBUId Long Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that manages and owns the purchasing document.
ProcurementBU String Business unit that manages and owns the purchase agreement.
BuyerId Long Value that uniquely identifies the buyer.
Buyer String Person who's responsible for managing the purchase agreement.
DocumentStyleId Long Name of the purchasing document style. This attribute allows organizations to control the parameters and values displayed on the application to match the usage of the purchasing document header.
DocumentStyle String Name of the purchasing document style. This attribute allows organizations to control the parameters and values displayed on the application to match the usage of the purchasing document.
StatusCode String Value that identifies the header status.
Status String Status of the purchase agreement relative to the purchase agreement life cycle.
SupplierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier.
Supplier String Name of the supplier who fulfills the item.
SupplierSiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site.
SupplierSite String Location that the supplier uses to purchase the item.
SupplierContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier contact.
SupplierContact String Person who represents the supplier when communicating with the buyer.
SupplierCommunicationMethodCode String Code that identifies the supplier communication method.
SupplierEmailAddress String Value that identifies the email address specified on the document to which the document after approval will be communicated.
SupplierFax String Value that identifies the fax number specified on the document to which the document after approval will be communicated.
StartDate Date Date on which the agreement becomes effective.
EndDate Date Date after which the purchase agreement is no longer valid.
AgreementAmount Decimal Value that identifies the amount agreed for an agreement line.
CurrencyCode String Code that identifies the purchase agreement currency.
Currency String Currency of the purchase agreement.
AmountLimit Decimal Value that identifies the amount limit on an agreement beyond which releases can't be created against the agreement.
MinimumReleaseAmount Decimal Value that identifies the minimum amount that can be released against a blanket or planned purchase order.
ReleasedAmount Decimal Value that identifies the amount released against this agreement. It's the sum of all the approved standard PO amounts.
Description String Description for the line item.
DocumentTypeCode String Value that identifies the document type associated with a change order template.
MasterContractId Long Value that uniquely identifies the associated contract.
MasterContractNumber String Number that identifies the contract from enterprise contracts.
MasterContractTypeId Long Value that uniquely identifies the master contract type.
MasterContractType String Administrator-created classification for enterprise contracts that determines contract functionality, including the presence of lines and contract terms.
ConversionRateTypeCode String Value that identifies the rate type that the application uses to determine the currency conversion rate for the purchase order.
ConversionRateDate Date Date to use for the conversion rate when converting an amount into another currency. The conversion rate varies depending on date.
ConversionRate Decimal Conversion rate to use when converting the currency.
RevisionNumber Decimal Value that uniquely identifies the document revision number.
SupplierAgreement String Number that indicates the supplier document number.
ReferenceNumber String Number used for EDI transaction audit trail reference.
ClosedDate Date Date when the order was closed.
RequiredAcknowledgmentCode String Indicates whether a supplier acknowledgment is required on the document and if required, what level it's required.
RequiredAcknowledgment String Acknowledgment that the application requires from the supplier. Values include document and schedule when supplier must acknowledge the header and schedule of the purchase agreement, document when supplier must acknowledge the header of the purchase agreement, or none when the purchase agreement doesn't require an acknowledgment.
AcknowledgmentDueDate Date Date that the application requests the supplier to acknowledge the document.
AcknowledgmentWithinDays Decimal Number of days that the supplier can decide to accept or reject the document.
PaymentTermsId Long Value that uniquely identifies the payment terms.
PaymentTerms String Terms that the application uses to schedule payments and calculate due dates, discount dates, and discount amounts for each invoice against the purchase order.
CarrierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the company that transports the item.
Carrier String Company that transports the item.
ModeOfTransportCode String Mode of transport that the shipper uses to transport the item such as land, sea, and air.
ModeOfTransport String Mode of transport to ship the item, such as truck, air, or boat.
ServiceLevelCode String Value that identifies the priority of transportation that affects how quickly goods are transported.
ServiceLevel String Priority that determines how quickly to transport the item.
FreightTermsCode String Code that identifies the type of freight terms for the document
FreightTerms String Terms that describe who pays charges to transport the item.
FOBCode String Code that identifies the type of free-on-board terms for the document.
FOB String Freight on board. Location where ownership of the item transfers from the supplier to the buyer.
RequiresSignatureFlag Bool Value that identifies if signatures are required on the purchasing document before it can be implemented. Possible values are Yes, or No.
BuyerManagedTransportFlag Bool Value that identifies that the buying company is responsible for arranging the transportation, from picking up the requested goods to delivering to ship-to locations specified on the order.
PayOnReceiptFlag Bool Value that identifies whether to generate invoices automatically on behalf of the supplier when supplier owned material stocked in buying organization's premise is consumed by the buying organization.
ConfirmingOrderFlag Bool Value that identifies whether the document is a confirmation of an order the supplier may already be aware of.
ConsumptionAdviceFrequencyCode String Code that indicates the consumption advice frequency.
ConsumptionAdviceFrequency String Value that identifies the default value of the frequency at which the consumption advice will be generated for all consumption transactions for consigned inventory purchased under this agreement. The possible values for consumption advice frequency are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
ConsumptionAdviceSummaryCode String Code that indicates the consumption advice summary.
ConsumptionAdviceSummary String Value that identifies the default value of the frequency at which the consumption advice will be generated for all consumption transactions for consigned inventory purchased under this agreement. The possible values for consumption advice frequency are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
AgingOnsetPointCode String Code that identifies the aging onset point.
AgingOnsetPoint String Value that identifies the mutually agreed event point at which consigned material begins to age. The possible values for aging onset point are None, Receipt, and Shipment.
AgingPeriodDays Int Value that identifies the maximum number of days the material may be on consignment.
NoteToReceiver String Special text instructions to the receiver in the docking area to be reviewed while performing the receipt.
NoteToSupplier String Value that uniquely identifies a note to supplier.
AutomaticallyGenerateOrdersFlag Bool Value that identifies whether an order should be automatically created for a requisition line referencing the agreement or not.
AutomaticallySubmitForApprovalFlag Bool Value that identifies whether the document can be automatically submitted for approval.
GroupRequisitionsFlag Bool Value that identifies whether or not requisition lines of different requisitions referencing the same agreement line should be grouped when creating an order.
UseCustomerSalesOrderFlag Bool Value that identifies whether requisition lines should be grouped by sales order number to create distinct purchase order.
UseShipToLocationFlag Bool Value that identifies whether to enable grouping requisitions by the requisition line ship-to location when creating orders.
GroupRequisitionLinesFlag Bool Value that identifies whether or not requisition lines referencing the same agreement line should be grouped when creating an order.
UseRequestedDateFlag Bool Value that identifies whether to use the date on requisition lines that the buying company requests the supplier to deliver the goods when trying to group requisitions while creating an order.
UseShipToOrganizationAndLocationFlag Bool Value that identifies whether item descriptions can be updated on document lines.
AllowUnassignedSitesFlag Bool Value that identifies whether the agreement can be used to order from supplier sites not listed as a purchasing site in the agreement's business unit assignments.
EnableRetroactivePricingFlag Bool Value that identifies whether all orders or only open orders should be automatically updated with retroactive price changes entered on their corresponding blanket agreement.
InitiateRetroactivePricingUponApprovalFlag Bool Value that identifies whether or not the retroactive price update background process should be initiated upon agreement approval.
RepriceOpenOrdersFlag Bool Value that identifies whether or not the retroactive price update background process should only reprice open unfulfilled orders referencing the agreement.
CommunicateRepricedOrdersFlag Bool Value that identifies whether or not orders that were repriced because of a price change on the referenced agreement should be communicated to the supplier.
PunchoutRequestsOnlyFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then automatic document sourcing will only restrict the contract agreement to be the source document for punchout requisition lines. If false, then automatic document sourcing will use the contract agreement as a source document for all requisition lines. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
UseOrderDateForOrderPricingFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the order date should be used to derive price on the orders referencing the agreement. If false, then the requested delivery date should be used to derive price on the orders referencing the agreement. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
Priority Int Priority that determines how quickly to transport the item.
Checklist String Value that uniquely identifies the checklist associated with the purchasing document.
CreationDate Datetime Date and time when the buyer or application created the purchase agreement.
CreatedBy String User who created the purchase agreement.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date and time when the buyer or application last updated the purchase agreement.
LastUpdatedBy String User who last updated the purchase agreement.
Finder String finder
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111